UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
UKIP Billboard redecorated in Tunbridge Wells
07-06-2009 21:14

British medic held in Sri Lankan IDP camp.
05-06-2009 22:34

Public Meeting: After the Euro elections ... how to STOP the BNP?
05-06-2009 18:07
Public meeting called by Notts Stop the BNP. Supported by Notts Trades Union Council. Speakers from local anti-fascist campaigns and trade unions.Tariq Hamid Majid must stay!
05-06-2009 13:15
Tariq Hamid Majid is the lead singer of the Daholl Kurdish Foundation, who will be performing at next Saturday afternoon's Refugee Week event in Birmingham's Chamberlain Square. His claim for asylum has been refused by the Home office on the demonstrably untrue grounds that it is not believed that he is a professional singer and that, even if that were the case, there is no evidence to suggest that singers are at risk of persecution in Iraq.Speak out Against Racism and Deportations - 13 June 2009 12-3pm
05-06-2009 11:33
Open-air rally with speeches from anti-racist groups across London, uniting to take a common stand in defence of migrant workers and asylum seekers.Please come along and bring speeches, music, chants, literature. Add your voice and help us speak out againt racism.
Public rally outside Angel Tube station, Islington, London N1
Report of Palestine action inside and outside M&S in Newcastle, 04.06.09
04-06-2009 23:12

An urgent plea on behalf of torturers
04-06-2009 17:13

Bristol antifascist action
04-06-2009 15:34
04-06-2009 15:15

New anarchist freesheet "The Cambridge Leveller"
04-06-2009 13:02
The first issue of The Cambridge Leveller by Cambridge Anarchists is now out. The free community paper has news and views about the Stagecoach bus "service", anti-fascism in Cambs, looking back at May Day, beating bailiffs, and the council's woeful trach record on housing and anti-traveller racism.Real-life stories about British people & asylum seekers coming to Sheffield
04-06-2009 10:46

WHEN: June 18 @ 7:00pm, part of Refugee Week (13 – 21 June 2009)
WHERE: Upper Chapel, Norfolk Street, Sheffield, S1 2JD
The Bristol Mobilisation for the Calais No Border Camp (23-27 June, 2009) is und
04-06-2009 10:24
The rise in influence of The BNP, UKIP and the rest of the racist right is made possible by the idea that “stopping” migration is either achievable or desirable. In the current race debate, which is dominated by the eugenicist front “Migration Watch” and their lapdogs at the Express and Mail groups, a position that talks about migration in terms of ending all border controls seems unthinkable.Sri Lanka: Humanitarian access urgently needed (Amnesty International appeal)
04-06-2009 08:37
*Please complete the email appeal letter to the Sri Lankan authorities expressing their concerns about the hundreds of thousands of Sri Lankans facing serious human rights violations.
Cardiff info night for Calais no border camp-June 4th
03-06-2009 22:24

Action! Race War To Door Wars - a Review
03-06-2009 11:28
A review of Joey Owens's book, from an ex-AFA memberNo Border Camp Mobilisation clip
02-06-2009 12:42
Check out this short film about Calais!Anti-facists leaflet against BNP in Hastings
01-06-2009 16:49
Today, Anti-facists leafletted the streets on Hastings discouraging people not to vote for the BNP in Thursdays EU and council elections.Israel lobby commits major blunder in France: tries to silence a comedian
01-06-2009 10:19

This was hardly the first time that the French Zionist mob had decided to crush an outspoken critic of its role in French politics or its unconditional support for the last racist state on the planet: Israel. But this time, the Ziomob miscalculated, badly. Dieudonne began making the accusations of anti-Semitism made against him a central piece of his shows.