UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Trafficking from poor to rich countries - a tolerated transnational traumatising
14-02-2005 10:33

Video: Shows the Real Face of the U.S. Occupation of Iraq
14-02-2005 02:21
How the U.S. military occupation looks from the other end of the gun barrel.kkkanada: Native groups speak out against mine
12-02-2005 04:58
The Taku River Tlingit First Nation in British Columbia and the Douglas Indian Association in Juneau issued a joint statement against the proposed Tulsequah Chief mine on Thursday.Race attacks reach all time high
11-02-2005 11:13
New figures show the number of abusive and violent attacks on Britain's Jewish community reached record levels in 2004Friday 18th February is Anti-fascist SKA Night At Maelstrom
10-02-2005 15:46
Benefit Ska night for The 635 GroupANTI-FASCIST SKA NIGHT AT MAELSTROM
09-02-2005 14:51
As a benefit for The 635 Group there will be a night of SKA at MaelstromExperience Islam Week
09-02-2005 10:02
What is Islam? What are its teachings? Cambridge Experience Islam Week 2005gives you a chance to explore what Islam stands for - an opportunity to
hear from internationally renowned academics and lecturers, to speak to
Muslim students about their faith and to have all your questions on Islam
answered. As well as an introduction to the basic principles of Islam,
topics covered will include human rights, the ethics of warfare,
fundamentalism, the stories of Britons who have chosen Islam as a way of
life... and much more! Cambridge EIW 2005 is an unmissable opportunity to
find out what this religion is really all about.
February 5th to 11th 2005, Cambridge

The 635 Group - Fighting Fascism In West Yorkshire
09-02-2005 00:00
West Yorkshire's militant anti-fascist group and Antifa's Northern section go public:The fairy tale of the tolerant Dutch society and the humane asylum-policy
05-02-2005 06:34
In contrarily with the general allegations in American and Western newsmedia, not only the Netherlands is no open society for minorities, moreover the Dutch asylum-policy is violating gravely international humanitarian principles.Unite Against Fascism Meeting
03-02-2005 18:35

We'll be holding our next organising meeting on
Tuesday 8th February, 7:30, at CB2s in Norfolk Street
Public Meeting on Civil Liberties - Thur 10 Feb
03-02-2005 15:29
CIVIL LIBERTIES UNDER THREAT: HOW THE WAR ON TERROR IS A WAR ON OUR FREEDOMSHow can you stand up against Racism, when one doesn't recognise it?
02-02-2005 19:28
Racism is a fable to the ignorant masses and one can only hope for a flame of compassion.The Truth About Killing Palestinian Children
02-02-2005 06:31
The vast differences in the news about murdered Palestinian schoolchildrenwith little or no responsibility from US mainstream medias to corroborate truth.
Calling all international peacekeepers, witnesses, journalists, photographers!
Blair in Manchester: Urgent
30-01-2005 09:17
I have just found out from an inside source that Tony Blair will be in Manchester in MONDAY AFTERNOON to open the Wythenshawe Forum.NF Leader Died "Doing Sex Act"
28-01-2005 16:19
Taken from Today's Oldham paper. The NF claimed this man died a "hero" last year!Tatchell arrested in Holocaust Day asylum protest
27-01-2005 20:43
“Never Again, today means not closing our doors to refugees fleeing persecution. Don’t let Michael Howard dishonour the victims of the Holocaust with his quotas for asylum seekers. Never Again means Never Again.”Peter Tatchell arrested
27-01-2005 17:40
Campaigner pleads for asylum seekers at Holocaust Memorial Day