UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Jewish Defence League Toronto Sponsors 'Support Rally' for EDL
06-01-2011 14:38
Toronto's Jewish Defence League has announced a 'support rally' for the EDL. at the Toronto Zionist Centre, Tuesday, January 11, at 7:00 PM. 'JDL Supports the EDL' said JDL spokesperson Meir Weinstein. The event has alarmed many in the city who plan strong protests against both organizations.EDL Nonce Division
06-01-2011 12:42

11 January:Beyond Words: Silent Witness To Injustice (London)
04-01-2011 17:20

Dale Farm: Defence Planing
04-01-2011 11:48
BRIGHTON will be the location tomorrow evening (5 Jan)for the latest in a series of public meetings being held
to consolidate opposition to the Tory-inspired plan for
Britain's biggest anti-Gypsy clearance operation
Richard Price EDL Co-ordinator - Placed on the sex offenders register.
03-01-2011 22:05

Imminent eviction of Gypsies and Travellers from Dale Farm- Info night, Brighton
02-01-2011 14:13
Talk, film and discussion about practical solidarity action to support the Dale Farm Community- Brighton, 8pm, Cowley Club, London Road.Wednesday 5th January 2011
Racist, Fascist & Zionist Facebook pages hacked by TeaMp0isoN & ZHC
01-01-2011 14:01
A Few hours before the start of 2011, TeaMp0isN & ZHC announced that they were going to do a "Mass Clean-up" on Facebook, a few hours after the announcement, 100s of Facebook pages were hackedisraeli forces kill again in bi'lin
01-01-2011 10:01
jawaher abu rahmah murdered by israeli armyIran, a victim of state-sponsored terrorism
30-12-2010 15:50

Calais: Christmas has no borders...
28-12-2010 23:09

No Borders activists from various parts of Europe have gathered in Calais for what looks like a sort of informal Winter camp.
EDL can't count and therefore exposed as frauds
28-12-2010 15:51
We all know the EDL are thick and therefore find counting beyond ten difficult, but this takes the piss. An EDL coach with only 25 passengers and only 57 passenger seats!) had a slight prang and now 78 EDL members are claiming compo. The EDL forum board are up in arms, some even laughably claiming it to be an anti-fascist fit upAbdel must stay in Brighton - stop his New Year's Eve deportation - ACT NOW
24-12-2010 14:30
Abdelkrim Madjoudj, 39, fled Algeria 13 years ago after being tortured. Since Friday he has been held in Brooke House detention centre and has been served with a removal order that will put him on a plane to Algeria on New Year's Eve. Take action NOW to help stop his deportation...Help! Lives are in danger!
24-12-2010 14:21
Afghan and Iranianwomen and children seekingasylum in Greece beingbattered and assaultedby the elite units of the Greek police, right outside The Ministry of Citizen Protection. Asylum seekers, outside The United Nations High Commission for Refugees in Greece, have—once more—sewn their lips!Calais Xmass appeal
23-12-2010 11:35
It is exceptionally cold, but a white Christmas is not exactly the dream of migrants who are camping out with - 5 degrees or sleeping in derelict squats with no heating no electricity. For us, it should be time for action. The border is the problem.BNP & EDL Websites Hacked & Member Information Leaked
21-12-2010 04:42

Temporary immigration cap ruled illegal
17-12-2010 16:49
From the guardian - two high court judges have ruled that Theresa May's temporary cap on immigration bypassed parliament illegally.EDL "jokes" about arson at mosque.
15-12-2010 11:05
A couple of "jokes" on the EDL forum show that arson is a bit of a theme for the EDL.Buckingham Uni racist radicals
13-12-2010 17:36
On the BBC a 'terrorism expert' just linked the Swedish suicide bomber to Wikipedia, said this 'civil liberties government' tried to stop people thinking clearly about radicalisation, demanded a thorough inquiry into universities which he blamed for terrorism and the banning of middle-eastern students. With 'experts' like this given uncritical air-time on the BBC and teaching his racist ideology to 'impressionable young people', a better inquiry would be into the radicalisation of his own students, and the lack of critical interview skills within the BBC.English Defence League Hacked & Member Information Leaked
13-12-2010 17:14

The website was compromised by hackers early on Sunday morning who replaced it with their own page. Almost 350 people who used the website have had their names, addresses and email addresses published online.
Censorship Forced on London's Gay Art Festival GFEST in 2010
13-12-2010 16:20
GFEST - Gaywise FESTival organisers in London faced a tricky censorship stipulation from GFEST 2010 venue Hampstead Town Hall - where the visual arts exhibition was held in Nov 2010 - to cover a few queer art works post exhibition closing time. They have written to the Town Hall Trustees / board of management to seek their official clarification but haven’t heard anything as yet.