UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
PDC film showing: Free Mumia Abu-Jamal now! Today at 5pm
05-07-2008 12:19
Partisan Defence Committee film showing - today at 5pm (including time for discussion)Watch the Partisan Defence Committee DVD 'From Death Row, This is Mumia Abu-Jamal'
Free Mumia Abu-Jamal now!
Abolish the racist death penalty!
5 pm, Saturday 5 July 2008
Birkbeck College, Room 407, Malet Street, London WC1
Nearest Tube: Russell Sq or Goodge St
PDC film showing: From Death Row, This is Mumia Abu-Jamal! (Tomorrow)
04-07-2008 20:18
Partisan Defence Committee film showingWatch the Partisan Defence Committee DVD 'From Death Row, This is Mumia Abu-Jamal'
Free Mumia Abu-Jamal now!
Abolish the racist death penalty!
5 pm, Saturday 5 July 2008
Birkbeck College, Room 407, Malet Street, London WC1
Nearest Tube: Russell Sq or Goodge St
Sussex Police Admit They Were Wrong To Restrict Boycott Israel Demonstrators
04-07-2008 12:35
PRESS RELEASEBrighton and Hove Palestine Solidarity Campaign
for info email

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BBC Message Boards - Scandal Of A Nazi Occupation
04-07-2008 09:51
More evidence of a widespread campaign of ID theft on the BBC Message Board System.A cancer sufferer is publicly bullied by racists on its disability message boards, whilst simultaneously being harassed by the British National Party at home and at work. Her messages show a definite link between a BBC message board hacker and attacks carried out by the BNP.
Unity Care Keeps Asylum Seeking Children in Poverty
04-07-2008 07:10

10-year-old subjected to torture by Israeli soldiers
04-07-2008 01:46
The days of allowing our Governments to continue to Appease this pariah state are over. The facade has been dismantled, and we all now know that Zionist Extremism is the problem.Time to deal with Israeli Extremism ...
When You Shoot the Messenger: Israel Brutalizes Palestinian Journalist
04-07-2008 00:52
This was an act of racism and retribution, against a man who dared expose the world to the brutal realities of the Israeli Occupation, and Zionism's escalated war against the Palestinians.PDC film showing: Free Mumia Abu-Jamal now! (Saturday)
03-07-2008 17:20
Partisan Defence Committee film showingWatch the Partisan Defence Committee DVD 'From Death Row, This is Mumia Abu-Jamal'
Free Mumia Abu-Jamal now!
Abolish the racist death penalty!
5 pm, Saturday 5 July 2008
Birkbeck College, Room 407, Malet Street, London WC1
Nearest Tube: Russell Sq or Goodge St
Nick Griffin The Mugabe-Style Dictator
03-07-2008 14:38

Award-Winning Palestinian Journalist Brutalized by Israeli Shin Bet
02-07-2008 23:28
Welcome to Israel's great "democracy", as seen from the Palestinian perspective!Of course, this kind of brutal sadism is routine for Palestinians; this time, Shin Bet got caught doing it, something they loathe to have happen.
And of course, the one thing Israel will understand, no country dares to do (for fear of being labeled "anti-Semitic") , and that is immediately, pull all funding from Israel, period, end of discussion, until it decides to act like the kind of mature, adult country which does not beat journalists senseless because they have had the courage to tell the truth.
Zimbabwe to US & Britain: GO HANG!
02-07-2008 21:50
US, Britain and western nations are calling for more sanctions on Zimbabwe. This is in furtherance of a renewed recolonization of Africa by the west. As we saw with Iraq, sanctions are no less than murder without firing bullets.Ban the beggars
02-07-2008 18:26
In our western societies where the rich are becoming richer because they will not even share the crumbs from their wealth no one should be surprised that the town of Assisi, home of St Francis, the saint of the poor, has banned all beggars from its churches and streets.Three Families Pass their Fly by dates
02-07-2008 16:10
Three families due to be removed in the last two days are still here but it was hectic and for all three families it went right to the wire.All were taken from Yarl's Wood and arrived at Heathrow airport; only one family was actually put on a plane.
Arrested outside Black Arts Fest! Dr. Aisha Fields, Uhuru leaders jailed in U.S.
01-07-2008 16:53
Uhuru Movement leaders were arrested last night in Alabama. On the way to the airport they stopped for gas near their home, which is in the vicinity of the Alabama A&M University, where the Black Arts Festival had just concluded.International Congolese Day Demonstration, London 30 June
01-07-2008 16:26

Pictures (C) 2008, Peter Marshall. All rights reserved.
Smash The BNP's ScumFest
01-07-2008 09:44

Colin Auty's BNP leadership challenge collapses after two months of inertia
01-07-2008 07:46
Colin Auty bites the dust...Chagos Islanders Picket House of Lords
30-06-2008 22:13

Pictures (C) Peter Marshall, 2008. All rights reserved.
CHAGOS: UK Highest Courts deciding merits of cleansing UK citizens!
30-06-2008 13:55
Apparently the House of Lords are supposed to be deciding on the merits of the British government appealing against a lower court decision which granted British citizens the right to return to their homes.#6 The July Show Now Online ~ Riseup! Radio - check it out
30-06-2008 11:02

Ahoy! From the heart of our lovely city we bring you another lively show, this time with special guest presenter Hicham Yezza, who was arrested at Nottingham Uni in May on Terrorism Charges but is now free (on bail) to join us, talk about his experiences and play some music. Other than that, lots of news, commentary and local music. Check it out..
Listen: #6 The July Show