UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Members of Scottish PSC accused of ‘racially aggravated conduct’
07-08-2009 20:40

Come to Lesvos No Borders camp
07-08-2009 14:30
in case, you have not yet decided or you are able to do it short term:come to the nobordercamp in lesvos, starting at 25th of august near
Edinburgh event to mark Hiroshima day
06-08-2009 22:23

Shut Down Guantánamo! demo - 7 August, 6pm, American Embassy
06-08-2009 21:37
Monthly demo outside the US Embassy in Mayfair calling for the closure of all illegal jails under the "war on terror" and freedom and justice for the prisoners, most of whom have faced no charges and no trial in nearly 8 years. Going strong since early 2007, if they close Guantánamo Bay, we'll go away...Contra-fascist reminder: Birmingham, this Saturday.
06-08-2009 11:02
A reminder of the need this Saturday to oppose fascists marching in Birmingham, with meet-up advert.Should we be worried about the BNP?
05-08-2009 22:02
In years gone by, there’s been more interest amongst the British public in the Eurovision Song Contest than the European Parliamentary Elections. The election of Nick Griffin and Andrew Brons, leaders of the British National Party (BNP), has changed all that. How are these racist loons representing us? And how worried should we be?"Now you will die!": Coast Guard attempt to drown asylum-seekers in Lesbos - Gre
05-08-2009 14:31
tied their hands to their necks, beat them, and put them back in the inflatable boat before piercing its sides with knives. Then they let the boat go to the open sea telling the asylum seekers in English: "Now you will die!".
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Peter Tierney arraigned for assaulting anti-fascist
05-08-2009 13:22

Harriet Harman, Mandy Mandelson and Alan Johnson: their true colours!
04-08-2009 11:55
Phil Woolas by coming out and attacking basic democratic rights has just shown what a new 'Blair Govt' will do in Britain, whoever may formally occupy No. 10 Downing Street after any ordinary general election. Ordinary people should be wary of what the Party is plottingThe Times: Iran awaits Ayatollah’s nod for nuclear bomb
04-08-2009 08:19

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The "Aryan Martyrs' Brigade"?! Is this really supposed to be serious journalism?
03-08-2009 19:16
'The Guardian' may have been suckered by 'Searchlight' yet again, but antifascists shouldn't be fooled by attempts to 'big up' the so-called 'Aryan Martyrs' Brigade'.Coaches from Nottingham for anti-BNP demo, 15th August
03-08-2009 16:10
The BNP are again holding their summer 'festival' in Codnor, Derbyshire - just a few miles from Nottingham - this year.Demonstrate this Tuesday at Communications House
02-08-2009 11:32
Show solidarity with asylum seekers and migrant workers!Protest against reporting and detention centres!
TUESDAY 4 August 1–2PM
Demonstrate outside the UK Immigration Service, Communications House
210 Old Street, London, EC1V 9BR (nearest tube – Old Street )
Request that UN Committee on Elimination of Racism to prosecute WHITE Racist Nat
02-08-2009 09:21
Request that UN Committee on Elimination of Racism to prosecute WHITE Racist Nations, incl AustraliaCant the Whiteman be trusted with a signed Treaty?
Come join this petition, and save American Taxpayers' dollars on useless UN rorts that only go to fuel terrorism through their hypocrisy and abuse of UN process, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Demonstrate against the BNP in Liverpool on August 5th
02-08-2009 02:59
Demonstrate against the racist and violent BNP in Liverpool on August 5thJoanna Lumley is being asked to join the campaign about UK Alan Johnson
31-07-2009 15:51
Joanna Lumley is being asked to join the campaign about UK Alan JohnsonWhat's happening and ways to help
31-07-2009 14:45
If you are coming to Calais to show solidarity and want information call (from UK) 00 33 6 34 81 07 10 from France 06 34 81 07 10"Strawman arguments" expose racist Legal & Constitutional Affairs Committee
31-07-2009 13:30
"Strawman arguments" expose corrupt racist illiterate Australian Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs-Standing CommitteeThis article is describes the experience of Institutional racism, from Government to Judiciary, from police to health professional.
The itemised points will guide you through how a racist nation slides off the precipice.....
BNP lose Brinsley
31-07-2009 12:36
The BNP have lost their former Notts stronghold, Brinsley, to the Tories. Yesterday's by-election, forced by the expulsion of former BNP Councillor Sadie Graham, was won by Tory candidate John Booth, by a large margin.Anti-Gypsyism rampant, Chachipe said on genocide memorial day
31-07-2009 10:49
31 July 2009 - On the occasion of the 65th anniversary, on August 2nd, of the liquidation of the so-called Gypsy camp in Auschwitz-Birkenau, where about 2,900 Sinti and Roma were murdered in one night, the Roma rights organisation Chachipe called on political leaders and civil society representatives to combat anti-Gypsyism.