UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
We demand attention! ... on the death of Edwin Ndupu in Stein prison, Austria
13-10-2004 20:03

Jerusalem: The “City of Peace”
13-10-2004 18:43
This week I was reminded of just how far the names of cities in Palestine are from the realities of how life is in those cities. Jerusalem is the “City of Peace,” and it’s Arabic name, Al Quds, means “The Holy.” Hebron, in Hebrew and in Arabic—Hevron and al Khalil—both mean “Friend”; not the first word which springs to mind when you think of the tragedy there.Beyond PGA:
09-10-2004 15:54
Beyond PGA:Days & Nights of Communist ideas and action
A short analysis of the socio-political role of the PGA
Our consensus analysis decided that the PGA is incapable of achieving revolutionary change as this is something which can only be acheived by the working class at a global level. We speak for our group and no-one else.
These texts express our position following the workshops at the recent european Conference of Peoples' Global Action at Resnik.
At first we must understand Peoples Global Action (PGA) - and subsequently Peoples Global Action in Europe Process (PGA-e)) - as institutions which parallel the development of capitalist institutions of governance.
Over the last 30 years, capital expanded both horizontally (over the whole planet) and vertically (the commodification of everyday life i.e. leisure). New institutions were created to manage the dynamics of the world markets, such as the World Bank, the Group of 8 (G8), the World Trade Organisation (WTO) etc. The PGA was originally created as an "opposition" to such institutions, and more specifically as an "opposition" to the World Trade Organisation whose 2nd WTO ministerial conference took place in Geneva in May 1998. The PGA-e is the child of the PGA.
An Open Letter to the National Union of Students
08-10-2004 09:23
The NUS-NEC have demanded the withdrawal of Muslim academic Tariq Ramadan from the forthcoming European Social Forum. There are around 90,000 Muslim students in the UK but the decision was made without consulting any Muslim organisation.Supporters Rally Behind Banned Muslim Scholar Tariq Ramadan
07-10-2004 13:43
07.10. 2004, LondonHacktivism - 27,000 Identified Targets
06-10-2004 23:31
A US consortium has been monitored for a number of years, manipulating democracy, and organising genocidal campaigns to boost sales of a range of products. 27,000 people have been identified and extensive background information gathered and distributed globally, for world-wide defence.Telling It Like It Is - America Under Attack
06-10-2004 22:26
Telling It Like It Is - America Under AttackVarious neo-nazi tactics in US
Former German Defense Minister Confirms CIA Involvement in 9/11
06-10-2004 22:18
Former German Defense Minister Confirms CIA Involvement in 9/11More on Bush's neo-nazi connections
Palestine: Judging the Intifada
06-10-2004 17:30
By any standard, in a war between a colonial occupier and an indigenous people, thePalestinians are in a comparable state to those who have trodden this path before them.
Let them go to school
06-10-2004 15:59
Campaign in Defence of the Right to Education of Children with Afghan background in Iran.To jin this campaign please sign this petition:

M&S Pickets – Four years of Intifada
04-10-2004 15:55
29th September marks the anniversary of the Second Palestinian Intifada. This week Victory to the Intifada reminded people on Oxford Street why the Palestinians were forced to awaken and rise up against the violent oppression that they face at the hands of the Israeli state and its powerful Western backers. We urge everyone to demonstrate their solidarity with the long-suffering Palestinian people and rise up against Israel’s support here in Britain.America and Israel: the embedding of fear, the conquest of hope
02-10-2004 09:31

Timor Sea Talks & Boundaries (20-30 Sep 2004)
01-10-2004 09:51
"Civil society and people in Timor-Leste continue to follow the negotiations between our government and Australia with great interest. We believe that the issues being discussed in Darwin this week are among the most important for the future of our nation." East Timor NGO ForumPhotos from Glasgow anti-war stall Wednesday September 22nd 2004
27-09-2004 22:03

SW Civil Rights Forum - Murder, Racist Violence, Collusion and Public Inquiries
27-09-2004 21:08
A special public event marking the 4th Anniversary of The Human Rights ActSouth West Civil Rights Forum
Unfinished Business - Murder, Racist Violence, Collusion, Public Inquiries and family struggles for truth and justice
Wannabe BNP councillor has a bad night
26-09-2004 11:51
After an election defeat, a wannabe BNP councillor's night gets even worse.Anti racist march in Swansea
24-09-2004 19:50
Swansea says no to racist killing and racist assaults.Marks and Spencer - Terrorist Sponsor
24-09-2004 13:32
Smaller demo last night against Marks and Spencer - Britain's biggest corporate sponsor of Israel. However, new people joined and good response from the public.