UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Bayer, IG Farben and Auschwitz
27-01-2005 13:49
Today politicians and elderly survivors of the Nazi death camp have gathered in Auschwitz to mark the 60th anniversary of its liberation by Soviet troops and remember the victims of the Holocaust.Attached you find some materials about the role the company IG Farben played in the Third Reich and especially in Auschwitz.
Tell the NF to bugger off on the 60th anniversary of Aushwitz Liberation.
27-01-2005 08:51
Block their forums.Poland: repressions agianst anti-Putin protestors
27-01-2005 06:48

More about Chechanya see:

'Terror Suspects Dad' Wednesday 26th January, 10pm, BBC2
26-01-2005 11:02
Case of Babar Ahmed to be broadcast on national televisionA Taste of Palestine III
26-01-2005 08:54

Eyewitness Report from Fallujah by an Iraqi Doctor - urgent
26-01-2005 01:44

Tories: The desperation continues.
25-01-2005 15:21

ROMA HOLOCAUST DAY RALLY - outside the Houses of Parliament Thursday 27th Jan
25-01-2005 11:38
Join the rally outside Parliament at 2pm on Thursday 27th January (Westminster Tube)on the occassion of the official Holocaust Memorial Day event STOP 2nd. HOLOCAUST!
Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration
23-01-2005 22:11

Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration
A mockery of the European charter – evictions of Roma in Romania
21-01-2005 01:50
“In order to combat social exclusion and poverty, the Union recognises and respects the right to social and housing assistance so as to ensure a decent existence for all those who lack sufficient resources, in accordance with the rules laid down by Community law and national laws and practices.” (Art. 23.3, European Charter of Fundamental Rights)On January 13th a group of 70 Roma were taken by the Romanian Police in Bucharest and fined between 750,000 to 1,000,000 Rol (20 - 25 euro) for illegal housing. They were released around 2 p.m the same day. Later on the representatives of the City Hall, police officers and gendarmes came to the Roma neighbourhood with orders for eviction and demolition of houses.
Due to the presence of Romani Criss a Romanian Human rights NGO; the actions were postponed for the next day not before non-nominally summonses were handed.
According to Romani CRISS[1] there is no legal ground for the actions of the 1st district Bucharest City Hall since the field is private property.
The actions are a serious infringement of the right to property granted under the Romanian Constitution as well as a violation of International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights respectively the Government Obligations to Prevent Forced Evictions.
Despite the legal arguments invoked by Romani CRISS, the City Hall representatives continued to execute the demolition of the houses. The Mayoralty pulled down two buildings. Following a series of interventions from representatives of the Romanian Government and Parliament the actions was stopped and measures to address the situation taking in consideration the complex issues affecting the Roma community from Tarafului Street.
ERIO[2] and Romani CRISS consider such actions of social exclusion carried out by public local authorities against Roma are not only illegal but against the Lisbon Strategy and in grave discrepancy with the political discourse of the Romanian Government.
Both ERIO and Romani CRISS express their concern regarding the potential danger of such practices carried by local authorities and recommend a better collaboration between national and local authorities in order to promote the social inclusion of Roma.
Both organisations congratulate the reaction of representatives of the Romanian government and parliament and consider that further steps in the same direction, together with a stronger collaboration between the Roma NGOs and the political elites could curb the historical exclusion and discrimination of Roma in Romania.
[1] Romani CRISS combines civic militantism with the designing and the implementation of public policy programs for the benefit of local Roma community, in order to respect Roma rights as human beings and as a minority. CRISS activates in the multiethnic communities with Roma population from Romania in order to consolidate the local democratic institutions based on the non-discriminatory respect of the civil, political, economical and cultural rights. CRISS promotes the political concept of Roma as people in the world Diaspora and as a European minority to whom the national states and the intergovernmental institutions have a special responsibility.
[2] See
Valeriu Nicolae Executive Director ad interim ERIO
European Roma Information Office
Avenue Edouard Lacomble 17 , Brussels 1040
Tel : 0032 (0) 2733 34 62
Fax: 0032 2733 3875
Mobile :0032 (0) 476538194
Bell Hits Out At Witness Schools
20-01-2005 22:12
The Chief Inspector of Schools has provoked anger after suggesting Jehovah’s Witness Faith Schools were dividing the British nation along the lines of “people who limp and people who can walk properly.”Why is this Tolerated?
19-01-2005 19:59
Jews attacked in England [Beaten by "Asians" in Stamford Hill]Jerusalem Post ^ | Jan. 19, 2005 | Douglas Davis
Eight ultra-Orthodox Jews have been injured, some seriously, in a spate of anti-Semitic attacks in the London district of Stamford Hill over recent weeks,
Northern Irish Law Society accused of political bias in move to strike Padragin
18-01-2005 15:29
The Law Society of Northern Ireland are in the process of closing down the law practice of Padragin Drinan. She can no longer represent her clients and they are asking the High Court in Belfast to freeze her assets immediately. Many in the human rights community beleive this to be a politically motivated move.HMD Lecture
18-01-2005 13:30
Oxford Chabad Soc. Holocaust Memorial Lecture with Janina Fischler-MartinhoVoting: The great American Hoax
17-01-2005 02:19
Voting: The Great American HoaxDirect Democracy vs. Electoral Politics, an Anarchist look at Voting.
Fascist Boneheads in Train Accident
15-01-2005 17:20
After a lot of confusion and last minute date changing (no doubt to keep anti-fascists off the scent), the National Front (NF) finally decided to have their march in Woolwich on Saturday 15th January. Thanks to the efforts of anti-fascists, all did not go well for the NF.Iraqi Insurgents Responsible for Fewer "Collateral" Casualties than American For
15-01-2005 15:45
In a much publicized article in The Atlantic Monthly, William Langewiesche wrote: "For the most part, . . . the insurgents' attacks are less nihilistic than they are logical and precisely focused, whether against the American coalition and its camp followers or their Iraqi agents and collaborators. The truth is that however vicious or even sadistic the insurgents may be, they are acutely aware of their popular base, and are responsible for fewer unintentional 'collateral' casualties than are the clumsy and overarmed American forces" ("Letter from Baghdad," January/February 2005).NF march today
15-01-2005 12:26
the NF march is advertised for tomorrow..but it aint,its really happening today 15.01.05 in woolwich then its moving to plaistow.Get down there and show them there a bunch of Racist wankers.Planning for European Day of Actions for Migrant Rights
14-01-2005 11:14
January 20th - London meeting to plan for 2nd April Euro Day of Actions for Migrant Rights