UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Demonstrate against Britain's racist immigration laws Tuesday 26 October • 5-6pm
19-10-2010 19:38
Fight Britain's racist immigration laws! Close Communications House!Tuesday 26 October • 5-6pm
outside Communications House Immigration Reporting Centre
Old Street London, EC1V 9BR
(called by Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! All welcome)
Sussex Police Corruption is alive unlike its victims
19-10-2010 16:49
The family of Jay Abatan are trying to find witnesses to the vicious attack that left him withsevere head injuries. Following 5 days in intensive care, Jay Abatan lost his fight for life.
No one has been brought to justice for his killing.
English Defence League London demo 24th October 2010
17-10-2010 14:17

British Freedom Party: Fluffy Fascism
17-10-2010 10:03
The newly formed BFP are promoting a form of 'fluffy fascism.' Will The Fluffies be a threat to the BNP?The EDL Are Nazis
16-10-2010 10:04
The continued denials by the English Defence League that they are not nazis is beginning to sound very foolish as the evidence piles ever higher.Jimmy Mubenga posters in South London
15-10-2010 21:20
Because of the current practical media blackout and misinformation surrounding the events aboard BA Flight 77 where Jimmy Mubenga was murdered, anti deportation activists have taken it upon themselves to inform people about these tragic and disgusting events.Amsterdam anti-fascists call out for resistance against EDL demonstration
15-10-2010 12:00
Press release: Amsterdam anti-fascists call out for resistance against pro-Wilders EDL demonstration.On the 30th of October the notorious racist hooligans from the English Defence League (EDL) are planning a demonstrative gathering on the Museumplein in Amsterdam.
They do this to express their support for Geert Wilders while he awaits the verdict in his prosecution for hate incitement en discrimination. They also want to use this event to launch an pan-european movement with new divisions formed in the Netherlands and France.
The EDL are an mixed collection of racists, neo-Nazi’s and hefty hooligans who in Great-Britain organise regular demonstration that most of the times end in brutal violence against random members of the public, cops and counter protestors.
Oppose the English Nationalist Alliance on November 20th 2010
15-10-2010 05:14

English Defence League V Muslim Defence League London rally October 42th
14-10-2010 04:24

MacMalatesta On The BNP
12-10-2010 12:30
The BNP are no' lookin' sae guid north ae the border! Or doon south.Oppose the English Defence League London rally on October 24th
12-10-2010 11:37
The English Defence League are a racist & Islamophobic organnisation with links to the BNP, Combat 18, Blood & Honour, National Front & UKIP. They have rioted in Newcastle, Dudley, Bolton, Bradford & Leicester. The EDL have been arrested on bombing charges, have placec pigs heads on mosques, pulled off womens hijabs etc. They say they are against extremism but are against all Muslims.EDL & Terrace Culture
12-10-2010 10:02
Unpleasant though it may be, it is important to understand the racist attitudes of the EDL in comparison with the BNP and to examine the terrace culture from whence it came.10 years of the Palestinian Intifada, 10 years of boycotting M&S
11-10-2010 20:37
On 25 September, activists from FRFI and other groups held a lively demonstration outside Marks and Spencer on Oxford Street, to mark 10 years of Palestinian Intifada and 10 years of the weekly picket against M&S.(video of event can be seen here:

10 years of the Palestinian Intifada, 10 years of boycotting M&S
11-10-2010 19:55

EDL in Coventry and Nuneaton today
09-10-2010 10:44
EDL also going to Coventry and Nuneaton this afternoon. Counter-demo in Coventry at 3.30pm outside council house (Note -- UAF involvement).English Defence League leader Tommy Robinson asks EDL members to leave :Youtube
09-10-2010 03:18
The English Defence League is facing a major upheaval after EDL leader Tommy Robinson addressed the EDL members and told them that some members had to go following accusations of theft of money, rumour mongering and other problems. Tommy Robinson has made a short film based on The Muppets called The John Snowy Shaw Show. Granny Doris has also been ejected along with others in EDL.Leicestershire Old Bill Land in hot water today
08-10-2010 21:03
They propose plans to issue their own exclusive press card for the Saturday 9 Oct EDL DemoEDL in Leicester tomorrow -- More details
08-10-2010 15:17
The EDL are planning to stir-up hatred in Leicester. They claim that they have "pull[ed] all police liaison", "remove[d] all stewarding" and "will still march in one way or another".Oi! No Borders benefit in Wales
08-10-2010 12:26

Report of actions during the No Border
07-10-2010 19:30
The No Border camp in Brussels has been subject to harsh punishment, this repression prevented the majority of public actions (such as Wednesday and Friday demos or the "game-action" on Thursday) and a lot of others. Despite this repression and the violence in the police stations, a few actions took place during the week. This is an attempt to list it... To be completed?