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[audio] Ex-MI5 officer on London bombings and the War on Terror

Adrian | 12.08.2005 13:24 | Analysis | Anti-militarism | Anti-racism | Terror War | London

Trained professional intelligence analyst David Shayler has some serious problems with the mainstream media's interpretation of the London bombings and the War on Terror. With his anti-war hat on he suggests some ways forward.

Tony Gosling interviews ex-MI5 officer David Shayler at the Big Green Gathering, amongst the lush Mendip Hills, on the 6th August 2005.

David talks about the inconsistencies with the official story of September 11th and the war on terror. He also speaks of issues that are bothering him regarding the bombings on 7/7/05 - including the eyewitness accounts suggesting bombs were under the tubes (see

Terror legislation and new laws are discussed and David gives his opinion on what the people should do to make their voices heard.


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Display the following 12 comments

  1. ex-Mi5 officer has dark side — The Informer
  2. i agree — get real
  3. The Mendip Hills — Dodging the Campaigns Field
  4. yeh ... and? — not an informer
  5. MI5 has a dark side!! — truthseeker
  6. David Shayler tells the truth........ — Tina cat visit
  7. Tina cat not interested in proof, just whitewash and kneejerk demonisation... — truthseeker
  8. PsyOps you lying fraudster! — magoo
  9. Can any of team remember Colin Wallace — Kincora
  10. Kincora — magoo
  11. And guess who he's a friend of....? — Redgrave
  12. what these comments say to me — Tony Gosling