UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Israeli Army shoot member of Brighton delegation with rubber bullet
14-04-2007 18:19
Israeli Army shoot member of Brighton delegation with rubber bulletFor immediate release: Friday 13th April 2007
A 28 yr old Brighton man was shot in the arm today by a rubber bullet fired by the Israeli Army. He was on a weekly demonstration against Israel’s apartheid wall in Bil’in village, Palestine.
Fascists leafletting in Todmorden
14-04-2007 10:42
Fascist skinheads are currently leafleting Todmorden.On a door to door basis.
Help need to stop them.
Singo furious over Broadcast Regulator’s ruling on Alan Jones
13-04-2007 03:39
One could almost feel sorry for highflying, right wing, media types who derive a living from exploiting the lowest aspects of human nature. But there is ‘no love lost’ around here and I imagine anywhere else. Media moguls are getting a taste of life at the receiving end, perhaps they may think twice before making IRRESPONSIBLE racist, vilifying comments at the expense of those in the least position to defend themselves. The results of negative media hype and racist remarks include foul abuse levelled at you, your wife and kids in public; being spat on for no reason other than your skin colour or religion, and the ugly culmination of all racist behaviour, the race riot (Cronulla, 2005). Are we sorry the purveyors of social division and slur are experiencing frustration at the lack of recourse and remedial action available to them – not on your life?Over 250 DR Congolese on Anti-Deportation demo in Birmingham
13-04-2007 00:13

Asylum Rights: national day of action in defence of asylum rights on 19th May!
12-04-2007 23:13
Tyneside Community Action for Refugees (TCAR) calls on all those opposed to the current attacks on asylum seekers to join us in a national day of action in defence of asylum rights on Saturday 19th May.DRC Deportations Demo (April 12)
12-04-2007 20:55

False stories part of plan to isolate Iran
12-04-2007 17:05
The crude commercialisation of the Tehran sailors' episode is part of a larger agenda. It is yet another manoeuvre designed to create the atmosphere for imminent military action against Iran. In facing this challenge, the Iranian leadership has to show that it is capable of holding on to certain principles while remaining strategically intelligentOH DEAR HOW SAD NEVER MIND!!!
12-04-2007 15:24
A BNP candidate has been barred from standing for Kirklees because he works for the council.
Auty Faces New Probe Over Song
12-04-2007 15:20
The Yorkshire Evening Post can reveal a new inquiry into the activities of Kirklees Council’s Coun Colin Auty (BNP, Dewsbury East) could begin shortly.Gina--A journalist detain in Yarls wood
11-04-2007 21:56
Her name is Gina Khachatryan and she is being held with her husband VAHAN and daughter ELEN. The Home Office officials took them from Blandford Road, Salford in the early hours of Easter Monday, 9th April. They closed off the street and gave them 30 minutes to pack a few clothes. They are to be deported on Friday at 10.50 on flight KM101 to Malta, then on to Moscow and ArmeniaStop The BNP by May 3rd
11-04-2007 18:34
Stop the BNP in Hucknall next Wednesday (18th) - mass leafletting urgentDeportations by charter flights February 2007
11-04-2007 13:21
Figures obtained by the National Colaition of Anti Deportation Campaigns under the Freedon of Information Act.NINE DEMONSTRATIONS 12th APRIL 2007 NO MORE DEPORTATIONS TO DR CONGO
11-04-2007 12:41
On 12th April 2007, there will be a "directions hearing"for the CountryGuidance tribunal on the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). After this the date for the full hearing will be established. We need to be out in force on 12th April, and on any
subsequent tribunal dates, to show our solidarity with the legal team
defending the cause of Congolese asylum seekers and to protest against
further deportations to DRC.
Anti-fascists - Counter National Front Demo This Sunday in Newcastle
11-04-2007 10:10
This Sunday the 15th of April - 10.30 AMAnti-deportation protest stall - Saturday 14th April
10-04-2007 12:01
Anti-racist activists from NWASDG and Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! will be holding another anti-deportation protest and stall on Saturday 14 April from 12.00pm on Market Street in Manchester city centre.His name is Heine...Ben Heine. (by Latuff)
10-04-2007 05:28

"Cruel and Unusual Punishment" is a compilation CD
10-04-2007 05:13

Etymology and the Israel Lobby: When an Anti-Semite is Not an Anti-Semite
09-04-2007 21:37
What do Einstein, Mahatma Ghandi, Ehud Olmert and, yes, me all have in common? We could each be censured for racism according to the European Union Monitoring Centre's 'working definition of anti-Semitism' which was last week adopted by the UK's National Union of Students as official policy.Ben Heine vs The Zionist Gang (by Latuff)
09-04-2007 13:56

Ahmadinejad cartoons in the British press
08-04-2007 23:03