UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Oppose the EDL in Newcastle - transport from Nottingham
20-05-2010 18:31
Notts Stop the BNP is organising transport from the East Midlands to the anti-EDL demonstration called by 'North East Against Racism' (NEAR) on 29th May.For more information or to book a place either respond to this email or contact NottmStopBNP (at)
US sabotages ‘unique opportunity’ for peaceful resolution with Iran
20-05-2010 10:17

This US stonewalling of any avenue for dialogue with Iran has disturbing echoes of Washington’s deliberate sabotaging of diplomatic overtures for a peaceful resolution prior to its invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. It also exposes Obama’s vow of a new beginning in US foreign policy to be cynical lie, trotted out in front of his nation and the world with hand on heart.
Urgent: Sehar Shebaz to be deported Sat 22 May/ Other campaign alerts
19-05-2010 16:31
NEWS: Government announces end to detention of children at Dungavel in Scotland

REALITY: Government detains mother and baby at Dungavel in Scotland, and threatens to separate them for 10 hour van journey to Yarl's Wood.
Urgent Sehar Shebaz and baby taken to Yarl's Wood
19-05-2010 10:35
Please take action. While it has been announced that children are no longer to be detained in Dungavel, Scotland, this mother and 8 months old baby are to be put on a van and taken to Yarl's Wood, England. Despite the new government's announcement that child detention will be ended, children are still being arrested and detained.Anti-Fascist Discussion
18-05-2010 16:54

Anthony Wall's house in Leeds attacked
17-05-2010 18:17
Anthony Wall's house attackedU.S. threatens a nuclear first-strike against Iran
17-05-2010 00:20

Her Majestys Revenue and Customs e-mail: Alex Salmond SNP leader should be shot
16-05-2010 12:02

The Rachel Corrie
15-05-2010 20:49
The Freedom Flotilla has set sail into the eye of the storm.These internal HMRC docs show false sexual allegtions in Andi Ali BNP case
15-05-2010 20:14

Freedom of Movement for all: Transnational action Paris and Berlin
15-05-2010 15:29

Call out Resist the E.D.L in newcastle
15-05-2010 15:07

Calais riot cops not 'fascist'?
15-05-2010 10:41
It's a crime in France to insult the police and they take particular offence to the term 'fascist'.Repeating history with Iran
15-05-2010 09:27

Perhaps the court was familiar with how U.S. officials had used the so-called “dual use” game against the Iraqi people during the 11 years of brutal sanctions against Iraq.
RWB farm gets a late night visit
14-05-2010 20:20
Alan Warner had his gates locked and a nasty package dumped in his letterbox. This scumbag hosts a Nazi festival on his farm against the wishes of the local community. Last year he told the Derby Telegraph that he'd had enough of the attention that antifascists were giving him and was going to move to the Peaks. This is a reminder to him to hurry up and fuck off.Bedford Fascist House Attacked
14-05-2010 09:31
The house of scummy nazi Kevin (Quimm) Quinn has been attacked againEDL invasion of Cardiff 5th June
14-05-2010 09:13
The EDL say they are gonna come to Cardiff on 5th June.If they do they'll never make it home.
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Burnt Flag (antifascist newsheet): Spring Issue
13-05-2010 17:44

Palestine Today 05 13 2010
13-05-2010 14:54

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center for Thursday May 13th, 2010.
Malema, music and murder
12-05-2010 11:52
The murder of Eugene Terre’Blanche a week after the Johannesburg High Court banned ANC Youth league president Julius Malema’s new found signature tune, Dubhul’ ibhunu (“shoot the Boer”) revealed beneath the racialised, legalistic and narrow-minded surface of the debate, important political currents at play.