UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Daily 'Hate' mail told to 'Naff off'
28-03-2006 20:02
74% now have said no to the question: "Should failed asylum seekers be locked up or tagged?"London Against Detention- Public meeting
27-03-2006 22:11
London Against DetentionCampaign to Close the Heathrow Detention Centres
Thurs 30th March 6.30pm (for 7pm)
Protesters against dawn raids give Tony McNulty the send-off he deserves
27-03-2006 18:48
50 protesters, including asylum seekers, church ministers and charity workers gave Tony McNulty, immigration minister - the man who refuses to end dawn raids on Scottish soil - the send-off he deserves, letting him know in no uncertain terms that asylum seekers are Scotland's future lifeblood and are needed and wanted here, but he is not.The BPP's Steve Smith - Electoral Fraudster
27-03-2006 18:34

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Help stop this eviction of Glasgow asylum seeker family
27-03-2006 17:08
Glasgow the Caring City tries for the third time to evict elderly disabled refugee.The BPP - Towton or business in a puddle off the B1217
27-03-2006 14:36

Suburban Racism
27-03-2006 13:54

1 April 06 - STOP KILLING US
27-03-2006 09:18
Brutality in imperialist gaols - from Belmarsh to Guantanamo
26-03-2006 18:10
Wednesday 29 March 7pm in Room S50, St Clement’s Building,London School of EconomicsHoughton Street WC2 (nearest tube Holborn)
Speakers include Eric Allison - Prisons correspondent for The Guardian
More pics of 18th March march
25-03-2006 19:32

Hunger Strike and Week of Actions to Stop Anti-Immigrant Bills in USA
24-03-2006 16:18
Over 50 hunger strikers and organizations have started a seven-day protest in front of the Federal Building in San Francisco on Tuesday, March 21st, 2006. They are calling for fair and just immigration reform. They are denouncing Senator Arlen Specter’s bill that designates all undocumented immigrants as aggravated felons, allows for the indefinite detention of non-citizens, and criminalizes day-labor centers, churches, health clinics and all others who serve, help or work with undocumented immigrants. There will be candlelight vigils at the Federal Building every day through Sunday at 6:00pm.Gypsies Regroup as Caravans Burn
24-03-2006 12:32
Burned out caravans alongsidethe London M25 motorway bear witness
to the ever worsening plight of Britain's
350,000 Gypsies.
Three day sit-in outside parliament next week.
23-03-2006 18:11
Eighty or more Iranian asylum seekers' sit-in will be staging a three days sit-in in London to protest against the Home Office's asylum laws. The protest begins on the 27th and end on the 29th in front of parliament and they will attend everyday from 8am-6pm.Thousands of asylum seekers who have fled the Islamic regime of Iran and have come to Britain are faced with appalling and inhumane conditions. Many have either been refused asylum and issued removal orders or are in the precarious situation of waiting. An illegal, unsafe and unprotected life has been imposed on many of them.
Britain's Answer: Send in the Bulldozers
23-03-2006 16:13
Yesterday the bulldozers were sent inyet again to crush the homes of Travellers
who by the British Government's own admission
have nowhere legally to live.
23-03-2006 12:06
Ustiben reportBRITAIN'S ANSWER:
Grattan Puxon
Yesterday the bulldozers were sent in
yet again to crush the homes of Travellers
who by the British Government's own admission
have nowhere legally to live.
Northern Class War Organising - May 1st
23-03-2006 10:15
Utilising the Haymarket martyrs anniversary and the 80th anniversary of the start of the General Strike. Class War are inviting Northern unaffiliated anarchists and working class activists to a day long event in Doncaster - celebrating the finest rebellious working class traditions.Demonstration about treatment of asylum seekers in Leeds
21-03-2006 18:23

Right to public racism march shames the left this Saturday
21-03-2006 14:45
A ramshackle bunch of organisations, many leaning to the extreme right has come together to organise the March for Free Expression this Saturday.Seemingly inspired by the publication of the childish, racist cartoons in the Jyllands Posten earlier in the year, this misguided organisations has invited speakers from uber-capitalist the Freedom Association and the Libertarian Alliance
Fred Wreck: Why Did Major Radio Stations Try & Silence This Man and His Music?
21-03-2006 01:33
Fredwreck in case you don’t know has laced everyone from Ice Cubeto Snoop Dogg on down to Eminem with incredible tracks….He’s always been a political type of guy so he got a bunch of
West Coast artists together around the start of the Iraq War and
they dropped this Anti-war song which they offered up for free download..
Tues: Solidarity Vigil outside Judicial Review for ex-UK residents in Guantanamo
20-03-2006 16:19
The Judicial Review into British government ministers’ responsibility towards 3 former-British residents held at the US base in Guantanamo Bay will be held at the Royal Courts of Justice in the Strand, from tomorrow (Tues 22nd) to Thursday 24th March, starts at 9.30am each day. Supporters are gathering outside from tommorrow morning. Please come to show your solidarity.