UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
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Demonstration against the BNP Event in Derbyshire : Designated Protest Point!
20-08-2008 09:45

Demonstration against the BNP Event in Derbyshire : The March
20-08-2008 09:32

Demonstration for Asylum Seekers’ Right to Work 21 August Sheffield
19-08-2008 13:06
We’re not here for benefits - We want the right to work.No deportations of Darfuri asylum seekers
Invitation to Roma solidarity demo on 19 September 2008, in Manchester
19-08-2008 10:15

Date: Friday 19 September 2008
Time: 11.30am
Place: Italian Consultate. 111 Piccadilly Manchester, M1 2HY.

Italy. Why don't we use the Roma boys as slaves?
18-08-2008 23:51
Racist Italy goes over the limit and through the words of the Rome Police Prefectcomes up with an aberrant proposal: why don’t we use teenage Roma boys as “little slaves”?
Demo at BNP festival. Pics & report.
18-08-2008 23:07

European Union immigration policy (by Latuff)
18-08-2008 18:31

No Borders activities against Labour Party Conference
18-08-2008 15:31
On the 20th September the Labour Party Conference will return to Manchester. To coincide with this there will be a demo organised by Stop The War and a counter conference organised by The Convention of the Left. Manchester No Borders will be hosting a number of events including a block on the demo, workshops, a tour of Manchesters immigration system and a punk and poetry evening.Resistance 2010: No Olympic Games on Stolen Native Lands
18-08-2008 10:36
Please copy, distribute, forward and organize support and solidarity for the Resistance 2010 against the Vancouver Olympic Games.Stay away from Denmark
18-08-2008 10:05
This is to warn of any foreign person or persons who are planning to travel to Denmark.Don’t come. Stay away. For your own, and your family’s sake.
The Danish society is in 2008 run by a right-wing extremist government, controlled by a right out fascist party called: The Danish Peoples Partry (Dansk Folkeparti). They hate foreigners.
The general atmosphere in Denmark is bad, very bad.
Especially if you are a possible refuge that is planning to seek asylum in Denmark,
help your self: don’t do it.
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Protestors at RWB
16-08-2008 12:28
One cause, one aim, why can't we all join together instead of the infighting and bickering that seems to affect the Anti-fascist movement every time we mobalise.Anti-fascists Prepare to Stop BNP "Festival" in Derbyshire
15-08-2008 23:27
Between 15th and 17th of August, the fascist British National Party (BNP) is holding its annual Red, White and Blue 'festival' on a farm in Denby, Derbyshire. In previous years this so-called 'family festival' has brought together BNP members and white supremacists from across the world to enjoy Nazi marching songs and drunken glassings. Local campaigners involved in Nottinghamshire Stop the BNP have been mobilising since late last year. The call has subsequently been taken up by Antifa England, Lancaster Unity, Hope Not Hate and Unite Against Fascism among others.Full article | 3 additions | 5 comments
Britain's Racist Police
15-08-2008 16:34

Militant anti-racist attacks in Germany - 13th-15th August
15-08-2008 14:43

Cyberspace: Website of speculator and right-wing organisations Hacked
Cologne: Stones and colour against the racists of "Pro-Köln"
Self-Harm in Immigration Detention 2nd Quarter 2008 April/May/June
15-08-2008 14:39
Self-Harm in Immigration Detention 2nd Quarter 2008 April/May/JuneThere were 61 incidents of 'Self-Harm requiring medical treatment' in April/May/June 2008 an increase of 27% on previous quarter Jan/Feb/Mar 2008, 48 incidents.
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RWB - Stop and Search Info
15-08-2008 05:17
This is a list of most commonly used police stop and search powers. Without question they will be using section 1 and section 60 on saturday 16th, so for anyone going to derbyshire this weekend, read on...Hamas Blames Israeli Collaborators for Rockets
15-08-2008 01:53
Israel has a long history of infiltrating Arab organizations, and using them to commit false flag attacks, intended to provide a convenient justification for planned Israeli aggression. This seem no different, and Israel's current government represent those who rejected "Disengagement", even though it effectively turned Gaza into the world's largest Concentration Camp.They've planned a reoccupation for years now, but the pressure of the international community, and this cease-fire stand in their way.
NW // Mersyside cops posing as lifts for Saturday Anti-BNP Demo...
14-08-2008 12:27
We had a phone call offer last night from someone calling themselves Steve saying they could pick us up for the demo in Derby this weekend.A conspiracy revealed and more sackings and purges to come after the BNP's EGM
14-08-2008 09:27