UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Action against the Separation Wall
12-11-2005 20:05
Description of the action in Oxford on 12/11/05 against the illegal Israeli Separation Wall in PalestineHoward’s Terrorists
12-11-2005 12:11
When forced to produce, what do we get? The same fanatic imbeciles that were paraded on the local media after the London bombings and some others armed with PVC pipe, ‘sticky-tape and chewing gum’! Compare these outcomes with real bombings in George St. Sydney, in the seventies. Most Australians are aware that, like all other nations, we have always had our share of extremist fanatics, they can be easily located in mosques, churches and synagogues around the nation. There is nothing new in this regard; the existence of social misfits does not warrant the implementation of draconian policies on a national level.Regarding Mike Tyson: Amerikkka's biggest boogeymen are always Black!
12-11-2005 00:24
"THE BLACK MEN WHITES LOVE TO HATE"Solidarity with the Paris Rioters - ideas
11-11-2005 23:52
The riots across France are the explosive beginnings of a powerful new political movement. The Parisian ethnic minorities are rejecting staggering racism, police discrimination and 40% unemployment. They need our solidarity, and quickly. 2005 is our 1968Dangerous handyman terror threat?
11-11-2005 08:39

Terror suspects 'kept in dark'
10-11-2005 23:03

Over 100 school children rally in Wigan
09-11-2005 10:17

Anti-Fascist Benefit in Leeds THIS FRIDAY
08-11-2005 16:08
An 80's tribute night and a benefit for militant anti-fascism in West Yorkshire.Leeds No Borders first meeting
08-11-2005 15:58

--Films-discussion-introduction to No Borders--
United Rugby Players Against Racism
08-11-2005 14:46
Rugby a 7 - First tournmentTAKLE RACISM
United Rugby Players Against Racism
15-16-17 Aprile 2006
Anti-Fascist Benefit In Bradford
08-11-2005 12:39
November 18th 2005, Bradford 1in12 club, 7pm.
80's themed benefit night.
The best in quality 80's music. From Kraftwerk to Killing Joke. 80's Fancy dress, prize for the best outfit, raffle, cocktails and more.
Suggested donation 2 pounds.
Man shot by police in fishing raids
08-11-2005 11:46

ASIO fishing expedition makes arrests
08-11-2005 11:43

French Youth demands - The Left and Right Unite to Crush the Poor AGAIN!
07-11-2005 23:24

EU must formally state that the USA must withdraw from IRaq and all military bases in the region;
redirect economy and budgets away from war and weapons production and BUILD INSTEAD a Europe and a region open to all and pursuing social equity and social harmony as equals.
Support the French Rioters!
07-11-2005 22:39
Demonstration - Thursday 10 November, 3pm at the French emabssey in London, in support of the French rioters, and against the crackdown on French youth by the state and the police.Be there
sarkozy attacks 3 bloggers
07-11-2005 15:04
One minor and two adults have been charged for inciting violenceusing their blogs on Skyrock - risking prison sentences up to
five years. Be careful about publishing on insecure servers!!
Is Iran `next`?
06-11-2005 12:45

Flawed Crossrail Scheme: Theft of Taxpayers money
06-11-2005 11:41
The Crossrail scheme will seek to make two-thirds of London pay for a line that will support a third of London’s richest community most of whom are commuters. Further taxpayers liabilites are likely given that the previous estimates, produced by the independent analyst turned Crossrail chairman Adrian Montague, have risen by 7 billion pounds. It has already cost taxpayers over £300 million pounds. We report why Adrian Montague is running privatisation schemes to rip off taxpayers making him little more than a tax thief.