UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Please help save Joan Shurland from death in Jamaica
12-08-2004 18:51

National Front to visit Oakington Detention Centre and Cambridge
12-08-2004 14:08
The Nazi National Front are planning to visit Oakington detentioncentre this Saturday, August 14th at 1pm, to protest against the presence of
asylum seekers. They then plan to visit Cambridge city centre to hand
out their filthy propaganda.
Naseh Ghafor protest photos
12-08-2004 12:38

Chelmsford Unite against BNP
12-08-2004 08:40
Following the National humiliation of the BNP in a television documentaryand, on a local level, the politically catastrophic arrest of local European
elections candidate Matt Single at a Unite demo in Southend last month, the BNP
looked set to gain back some credibility by having Nick Griffin speak in
Chelmsford last Saturday.
History repeating itself in Hebron
11-08-2004 18:37
Even for Palestine, Hebron is shocking. The area has a population of 500,000 - the largest Palestinian Authority in the West Bank - but the city of Hebron was divided into three ‘zones’ in 1997. Settlers moved in and around the city centre in the eighties, and Hebron is characterized by some of the worst ethnic violence in the region.Urgent - Protest for Naseh Ghafor
11-08-2004 16:15
Naseh Ghafor has been on hunger strike for 5 weeks in Burngreave. He has sewn up his lips and is refusing medical attention. He believes he will be killed if he is deported to Iraq. His father and brother were killed there and his sister and mother are missing. David Blunkett says it is safe for him to return to Iraq. It is not.Exiled Iranian Writer's Story
10-08-2004 21:36

now lives here in depression. When we read things like this we can understand further the
lengths some people must go to in order to speak as they feel they must. Imprisoned, hunted out, beaten, cross examined, exiled - we cannot take our freedom for granted when we know this goes on in our own times, however it makes one grateful that this country is stable enough to host people fleeing persecution.
The Western and the Apartheid walls (by Latuff)
08-08-2004 17:06

Gerry Gable: "A lot of anti-semitism is driven by the left"
08-08-2004 11:57
Gable said: 'A lot of anti-semitism is driven by the left. There are elements who take up a position on Israel and Palestine which in reality puts them in league with anti-semites.'Boycott M&S
06-08-2004 12:33
Another excellent protest of Britains Biggest corporate sponosr of Israel - Marks and Spencer.Statement on Darfur, Sudan from the Muslim Youth Movement of South Africa
05-08-2004 21:29
The Muslim Youth Movement of South Africa have published a statement on the violence in Darfur and plan further protestsProtest for Naseh Gafor
05-08-2004 10:16
URGENT- Naseh Ghafor, a 20 year old Kurdish man in Burngreave, who is on hunger strike for fear of being sent back to Iraq, is in a critical state. Saturday at Chatsworth is our chance to confront David Blunkett, who has given no response to pleas to help Naseh.Could someone from Indymedia report it?
Human Rights Horros in Haiti
04-08-2004 18:55
What did the imperial powers give Haiti for their 200-year anniversary of independence from slavery? A coup and the murder of several thousand pro-democracy Haitians. Read about the news the "deniers" don't wan't you to know or care about...Protest against BNP fascists & Griffin, this Saturday! Chelmsford, Essex.
04-08-2004 13:41
The Fascist BNP are holding a meeting in Chelmsford this Saturday. BNP wannabe fuhrer Nick Griffin may be speaking at this event. The facists have chosen Chelmsford railway station as their re-direction point. We will assemble here to stop them!Assemble: 6pm Outside Chelmsford Rail Station. Sat 7th August 2004.

Palestinians, Anarchists, and ISMers Break Through Wall Near Tul Karm
03-08-2004 09:51
Activists, Palestinians break through fence near Tul KarmBy Yoav Stern, Nir Hasson, Yoav Stern and Amos Harel, Haaretz Correspondents, and Haaretz Service
The Invention of the Frankenstein Monster: Interview with Carlos Fuentes
31-07-2004 14:37
"The United States is extraordinarily gifted in creating monsters like Frankenstein. Then one fine day they discoved that these Frankensteins are dreadful.. Since the Second World War, there hasn't been a catastrophe comparable to the US attack on Iraq.." This interview with the renowned Mexican novelist is translated from the German in Freitag 31, July 2004.Excellent Marks and Spencer Demo
30-07-2004 09:14
The weekly boycott of Marks and Spencer, Britain's biggest corporate sponsor of Israel, went ahead again last night with energy and creativity.REMEMBERING AFRICAN VICTIMS IN THE BIRTHPLACE OF THE ENGLISH SLAVE TRADE
27-07-2004 17:23
Millions of victims of the slave trade are to be commemorated at a special public event being held in Plymouth this Sunday, to mark the 10th annual African Remembrance Day.“The wall is totally blocking the creation of a Palestinian state”
26-07-2004 16:32
Last July 9th the Hague-based International Court of Justice ruled that Israel's separation barrier is illegal by standards of international law, and recommended its demolition.Israeli government answered through its Justice Minister, Yosef Lapid, who declared that The Hague court is integrated by European judges that don’t like his country and that they will only obey the decision of the Israeli Supreme Court, that recently order a change on the path of the “security fence” as a humanitarian measure.