UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Australian Aboriginal elders lodge genocide case in High Court
16-04-2005 10:50
A group of Australian Aboriginal elders has vowed to disrupt next year's Commonwealth Games unless Prime Minister John Howard and others are charged with genocide.NO QUOTAS : LEGALIZATION !! Migrants take Action In Paris
16-04-2005 07:12
On Wednesday the 13th of April, close to one hundred sans-papiers from Droits Devant !! and support group activists, such as bishop Jacques Gaillot and Professor Albert Jacquard, occupied the headquarters of the Federation Francaise du Batiment (F.F.B -French Federation of Construction).Guantanamo play - 'In God We Trust'
15-04-2005 23:02

BNP substitute to face Howard.
14-04-2005 17:47
Following appears in the local rag for Michael Howard's constituency Folkestone & Hythe (Kent).China Charges Japan War Crimes! What about China with regards to Tibet...
14-04-2005 00:11
China Charges Japan War Crimes! What about China with regards to Tibet, Tianinmen Square and Taiwan? Interesting how easily people forget the death of many innocent peoples in China itself!It's not racist......
13-04-2005 21:11
Are you thinking what they're thinking? It's not racist to endanger ethnic minorities in order to advance your careerReport from Amman, Jordan with 11photos.
13-04-2005 06:15

British elections and immigration MP3
12-04-2005 21:52
nice DJ-mix by DJ Moniker on the majorissue of the upcoming British elections - "clampdown"
on immigration - It's real nice -both major parties'
leaders "sing" in a bloody unison...
Unite Against Fascism days of Action
12-04-2005 20:50
Taking on the BNP in the Elections - Days of Action April 16th and 30th.conservative party/ tories/ tory party/ conservatives
12-04-2005 20:46
Check out our latest Conservative website and help us get in by following the 'make your own conserative billboard' advice.We are not a bunch of self-interested in-bred racist fuckwits but he future of Britain.

Caterkiller Peterlee (Co. Durham) Blockaded
12-04-2005 19:02

R.I.P. Andrea, my sister
12-04-2005 12:31
Andrea Dworkin died at the weekend, leaving the radical feminist community feeling a profound loss.Seven Australian Indigenous nations seek unity
12-04-2005 10:25

12-04-2005 09:58
Indigenous Elders from geographic Australia are lodging a writ of mandamus at High Court Registry in Melbourne at 10.00am tomorrow morning on the Wednesday 13 April 2005
Red Hand Commando Loose In Bradford
12-04-2005 00:37
As a result of the long term anti-racist and anti fascist activities of an individual living in the Little Horton area he has become a major threat to the ambitions of the BNP, the UDA and other fascist and racist organisations. So scared are they of a retired doctor that they have recruiteda Red Hand Commando to assassinate him.
What about the Racism That We Face? (Racism within and by union)
11-04-2005 22:05
This Article was written by a member of a Canadian union and Originally published at
Racism has an unquestionably destructive effect upon worker solidarity.
What strategies do unions have in place for combating racism within the union?
Pastor Makielokele Nzelengi Daly - or Detainee 4707
11-04-2005 18:16

"I asked them, what are you doing here? It was then that the children told me that "oh, we were told we were coming to visit you." And I told them “no no no no, thats not reality, the reality is you've been arrested with me."
"My daughter asked me ‘why should we be arrested, what did we do? Should we be arrested for nothing?’ Those kind of words are very painful to a father."
Don't Be Fooled By Fascist Lies
11-04-2005 16:47
Fascists have been posting on Leeds Indymedia.BNP stand in all wards but Brightside
11-04-2005 15:52
It has long been predicted that the BNP will only field candidates in Hillsborough, Heeley and Brightside.