UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Brighton Delegation Arrives in Palestine
21-10-2008 11:05
Brighton Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group Press Release21/10/2008
Torture conditions in U.S. prisons
20-10-2008 22:12
Gabriel Gonzalez was 21 years old when he was sentenced to die for the murder of a pawnshop owner, a crime that he insists he did not commit. Along with Kenneth Foster Jr. and Rob Will, Gabriel co-founded the Death Row Inner-communalist Vanguard Engagement (DRIVE) Movement, which engages in nonviolent, direct action protest to fight for better conditions on death row and in opposition to capital punishment.Here, Gabriel describes the effects of isolation and segregation on prisoners.
THE U.S. criminal justice system is remarkably ineffective, absurdly expensive, grossly inhumane and riddled with racism. The slaughter of youth of color characterizes many big city police departments. Sentencing practices have led to the imprisonment of over 2 million people in state and federal facilities, with another 3.5 million under other forms of social control.
Block the Vichy European Summit on Immigration, November 3-4 2008!
20-10-2008 18:23
Given the short time limit, any help is greatly welcomed to spread this international call widely in your networks and activist medias.Palestine Today 102008
20-10-2008 16:03

Shut down BMI day - starting 20th October
19-10-2008 22:35
No Borders South Wales are calling for a sustained campaign against BMI. We call on BMI to no longer take part in the forced deportation of migrants.Yorkshire Fascism's Lowest Hour
19-10-2008 13:47

There are many more of us than them - BPP's massive mobilisation
19-10-2008 12:12
The BPP's massive national mobilisation turned out to be a rather damp squib. 11 fascists (including a kid) huddled together outside HMV protected by lines and lines of cops. around 400 anti-facsists were joined by scores of locals who, on being told what was happening, stayed to say that the BPPs filth won't be accepted in Yorkshire.Neo-Nazi demo shut down in Leeds
19-10-2008 12:09
On Saturday 18th of October, the British People’s Party (BPP) planned a demonstration in Leeds, outside HMV. They intended to protest against “racist” black rap music, handing out leaflets demanding “rights for whites” and calling on the store to stock White Power music. Richard B from Leeds Revo reports.7/7 update - Ex arms fair firm behind Visor's 'exercise' at the 3 tube stations
19-10-2008 00:16
The wrong story - Tony Gosling reported on IRA bomb attacks for BBC's Greater London Radio in the early 1990s - but his assessment of the London bombings of 7th July 2005, due to be screened in October, has been shelved. Meanwhile further shocking facts are emerging almost unnoticed, an ex-arms fair company was in charge of an 'exercise' at the same three tube stations where the bombs actually exploded that day.First West Africa Regional Conference of the African Socialist International
18-10-2008 20:59
The Africanist Movement will host the first West Africa Regional Conference of the African Socialist International (ASI) in Freetown-Sierra Leone from October 20-22, 2008.This Week in Palestine week 42 2008
17-10-2008 20:07

More That Unites: An Iranian Photo Exhibition (21st - 31st October)
17-10-2008 12:52

by Iranian photographers. These are the images rarely shown in Western
corporate media: the humanity of everyday life in the Middle East.
Today - 12-3pm, "Stop ethnic cleansing in Italy" - a peaceful vigil
17-10-2008 09:45
Today - 12-3pm, "Stop ethnic cleansing in Italy" - a peaceful vigiloutside the Italian embassy in support of Roma Gypsy communities in Europe,
venue: Italian Embassy, 14 Three Kings Yard, London W1K 4EH. More info:

Nazis committed one more murder in Irkutsk
16-10-2008 22:48
On the 8th October 2008, around 22 p.m., a 16-year-old girl OlgaRukosyla was killed in the district of Sinyushina gora in Irkustsk.
If "That One" Wins
16-10-2008 18:56

November 4, when a society drenched in racism tries to figure out which of
its "selves" will pull the lever. Lots of whites seem to be profoundly
confused. "A recent poll indicated that many white people, including some
who claim to support Obama, continue to hold very negative opinions about
black people, often viewing them as `violent,' and `complaining.'" But Obama
solves the problem, since his "refusal to directly address the needs of
black people is also appealing to white people." Other whites are more
straightforward. If your car sports an Obama sticker, they won't let you
Attack on U.S. Embassy in Yemen Linked to Mossad
16-10-2008 18:39

the lives of eighteen people? A group calling themselves "Islamic Jihad"
claimed responsibility for the blast. It has a nice, scary ring to it hasn't
it? "Islamic Jihad" also happens to be the name of a group that operates
out of Gaza.
Palestine Today 101608
16-10-2008 15:47

Full article | 2 additions | 22 comments
Faces to look out for at the BPP demo this Saturday in Leeds
16-10-2008 09:05

15-10-2008 19:01
Call against the upcoming summit of ministers of Interior and Justice on Immigration in Vichy (France)Nottingham SU Council back racist
15-10-2008 19:01