UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Most pathetic NF demo EVER.
21-04-2008 12:12

Demonstrate against the Counter-Terrorism Bill
21-04-2008 08:44
DEMONSTRATE against theCounter-Terrorism Bill
12 May 2008
5-7pm in Parliament Square (tube: Westminster)
No to Punishment without Trial!
No to Secret Inquests!
Join the struggle against injustice! All welcome!
Protest against the BNP's party political broadcast 21.04.08
21-04-2008 08:15
The British National Party's (BNP) party political broadcast is scheduled to take place on Monday 21 April at 6.55pm (today).The BNP is standing candidates in the London Mayoral and Assembly elections and will be standing 625 candidates in the local elections in England and 29 in Wales. The party political broadcast will be broadcast throughout England.
The BNP is a fascist organisation, not a legitimate political party, with explicitly racist, sexist, homophobic policies. Only two weeks ago the BNP were again exposed. Nick Erikson one of the BNP candidates in London was forced to withdraw his candidacy, after he was exposed for writing sexist, racist and offensive comments on a blog in which he uses the name "Sir John Bull" visit ( for quotes from his blog.
UN's Louise Arbour under attack over Rwanda
21-04-2008 02:46
The UN's High Commissioner of Human Rights is due to step down after just one term. Some say the decision comes because of revelations indicting her in unsavoury goings on in Rwanda.Full article | 2 additions | 5 comments
Carnival against despair
20-04-2008 10:47
Love Music Hate Racism CarnivalSunday 27 April
Victoria Park E3
Free entry
Unfair Media Bias Against China, with coverage of chinese protesters on 19/04/08
19-04-2008 22:10
It's time to publish what the media won't, the other side of the story.Free Mumia now! All out today at 1pm, US Embassy, London!
19-04-2008 08:22

Mumia Abu-Jamal
is innocent!
Abolish the racist
death penalty!
Saturday 19 April
1pm, US Embassy,
Grosvenor Square, London W1A
(Nearest Tube: Bond Street)
Contact the Partisan Defence Committee on 020 7281 5504 or at

Netanyahu Says Any Abbas-Olmert Agreement Will be Voided
19-04-2008 07:06
What Netanyahu has done has been to literally sabotage any possibility of an agreement by saying that Israel won't honor any agreement between Abbas and Olmert.If "Bebe" Netanyahu unilaterally voids a peace deal made by the previous Prime Minister, the diplomatic future of any agreements made with any other nations is also in peril. .
Because if one Israeli PM can void out an agreement a previous Prime Minister has signed off on, then absolutely no foreign policy accords with any country with Israel can ever be seen to be binding, including those done with the US.
This means that Israel's word, as a nation, to another sovereign nation, can be scuttled at the whim of any future prime minister who doesn't like what his predecessor did.
That said, I do not think that Likud Chairman Netanyahu really has to worry.
Olmert appears to be just "running out the clock" on the current administration, waiting for what he believes may be a "better deal" on any Palestinian statehood from whoever winds up in office after the November elections.
What needs to happen is for the world to get involved in ending Zionism's program of wiping Palestine off the map, and taking the faux 'peace process' Israeli Extremists use to perpetuate the conflict out out of the hands of the war's biggest sponsor.
Mass Graves of Canadian Children Revealed; Catholic Pope Issued Letter of Demand
18-04-2008 09:41
At a public ceremony and press conference held yesterday in downtown Vancouver, the Friends and Relatives of the Disappeared (FRD) released a list of twenty eight mass graves across Canada holding the remains of untold numbers of aboriginal children who died in Indian Residential Schools, most of them run by the Catholic Church.
Facsist Home Attacked
18-04-2008 08:54
Bedfordshire Fagin Facsist Home AttackedWestern Media Fabrications regarding the Tibet Riots
17-04-2008 23:00

Free Mumia now! All out this Saturday!
17-04-2008 20:17

Mumia Abu-Jamal
is innocent!
Abolish the racist
death penalty!
Saturday 19 April
1pm, US Embassy,
Grosvenor Square, London W1A
(Nearest Tube: Bond Street)
The latest PDF leaflet with new endorsers is attached; contact the PDC for more information and to help build the demonstration, speak and to endorse the protest. 020 7281 5504

Israel Loves Mugabe
16-04-2008 01:10
In reviewing the facts, it is hard to come up with a single despotic government that hasn't received some sort of aid or assistance from the Israelis: Colombia, where "former" Mossad agents train government anti-terrorist units and right-wing paramilitaries – El Salvador, where arms and expertise provided to successive right-wing juntas helped stabilize these US-supported regimes – Guatemala, where "former" Israeli military and intelligence officers provided security for the notoriously repressive Guatemalan military dictatorship – and the pattern is repeated throughout South and Central America.The list goes on: Iran, under the rule of the Shah Reza Pahlavi, was the scene of the notorious SAVAK's worst crimes: the Iranian secret police reportedly were schooled in techniques of torture by the Mossad.
Mother on hunger strike
15-04-2008 21:43
breast feeding mother on hunger strike since 5th April when they tried to take her and her baby to the airport. she took refuge in the church and refused to leave. there is a genocide going on in Burundi.Olmert Lays Out Cease-Fire Demands
15-04-2008 19:42
Note that Olmert confuses the cease-fire with the negotiations to follow, and that he's using this to achieve the same goals that his Government of Extremists had hoped to achieve through their illegal policies, which are wholly responsible for this crisis and escalation in tensions and violence.Listen To Our Cry/ Mothers on hunger strike
15-04-2008 18:21
Seven mothers in the family unit in Yarl's Wood immigration prison are on hunger strike since Thursday the 10th of April. The group of those not eating includes two breastfeeding mothers.A protest involving up to 15 families started last Thursday when a mother who was to be taken to the airport took refuge in the church with her baby and refused to leave.
Harmondsworth prison: who profits?
15-04-2008 17:36
Some background.Sodexo founder Pierre Bellon, a very good friend of Sarkozi, wants to increase the use of detention Europe wide.
Ruling gives 'failed' asylum-seekers free healthcare
14-04-2008 17:11
Thousands of failed asylum-seekers won the right to free healthcare yesterday, when the High Court ruled that restrictions on NHS treatment were unlawful.