UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
'Free at Last!': Denise McNeil Released on Bail
26-01-2011 11:16

immigration court in Hatton Cross. Her supporters in the courtroom clapped
as the judge announced his decision.
Demonstrate against Britain's racist immigration laws! 1 Feb - London
21-01-2011 22:40
Fight Britain's racist immigration laws! Close Communications House!Tuesday 1 February • 4.30-5.30pm
outside Communications House Immigration Reporting Centre
Old Street London, EC1V 9BR
(called by Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! All welcome)
EDL Supporters Fined for On-Train Racist Abuse
21-01-2011 13:35
Three English Defence League supporters have been ordered to pay more than £350 each after being found guilty of subjecting rail passengers to serious racist abuse.Preventative Arrest Used Against Anti-Racists in Leeds
20-01-2011 16:36
Reporting on the abuse of civil liberties by West Yorkshire Police.Homophobic tory minister criticises islamophobia
20-01-2011 11:31
Baroness Warsi has criticised the social acceptability of Islamophobic prejudice. Perhaps in her new campaign against bigotry she should look towards her own faults, having campaigned for parliament in 2005 on a platform of opposition to equal ages of consent for homosexual and heterosexual sex, and support for the homophobic Section 28 from the days when the tories were honest and open about their bigotry.Questions for the EDL
19-01-2011 14:38
Having observed the EDL for a while and am completely flumoxed by their hatred and general nastiness, I've gathered together a few questions that the various EDL groups refuse to answer. Maybe some of those who read Indymedia would care to answer?Defend Dale Farm! Help resist Ethnic Cleansing
18-01-2011 10:46
7pm Wednesday 19th Januaryat Unite House, 128 Theobald’s Road, London WC1 8TN
Dale Farm is the last major surviving Traveller site in Essex, following a series of brutal evictions elsewhere over the years. There are around 1000 residents altogether. Those now facing eviction (yet again) since they took over a scrap yard next door to a long established legal site. The local Council is determined to drive all the Travellers out of the area. This is what they did recently when they evicted Hovefield, hounding families relentlessly until they were gone. They have promised to clear Dale Farm before the next Council elections.
Past Is Present: Settler Colonialism In Palestine
17-01-2011 09:57
For over a century, Zionism has subjected Palestine and Palestinians to a structural and violent form of destruction, dispossession, land appropriation, and erasure in the pursuit of a new colonial Israeli society. Too often, this Palestine ‘Question’ has been framed as unique; a national, religious, and/or liberation struggle with little semblance to colonial conflicts elsewhere.Former London leader returns
16-01-2011 18:22
Former EDL- London Division senior member Mr Harman returns to the fold but in which role is still unconfirmed.Britain's war on Islam
14-01-2011 21:23

BNP byelection setback
14-01-2011 15:51
The BNP's share of the vote in yesterday's Oldham East and Saddleworth byelection went down. Another sign of a fascist party in disarray.Danish arms-trafficking ship hijacked by pirates
13-01-2011 12:44
The Danish arms-trafficking ship "Leopard" has been hijacked by pirates.Who Makes the Nazis - Author Exposed
12-01-2011 21:48
There's a site doing the rounds trying to find links between Anarchists and Nazis.ENTSICHERN CONGRESS in Berlin, 29-30 January 2011
12-01-2011 21:13

A considerable part of all legislative and political decisions are currently made via the European Union. Expected resistance in the 27 member states is thwarted by this ”policy laundering” while the financially strongest governments furthermore dominate the course. At the same time the EU enlarge its powers through its own structures which coordinate cross-border activities as well as advance projects under its own direction.
This policy is especially noticeable in the area of European ”homeland defence” and its securitization, militarisation and gendarmerisation of social phenomenons. There is, however, no increased attention which accompanies the development of the EU by now, for example by the social movements. The radical Left, as well, which is normally never short of criticism of the state, remains speechless.
JDL rally to support the EDL in Toronto
12-01-2011 02:24
EDL support rally at the Toronto Zionist Centre, hosted by the JDL.No JDL-EDL Zio-Nazi Nonsense in TO!
10-01-2011 22:55
'We are community groups that work daily to fight racism. We have come together to condemn the Jewish Defence League for their Islamophobia and their support for the racist English Defense League.'Jeff Marsh and Alan Lake Confirm the EDL Are Racist
09-01-2011 19:06

CSI Palestine
07-01-2011 00:01
The tragic death of an unarmed woman in Palestine last Friday (31st) has lead to a global cry for action against the increasing use of 'non-violent' weapons in the continued repression of the Palestinian people.
On the Newswire: 1