UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Mysterious "laptop documents". Using fake intelligence to justify war on Iran
27-11-2010 19:37

A recent article by investigative reporter Gareth Porter confirms unequivocally that the mysterious laptop documents are fake.
We are dealing with a clear case of fake intelligence comparable to that presented by Colin Powell in February 2003 on Iraq's alleged weapons of mass destruction. The fake intelligence presented to the UN Security Council was used as a justification for the March 2003 invasion of Iraq.
Will the US antiwar movement confront Washington's plans to wage a pre-emptive nuclear war against Iran based on fake intelligence?
EDL Planning Demonstration TODAY in East London at 5:30pm
27-11-2010 11:02
The hate filled racist and fascist thugs of the English Defense League are planning to demonstrate in Whitechapel from 5:30pm tonight outside the "Islamic Revival 2010" being held until 10pm at the Water Lily Business Center, 10 Cleveland Way, E1 4UF.Girl arrested for burning copy of the Koran
25-11-2010 12:29
A 15-year-old girl has been arrested in the West Midlands for burning a copy of the Koran and posting a video of it on Facebook. Mainstream news report here:
Jock Palfreeman Solidarity - West Yorkhite
23-11-2010 22:10
Banner drop in Leeds and Film Day in Bradford in solidarity with Jock Palfreeman - Antifascist imprisoned in Bulgaria.The Case of the Angola 3 --A review of the new film “In The Land of the Free...”
23-11-2010 10:20

london catholic workers new project opened yesterday
22-11-2010 16:22
london catholic workers are part of a worldwide radical catholic movement started nearly 80 years ago in america. they have set up nearly 200 houses of hospitality for the poor, the homeless, and the dispossessed, mostly in america, but spreading into european and other countries too. yesterday saw the official opening of another house in east london.
yesterday's opening of the of the 'guiseppe conlon house' was attended by around 200 people including a wide mix of refugees, advocates, punks, hippies, vicars, activists, lawyers, squatters, academics, muslims, christians, atheists, buddhists, musicians, locals and internationals. the internationals introduced themselves in a welcoming ceremony with representatives from outer hebrides to japan, kosovo to france, and sweden to uganda among many others.
the house has already been functioning as a refuge for undocumented refugees and others in need of shelter and support, but the main building (originally a methodist church, then taken over by catholics and more recently disused for two years) has now been officially opened both as a continuing shelter and as a community facility.
the new centre is named after guiseppe conlon, who was the father of gerry conlon, who at the age of 21 was one of the four irish men wrongly convicted for the guildford bombings in the early seventies. despite no connection to the IRA, and sound alibis for gerry and one of the others, it took until 1989 for human rights lawyer gareth peirce to finally get them released, and another 16 years until the british government offered an apology when for political reasons tony blair made a surprisingly unreserved statement.
gerry was beaten in police custody until he made false confessions implicating completely innocent members of his family, and as a result guiseppe, an ex-marine, was arrested in london where he was trying to find a solicitor for his son. he was not a well man, and died, a convict, in prison in 1980. his widow sarah was charged £3500 to fly his body home, and the home office billed her for his repatriation - his body was flown back and forth four times as the press shamed him, before he finally rested
he was the only one from the guildford four, birmingham six, and maguire seven, who didn't live to be vindicated and see his freedom. his treatment remains a terrible blot in the dark history of irish repression.
the catholic worker communities, as well as offering shelter to people suffering injustice and violence, are also pro-active in seeking out and confronting the roots of those injustices. catholic workers have been involved in acts of challenging civil disobedience, and one of the organisers at the new centre was imprisoned for 13 months in the US for taking a hammer to a B-52 bomber. the hammer was returned on his release and was later used against BAe in the UK, returned once more, and used again in a recent ploughshares action.
after an opening welcome ceremony and a song from irish singer/songwriter joe black, the human rights lawyer gareth peirce took the stage to wish the project well and to movingly describe her experience of the lies and corruption around the guildford four and gerry conlon's family, the maguires, and guiseppe.
after more music from local duo, lovers electric, ciaron o'reilly spoke more about the project and the difficulties he has faced as an anarchist catholic - untrusted by the left as a catholic and untrusted by the catholic establishment due to his anarchist way of doing things and his past incarcerations in various nations round the world for acts of non-violent civil disobedience.
poet stephen hancock then provided some excellent conscious and political verse, before angolan journalist, rosario miranda, spoke about the campaign for justice for jimmy mubenga. jimmy was the man who during a forced deportation was killed at the hands of GS4 security aboard a passenger flight to angola. passengers, though concerned by the blood, his screams for help, and the violence of the guards, were either too intimidated or too disempowered to intervene. rosario compared the media attention some woman got for putting a cat in a bin - the cat survived, the woman was hounded, she lost her job, she was prosecuted and she was villified. in contrast, the GS4 officers remain in work, no-one was prosecuted, and the newspapers have forgotten the matter. he asked poignantly whether the cat was more precious than a black man?
joe black, who travelled from dublin then provided a full set of songs, including a special one written to celibrate the opening and to commemorate guiseppe conlon, and finally local singer raz ended the formal entertainment.
before and after the timetabled events, there was a huge spread of donated food and drink, and more entertainment from the 'bow creek ramblers string band'.
the guiseppe conlon house intends to continue its work with homeless refugees, and to act as a hub for non-violent resistance to the war machine.
for more information, including news of the current campaign to close down the "army shop" recruiting centre in a shopping mall in dalston, see the london catholic worker website.
Mohammed El-Hassan DIYAB. Birmingham based man faces deportation to Sudan
22-11-2010 12:44

Help save the life of Asia Bibi sentenced to death for blasphemy in Pakistan
21-11-2010 22:00

no march for EDL in Wolverhampton
21-11-2010 12:16
No Pasaran! They did not pass. Mobilised at 18 hours notice, a sizable counter demonstration in Wolverhampton's Queen Square prevented the English Defence League's attempt to march though the city to the Cenotaph.UK Royal Wedding and Australian genocide-ignoring
20-11-2010 11:44

Welcome To Campsfield House (Oxford)
19-11-2010 17:51
Just outside Oxford, near Kidlington, is what the authorities call "Campsfield House". The name is misleading. Campsfield is not a house; it is a prison.Article taken from Issue 1 of The Ox-Fly - Oxford's radical newsletter:

Muslims reject war on terror
19-11-2010 14:53
The idea that British-born Muslims are engaging in Al Qaida, violent Jihad is inherently silly.Mehdi must stay
19-11-2010 14:52
Mehdi Mirzae, 26, a national of Afghanistan and long time resident of Manchester is currently being detained in Dungavel IRC and due to be forcibly removed from the UK @ 03:00 hrs by Charter Flight PVT 800 on Tuesday 23rd November to Afghanistan. Please help us to fight his imminent deportation.BNP's campaign falls flat in Croxteth
19-11-2010 02:11
The British National Party has failed to secure a seat in the council by-election in Croxteth. Despite determined campaigning, the people of the ward overwhelmingly rejected the fascist party and its violent convict candidate, Peter Tierney.Racailles e-newspaper number 59
17-11-2010 19:58
Racailles e-newspaper number 59 for free download here :

Good Readings !

Stop the fascist SDL in Glasgow
15-11-2010 22:54
the fascist thugs of the "Scottish Defence League" have announced that they plans to hold a "static demonstration" in Glasgow city centre, on the afternoon of Saturday 27 November.Less than a week to go till the Northern March Against Racism 2010!
15-11-2010 19:28
With less than a week to go now to the march, TCAR reminds you of the urgent need to take an anti-racist message onto the streets of Newcastle.Check out the video (and share widely!):

EDL? MAC? Same Thing.
15-11-2010 09:03
Despite their opposing positions, the Muslims Against Crusade and English Defence League both serve the same purpose.