UK Terror War Newswire Archive
Opportunities for young psychos (by Latuff)
13-10-2007 02:02

US hires mercenaries for Iraq (by Latuff)
12-10-2007 02:19

Iran, the Decider, and the Enablers
11-10-2007 23:27
The dates can only be guessed. November for the triggering incident, December for the trip to the U.N., February for the ultimatum, perhaps March again for the strikes. The repetition would suit his taste for boyish acts of defiance.Dragonflies with a byte: new spy insects being used to surveil antiwar protests
11-10-2007 22:28

Sheffield Guantanamo Protest 11th October
11-10-2007 20:29

Dangerous Crossroads: US Sponsored War Games
11-10-2007 08:22
These war games are being conducted amidst mounting US threats to actually declare a "real war" on Iran.CND video of 'Troops Out' demo
10-10-2007 12:18
3 minute long video of the 'Not One More Death' demo, from Trafalgar Square to Parliament on Monday 8th October 2007. Organised by Stop the War Coalition and Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND)Includes an interview with CND Chair Kate Hudson
Oil Laws - Colonising Iraq’s Economic Prize
10-10-2007 11:58
An Equitable Sharing of Resources?We are led to believe that Western societies are free and open. In many respects this is true: freedom of speech and the right to protest still exist, albeit within ever-tighter constraints. At root, however, much of what we see and hear in the corporate media has been shaped by money, power and greed. What passes for vibrant public debate is often a sham.
Video london anti war march 08-10-07SD
10-10-2007 02:30

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Hidden Detainees, East London Camp Xray
09-10-2007 18:20

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Video Rush: Troops Out Now Protest, London, 08/10/1007
09-10-2007 11:01

Stop the war march goes ahead
09-10-2007 08:09

Speak out against Iraq War (by Latuff)
09-10-2007 07:25

IRAQ, War Reports, Troop NEWS
09-10-2007 02:11
Demonstrations now for the first time being led openly by veterans in uniform, issuing open challenge to Washington through open display of American flag as belonging to the troops and people.Open calls for serving soldiers to join, display of anti-war veterans and serving comrades as people representing the majority of the public.Including invitations to help the new change expand further.London Underground CCTV firm replaces fugitive CEO
08-10-2007 22:50

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Troops Out Now: Interview with Tony Benn
08-10-2007 21:33

Surveillance Society - the future now
08-10-2007 21:08

TOPOFF 4 and Vigilant Shield 08: a view from the "feverish fringe"
08-10-2007 18:11
All the pieces will be in place. The top officials in town. The Iranian problem presumably still unresolved. The usual alphabet soup of security agencies represented. The majority of the citizenry rendered fully docile by the reporting and editorial pablum of mass media narcotics purveyors like The Oregonian.Evidence Of FBI And CIA Death Messagings
08-10-2007 17:09
The fbi and the cia have many ways to threaten, intimidate, or otherwise communicate with the Target of their homicidal plots. One method is to send suggestions via the site meter of a website owned and managed by the Target himself. The following report shows how this is done and at the same time reveals the cowardly nature of the global hoodlums sometimes referred to as the fbi/cia.RAF Lakenheath Blockade
08-10-2007 08:35
Six people are currently blockading the main gate at RAF Lakenheath. Their banner states: Stop the War Crimes Not The Protests. They have photographs that indicate that 492 Squadron from Lakenheath dropped over 1,000 bombs in the recent 4 month deployment in Afghanistan possibly including cluster bombs.