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Please help save Joan Shurland from death in Jamaica

Louloubelle | 12.08.2004 18:51 | Anti-racism | Indymedia | Social Struggles

My friend Joan Shurland, a disabled mother, is faced with deportation to almost certain death in Jamaica. She has already lost 2 sons to gun crime, she witnessed the murder of her younger son and was herself shot in the head by the murderers. Please read this news item and sign the petition at BLINK (see link) to help save her life.

Joan Shurland
Joan Shurland

Joan's sons Jermaine (left) and Rasheed (deceased, right)
Joan's sons Jermaine (left) and Rasheed (deceased, right)

Joan's daughter Rikkesha (now in hiding in the US)
Joan's daughter Rikkesha (now in hiding in the US)

This is an urgent appeal to help save the life of my good friend Joan Shurland who is facing deportation to Jamaica following losing her appeal for asylum in the UK.

3 years ago a group of young men broke into Joan's home with the intention of raping her daughter. Finding that Joan's daughter had fled the men were very angry and shot Joan's 18 year old son Rasheed in the head in front of her, killing him instantly.

They then shot Joan through her ear (presumably as she witnessed her son's murder and knew the killers) and left her for dead. She lost an eye and was in a coma for 3 months. Since Joan fled to England her home in Jamaica has been burned down and she fears for her life if she has to return there.

Joan's asylum appeal has been turned down and she is at very real risk of being deported to Jamaican where she has no home to go to and will be in terrible danger.

New Nation newspaper covered Joan's horrific situation here:

Joan is a committed Christian who is convinced that God will answer her prayers and that she will be allowed to stay. I don't share her confidence and am beside myself with worry for her. Joan is a good and kind person who has been through hell. She must stay here in the UK where she is safe.

Black Information Link (BLINK) has set up an online petition here

It only takes a few seconds to sign. Please, please sign the petition, it could help save Joan's life. Every signature helps. Please also pass this email and / or the link to the petition on to as many people as you can.

If you can help Joan's campaign in any way please do not hesitate to get in touch with BLINK at

Thank you so much for your help

With best wishes

