UK Terror War Newswire Archive
Bats Out of Hell: SEE CIAs in Dulles Airport on Way to Crimes
22-04-2007 03:40

21-04-2007 03:56
MON 23 APRIL TILL THE 27 APRIL at brighton magistrates court/edward st /...3 anti war activists are on trial for protesting against edo mbms mass death and destruction factory...come along and lend your support to the peace activists..come for just one hour or every day...the more the merryier!!!..let all who can be there...sick of work??phone in well for a day!!and come along and watch the fun!!!let the games begin..see you there....allso demo outside the court 1pm friday the 27thIraq’s education system on the verge of collapse.
20-04-2007 23:35
Only an end to US/UK occupation can stop the liquidation of Iraq's academics.9/11: French Hijack Warning
20-04-2007 23:25
There has been something of a stir lately over Le Monde's revelation that France passed warning to the CIA in 2001 that Bin Laden was planning an aircraft hijacking.Nobody has paid a great deal of attention to the fact that the French intelligence came from the Uzbek security services.
Four days of “simulated” nuclear terrorist scenarios in the US & Europe
20-04-2007 21:56
The following article describes planned terror drills, these are sadly worth paying some attention to due to the number of drills that were occuring on 9/11.Could the following be describing 'The Pentagon's "Second 911"'

Let's hope not...
Vanunu Freedom Ride - last stop in London
20-04-2007 10:46
The Vanunu Freedom Ride finally reaches London on 21st April 2007. This bike ride of over 600 miles from Faslane nuclear weapons base to the Israeli Embassy in London calls for freedom for Mordechai Vanunu, a nuclear weapons-free Middle East and a just freedom for Palestine. Our ultimate aim - a world free of nuclear weapons.Anger erupts in Iraq over Baghdad bombings
20-04-2007 08:27

What is Blair waiting for?
19-04-2007 22:41
A worrying thought from The Peoples United Collective.Full article | 1 addition | 5 comments
EDO MBM Hide Evidence of War Crimes
18-04-2007 20:46
EDO MBM have removed references to the 'Zero Force Retention Arming Unit' from their UK website just a few days before it was to be used as evidence in the defence of three anti war protesters.DISARM DSEi public meeting 28th April @ ULU
17-04-2007 10:29
Saturday 28th April 2007, 2pmULU (University of London Union), Malet Street, London WC1E 7HY
Come along and get involved in the campaign to shut down DSEi 2007.
It is likely there will be police photographers outside the meeting. You may wish to wear a scarf in case of cold weather.
Islamofascism - Zionofacism - Judeofacism - Christofacsim - Whitehofacism etc.
17-04-2007 06:31
Equitable distribution of Collateral Language!Australia: Howard, Rudd escalate support for US-led Afghan war
17-04-2007 04:52

17-04-2007 03:32
April 23rd brighton magisrates courtFight for Justice...
16-04-2007 10:30

The War Against Iran and Possible False Flags
15-04-2007 17:38
It seems the Iranians stalled the Zionist Axis' plans a little by releasing the 15 British spies without conditions. The only thing needed to kick-start the war against Iran is another big false flag operation. Many scenarios are possible. If there's no viable false flag option possible, could they get the war going with fabrications alone? It would be a difficult sell.David Shayler to premiere his new 9/11 film in London - Mon 16 April
15-04-2007 15:31
David Shayler presents his new documentary: a rebuttal to the recent BBC 'Conspiracy Files' programme.A War to Spread Terror
15-04-2007 14:25
An indisputable fact of globalization and modernization is that sophisticated technologies transferred to the third world countries are controlled by transnational companies and/or governments. This has led to the concept of ‘self-colonization’ or acceptance of Western values and superiority; which deems that third world countries look to the West for research and development instead of self-reliance (Hveem, 1983). Iran escaped this trap due to the disdain felt towards it as a result of the 1979 revolution and the isolation forced upon it during the Iran-Iraq war. Iran learned self-reliance and escaped self-colonization.DJ Snow - another one of Tony's political whores
15-04-2007 13:53
Friday the 13th: 2:00 p.m. listing for court room 4.Sorry, there are three lay magistrates in this courtroom who might be impartial... off you go... Courtroom 2 for me and Jago and that indignant, arrogant, asshole DJ Snowjob
The Ten complacencies of a bent bench: