UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Uhuru Radio interviews Catherine Austin Fitts
18-07-2008 16:05

Former Wall Street investment banker discusses relationship between illegal drug economy, prisons and corporate profits.
Neo-Nazis Turn Asylum Seekers, Kevin Watmough Cries His Little Eyes Out...
17-07-2008 16:40

These and other tales from the lunatic fringe of British fascism.
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URGENT - Protest against the BNP meeting in Southey
14-07-2008 22:47
The BNP are to hold a public meeting in Sheffield on Wednesday, 16th July. Sheffield Unite Against Fascism is calling a protest against these racists and fascists organising in our city.Protest against fascist BNP's Red, White & Blue
14-07-2008 21:48
Protest against fascist BNP's Red, White & BlueLeeds Fascists Tony White & Kevin Watmough Arrested! Simon Sheppard On The Run!
14-07-2008 18:23
Tony White & Kevin Watmough have been taken into custody today. Simon Sheppard and Steve Whittle (AKA Luke O'Farrell) are on the run.Drop the charges against Ayodeji Omotade!
13-07-2008 14:16
If opposing violence is a crime - we are all on trialStop the BNP’s Festival of Hate
10-07-2008 20:29
South Yorkshire meeting to mobilise for the protest against the BNP’s Red White and Blue FestivalCologne (Germany): Call against international racists conference in September
10-07-2008 16:56
From the 19th to the 21st of September, racists and neofascists from Austria (FPÖ), Belgium (Vlaams Belang), Italy (Lega Nord), the USA (Robert Taft Group), Great Britain (British National Party), Spane and Hungary are planning to hold a so called „Anti-Islamization-Congress“, invited by the self constituted citizens' initiative „pro Köln“ (pro Cologne), to spread their propagandha against people with other origin ore religion under the smokescreen of a pretended critique on Islam.We will not tolerate such a international racist gathering, so we are calling to impede this conference! With the tool of civil disobedience we will defy „pro Köln“ and their entourage...
Get participated on the mass-blockades in Cologne!!!
French sans-papiers occupation : two months !
10-07-2008 08:56

Israel Attacks NGO's, Schools, Human Rights Offices Throughout W. Bank
09-07-2008 23:56
Israel has always wanted an excuse to attack any institutions whose purpose is to help the Palestinians, or minimize their suffering, since Israel's ruling Extremists WANT the Palestinians to suffer, and abandon their legal and moral rights.Israel's ruling Extremists have also planned a massive reinvasion of Gaza for over a year, and were on their way to achieving it, aided by the International Community's silence on their deliberately-engineered crisis in Gaza, when certain players demanded a cease-fire to halt Israeli aggression, and the Palestinians' responses.
Now, Israel is desperately attempting to goad the Palestinians into responding to its actions, in a fashion which will be big enough to hold out to the world as "proof" that the Palestinians don't want peace - in order to appear the victim, as it always does when it wants to attack the Palestinians.
It should be noted that several of the organizations affected were instrumental in the recording and reporting of several acts of racism and violence against Palestinian civilians - many of them children - by the IDF, Shin Bet, and Settler-Extremists.
Mathias Edoh
09-07-2008 21:27
Fresh from a spell in a government detention centre, the asylum seeker came close to being sent back to Togo this week despite hopes of a judicial review of his case.Lobbying airline companies DOES work!
09-07-2008 12:45
More news - lobbying airline companies DOES work!Keep sending those faxes and emails!
BBC Ouch Message Board – Another Disabled Victim Is Silenced
08-07-2008 11:16
Bully a cancer victim on the BBC Ouch Message Board – that's O.K.Mention ID theft on BBC Ouch Message Board - You're OUT!
London Citizens' Zimbabwean Action day - Friday 11th July 2008
08-07-2008 09:58
Well, we know we have very different positions from Strangers into Citiziens...and not too keen to go to Church perhaps! nevertheless it is important to support the Zimbabweans many of whom are again facing deportation to face repression and torture at the hands of Mugabe.Around the Campaigns Tuesday 8th July 2008
08-07-2008 09:32
Bridget O'Koro and Osaivibie still here.Rebecca & Darren gone but not forgotten
Prossy Kakooza wins latest battle with Home Office
Peter Gitau Gichura back in the wars
Video of David Hilliard founder of black Panther
07-07-2008 21:59

Do You Have Love in Your Culture?
06-07-2008 00:56
On the brutalization of award-winning Palestinian journalist, Mohammad Omer, by Israel's Shin Bet, upon his return from Europe.Israeli Settlers Bind Palestinian Teacher to Pole and Club Him
06-07-2008 00:53
Israel's own Extremists are desperate to provoke another round of attacks on the Palestinians. Their seething rage over the past few weeks alone has allowed the world to glimpse the barbarity and racism which is so prevalent in Zionist Extremism, which sadly holds power in the Knesset today.Any bets this won't make the nightly news?
Ha'Aretz: Sanity Now
05-07-2008 21:35
I love Ha'Aretz, for it always reminds me that most Israelis are victims of their Government and Extremists (currently one and the same), and that most of them oppose the perpetuation of Zionism's expansionist war and cultish drive for 'Greater Israel', and just want to live in peace and coexistence with their Arab brethren.Syria Calls on UN to Stop Israeli Aggression Against Its Citizens in Golan
05-07-2008 18:28
As Israel receives glowing praise in the international press for talking indirectly with Syria, it's proceeding into Syrian territory in much the same way it does Palestinian land. Are these talks simply an extension of the facade which passes for a 'peace process' with the Palestinians, which is solely designed as a stalling tactic?