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Islamofascism - Zionofacism - Judeofacism - Christofacsim - Whitehofacism etc.

Zahir Ebrahim | 17.04.2007 06:31 | Analysis | Anti-militarism | Terror War | World

Equitable distribution of Collateral Language!

Islamofascism - Zionofacism - Judeofacism - Christofacsim - Whitehofacism - Atheofacism et. al.

Personally, I think that the fanatics of all 'religions' can be equally fascists.

It would not bother me so much if all such fanatics would be thusly labeled using the English language's finest words, and equitably hung and then burnt at stake as monumental criminals after a stint in Guantanamo Bay with vicious dogs grabbing at their genitals and entirely reenacting what transpired in Abu Garib for good measure!

However, as a rather straightforward and ordinary Muslim, I do find it deeply offensive that:

a) only uniquely label our 'pirates' thusly disparaging only Islam unjustly after these 'pirates' have been deftly created/nurtured by the 'emperor' and now have germinated,

b) use them as a convenient excuse for "imperial mobilization" as fighting a 'war on terror' as otherwise "democracy is inimical to imperial mobilization" and "that exercise requires a high degree of doctrinal motivation, intellectual commitment" including a “sudden threat or challenge to the public's sense of domestic well-being” and “truly massive and widely perceived direct external threat”, such as a "new pearl harbor",

c) profound morons on the planet, mostly the educated ones, and almost all of them living in the Western society - the supposed 'enlightened civilization' - continue echoing 'a' and conveniently ignore 'b' as the proverbial dancing/trumpeting/shitting monstrous elephant right in the nuptial bed that needs 'a' as much as fish need water!

So to equalize the 'primacy imperatives on the Grand Chessboard', and as a computer scientist well versed in identifying the most significant bit of every issue - just as the old wise man of antiquity, St. Augustine - let's call a spade a spade, shall we?

Fight Zionofacism and Christofacism and Judeofacism and Atheofacism in your own backyards in this 'war on terror' - the high order bits on which the real 'page faults' - and Islamofacism 20,000 miles away will automatically be wiped out without much trouble as the insignificant low order bit - just as it was brought into existence by "God on your side" with people in suits and ties!

I think everyone knows this - nothing new here - the only point of rehearsing this ad nauseam however, is because the deceit is also rehearsed ad nauseam. To take down a one sentence lie, almost takes 10 paragraphs.

But having done that, then what? We are defenseless civilians, we don't possess vast armies of conquest, nor WMDs, nor do we have any resources to reach the mainstream audience who are the prime movers of this "imperial mobilization" by virtue of their "united we stand" 'Good German' behavior! So we mostly preach to the choir - with some cheerleadin here and there , and all go home after a days workout on the treadmill! What has changed since October 7 2001 when Afghanistan was bombed and today 6-1/2 years later? Iraq was still bombed! And this time, Iran may be bombed with Nuclear Weapons! We are simply caught dispelling and unraveling the lines ad infiniteum - while Muslims continue to die from American and British Bombs paid for by the American and British tax payers!

Some of that frustration - the failure to be efficacious chasing the insignificant bits of the issue - is voiced in this article "History is great fun to rehearse - what does it do for us today?" at

Thank you.

Zahir Ebrahim

Zahir Ebrahim
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  1. Human Beings First? — Ilyan
  2. The Big Lie About 'Islamic Fascism' — Not All Are Equal - Not About Religion, But Ideology