UK Terror War Newswire Archive
24/7 Ongoing Anti-War Vigil has been Established at the U.S. Embassy London
02-09-2013 22:57
Vigil info, offers of help & messages of supportMobile/ Cell 074 485 99 856
(From outside the U.K.) + 44 74 485 99 856
If you're nearby, swing by!
Donations and fundraising needed to support Chelsea Manning’s Family!
02-09-2013 22:14

Mon 9 September: Protest the drones at Aberporth, west Wales
02-09-2013 12:03

Dewch i ymuno a ni ar 9 Medi - a dywedwch wrth eraill!
Please do come to join us on 9th September - and tell others!
Emergency Action For Syria
02-09-2013 11:17
Forward plan For an Emergency.....Forward plan For an Emergency.....Forward plan For an
'24 Hour 0n-going Peace Strike Picket'
Outside the US Embassy, Grosvenor Square W1A 2LQ
Starting 7pm Monday 3rd August 2013
“Hands Off Syria” national march and rally – report and pic
31-08-2013 22:57

Wrexham protests re. threatened military action in Syria
30-08-2013 18:54

Around a dozen people showed up in Queens Square, Wrexham this morning at short notice in visible opposition to the threat of western military action in Syria. The government may have lost the Commons vote last night but there's every chance it won't be able to resist getting involved in some way if the US goes ahead with an attack.
Among those protesting today were two enthusiastic children who made sure the placards were displayed to their best advantage throughout the morning and a Syrian friend who has alreadly lost five cousins and numerous acquaintances in the conflict.
Hands Off Syria Demo in Cambridge.
29-08-2013 20:19

Stop The War protest in Whitehall turns to civil disobedience – report & pics
28-08-2013 23:41

Martin Summers: William Hague Is "Going To Nuremberg" If He Attacks Syria
26-08-2013 10:57

Damascus: Syrian army finds chemicals .........
25-08-2013 10:04
Syrian army finds chemicals in militants’ tunnels ....... Syrian army soldiers have found chemical agents in tunnels dug by the foreign-backed militants in a northeastern suburb of the capital, Damascus, Syrian TV says. The discovery came after the government forces surrounded a sector of militant-held district of Jobar on Saturday. "Army heroes are entering the tunnels of the terrorists and saw chemical agents," Syria television said, adding, "In some cases, soldiers are suffocating while entering Jobar.” ...Assad’s successes and the decline of the Arab Spring
22-08-2013 10:43

Egypt:Conflicting Narratives.
20-08-2013 08:38
This article looks at the dominant but conflicting narratives coming out of Egypt and considers to what extent either can be taken at face value. Nevertheless, there are serious concerns which need addressing.Berlin: Raids and Demonstrations - "We are not scared".
16-08-2013 18:36

The May 29 Case in La Paz (TIPNIS and the FAI-FRI)
14-08-2013 13:05
On May 29, 2012, 13 people were arrested in La Paz, Bolivia, as part of an antiterrorism witch hunt directed against anarchists in response to a series of arsons, bombings, and sabotage claimed by the FAI-FRI and related to government plans to build a highway through TIPNIS, a protected rainforest. Subsequently, most of those arrested have been released, in some cases after snitching to prosecutors. Two people remain locked up. This article is an attempt to cut through the pervasive misinformation surrounding the case, and facilitate solidarity for those who deserve it. It is also an attempt to learn certain practices of communication in anarchist circles that aid repression and hinder solidarity.
Together with comrades in La Paz we have convoked an international day of solidarity for May 29, 2013. We intend this article to lend clarity and background to that convocation.
Greece : Letter from the Initiative of Anarchist Prisoners in Korydallos Prison
14-08-2013 12:51
Mapuche youth assassinated, call for solidarity
14-08-2013 12:49
Dark Nights #36 – ‘Freedom to the Wolves of the North’ – August 2013 (ACN)
14-08-2013 12:41
August 2013 issue of Dark Nights dedicated to a long hot dangerous summer. International news and reports from the informal network of counter-information and translation. Front page covers the repression in Thessaloniki, northern Greece, against comrades from the Nadir squat after the attacks of the Phoenix Project by cells of the Informal Anarchist Federation – International Revolutionary Front. Front page sidepanel is the contribution of Actforfreedomnow!/BoubourAs to the gathering concerning the informal network of counter-info and translation which took place at Nadir itself previous to the repression.Occupy vs. The Arms Fair
13-08-2013 20:24

Come and create a mass action against the arms fair in solidarity with the international struggles for justice.
Support Bradley Manning at Brighton Pride Sat 3 August
02-08-2013 19:22

Bradley Manning, a gay soldier in a homophobic military environment, risked his life and liberty to bring us evidence about the wars being fought in our names. His trial has been going on since 3 June, he has been found guilty on charges that could add up to a sentence of 136 years. His trial continues in Fort Meade, Maryland, where evidence is being presented in relation to sentencing. He needs our support and solidarity.
Bradley Manning Verdict: With friends like Ann Clwyd...
31-07-2013 13:22

"At this point I would throw out some questions... What about the people who sent Manning to Iraq? Let's hear some things about them..."

Good idea!