UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Video: Shir Hever - The Political Economy of Israel's Occupation
26-02-2011 23:23

Protest against anti-Gypsy/Traveller racism
25-02-2011 15:44
Over the weekend, campaigners from the Gypsy and Travelling communities will hold a two-day demonstration in central London in protest at the racism directed at their communities.300 immigrants on hunger strike in Greece: 32nd day
25-02-2011 12:15
On the 23rd of January 300 immigrants arrived to Piraeus from Crete, Greece, to commence a hunger strike in order to make their voices heard on their demand for basic human rights.In a time of war - the strange case of racism and politics in Barnsley
25-02-2011 01:21
Does the selection of 'war hero' Dan Jarvis to fight the Barnsley seat signal a shift in Labour tactics?Direct action in Warsaw over Polish-Israeli govenrment summit in Jerusalem
24-02-2011 14:56

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Stop Anti-Traveller Racism At Leeds Common Place
24-02-2011 10:29
(How much lower can The Common Place sink?)BNP Call for day of action this weekend!
22-02-2011 22:16

Christian Voice Lends Support To The EDL
21-02-2011 17:28

BARAC public meeting Birmingham on 21st February
21-02-2011 10:35
Black Activists Rising Against Cuts (BARAC) is holding a public meeting in Birmingham on 21st February for any blacks who wants to fight the cuts.Demo, revolt, fire and escape at Brussels detention centre today
20-02-2011 23:31

The Uninvited Visitors
20-02-2011 20:06
On Wednesday 26th January 2011 at approximately 6am in the morning, my son had just made the first adhan for Fajr and was waiting to make the second adhan. All of a sudden, there was a bang on the door.Veolia lost contract in Richmond - West London
20-02-2011 09:53

Mike Marqusee at Oxford PSC meeting on March 8th
19-02-2011 18:39
Tuesday 8th March Oxford PSC Monthly meeting 7:30 Oxford Town Hall. Mike Marqusee, author of “If I am Not For Myself: Journey of an Anti-Zionist Jew” will speak about his book, and about his recent visit to Palestine where he met people facing eviction in Silwan and Sheikh Jarrah in East Jerusalem and lawyers and activists working with them.Jordan Pont, Nazi Postmen of the Royal Mail
18-02-2011 06:11

EDL, BNP and Islamophobia (by Latuff)
17-02-2011 22:31

Radical folk singer David Rovics barred from Frankfurt social centre
17-02-2011 20:32

English Defence League: Racist? Violent? Me? (by Latuff)
17-02-2011 05:30

The very tolerant English Defence League (by Latuff)
16-02-2011 07:03

Justice on trial – the case of Mumia Abu Jamal - film show 20 Feb
14-02-2011 11:43
Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! invites you to a free showing Justice on trial – the case of Mumia Abu Jamalon Introduced by a speaker from the Free Mumia Abu Jamal Defence Campaign UKSunday 20 February 7pm at The Compass, 58 Penton Street (corner of Chapel Market) London N1 (nearest tube Angel)
Media Blackout of Protests in Occupied Cyprus
13-02-2011 21:00
Turkish Cypriots continue indefinite strikes and to take to the streets to protest the occupation by Turkey... a small island that is the heart of British strategic interests in the region... unlike Egypt the 30,000 strong occupying force is an army not made up of relatives of the protesters but of external occupiers... where is the solidarity that is so badly needed?