UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
ISM Reports: Palestinians Villagers Take Their Case To Israeli Supreme Court
29-02-2004 15:21
The Israeli Supreme Court will examine the legality of the Wall in theNorth western region of Jerusalem
Why 'Victory to the Intifada' ?
28-02-2004 16:31
The Intifada is the daily struggle of Palestinian people to live. Solidarity is crucial.BNP targets Howard's seat.
28-02-2004 13:48
Unsurprisingly the BNP is now targetting Michael Howard's constituancy.Marks and Spencer protest builds!
27-02-2004 16:02
Despite pressure from Zionists and recent threats, supporters mobilise to help the Palestinians.North West Fascism
27-02-2004 13:42
Is Fascism on the rise, and if so what are you going to do about it? Reflections on the horrific election results last night in Heysham, Lancaster......Sheffield Unite Against Fascism Conference
27-02-2004 12:04
Unite Against Fascism represents an un-precedented level of unity across Britain against the rise of the fascist BNP, we urge everyone to attend our conference.The White Anti-Racist is an Oxymoron: An Open Letter to "White Anti-Racists"
26-02-2004 20:22
I received an annoying e-mail about white people and their struggle to do anti-racist work. I keep reading and hearing white people talk about their struggle to do anti-racist organizing, and frankly it gets on my nerves. So I am writing this open letter to white people who engage in any activist work that involves or affects non-whites.ISM: CALL FOR ACTION – STOP SHOOTING UNARMED DEMONSTRATORS!!!
26-02-2004 18:05
CALL FOR ACTION – STOP SHOOTING UNARMED DEMONSTRATORS!!!Tory whips - 10 a penny. A profile of the member for Congleton
26-02-2004 14:12
Heard the one about the chinese immigrant who found a worn leather whip?He was advised to take it to Congleton as a racist slavedriver there had lost one.
Julie Hesmonhalgh speaks out against racism
24-02-2004 18:27
Julie Hesmondhalgh ("Hayley in Coronation Street") speaks out againstracism and the BNP." I refuse to enlist.”
24-02-2004 17:34
Laura wrote: "I cannot take part in the injustices that our country carries out through the IDF. I am not a pacifist; my objection is to the occupation."Hebrew follows the English because after months of attack and repression Israeli INDY media was shut down :
"ביום ראשון, אתייצב בלשכת הגיוס ואחזור ואומר שהנני מסרבת להתגייס."
ISM Action Alert! The Villagers Of Beit Surik And Biddu ask For International Pr
24-02-2004 12:19
The villagers of Beit Surik and Biddu ask for International presenceThis Wall Must Fall. Anti-Wall Events In Palestine Yesterday
24-02-2004 12:13
ISM-PENGON-Stop The Wall.Roundup of yesterdays events in Palestine and the the ICJ.
ISM Rafah Co-ordinator Embarks On Speaking Tour
24-02-2004 01:17
PALESTINIAN EYE-WITNESS TO BRIT'S SHOOTING TO VISIT SCOTLANDPalestinian co-ordinator for ISM Rafah, Ahmad Sorany, is to embark on a whistle-stop speaking tour of Scotland, stopping off in Aberdeen, Inverness, Dumfries, Falkirk, Glasgow and Edinburgh and finishing off in Dundee.
ISM Reports: Demo At Erez, Gaza Strip++Resisting the Wall in Budrus,West Bank
22-02-2004 21:03
Latest ISM ReportsSSharon's Wall of SShame (by Latuff)
22-02-2004 03:54

21-02-2004 20:25
ISM Reports: Hundreds March Against Apartheid Wall In Beit Surik
21-02-2004 17:12
1) Correction2) Beit Surik demonstration
3) Appeal from Beit Surik