Palestinians, Anarchists, and ISMers Break Through Wall Near Tul Karm
haaretz | 03.08.2004 09:51 | Anti-racism | World
Activists, Palestinians break through fence near Tul Karm
By Yoav Stern, Nir Hasson, Yoav Stern and Amos Harel, Haaretz Correspondents, and Haaretz Service
By Yoav Stern, Nir Hasson, Yoav Stern and Amos Harel, Haaretz Correspondents, and Haaretz Service
Palestinian residents of the West Bank village of Kafr Zeita and anti-separation fence activists on Monday burst through a gate in the barrier separating the village from its agricultural lands.
Activists from the pro-Palestinian International Solidarity Movement and the Israeli group Anarchists Against the Fence said this was the first time demonstrators have managed to break through the barrier.
Activists and residents of the village, located north of Tul Karm, began breaking through the gate when there were no Israel Defense Forces soldiers present. When the first patrol jeep arrived on the scene, the gate had already been opened.
"Nothing will dissuade us from breaking this fence," Yonatan Pollack, of Anarchists Against the Fence, said.
The organization's activity in Kafr Zeita was part of its protest march from Jenin to Jerusalem along the route of the separation fence. The march is slated to end in another two weeks.
In 2003, Anarchists activist Gil Na'amati was wounded by IDF gunfire during an attempt by the group to break through the fence.
Also in Tul Karm, IDF troops and Border Policemen arrested four wanted Hamas members Monday evening, Israel Radio reported.
Security forces surrounded a Tul Karm house where they suspected three of the suspects were hiding, according to the report. Before their arrest at the house, the mother of one of the suspects came out and said they were not home. The fourth militant was arrested separately.
IDF seals off Bethlehem due to terror threat
IDF troops sealed off Bethlehem on Monday due to intelligence warnings that terrorists intended to depart from the West Bank city to carry out an attack inside Israel.
Security forces in Bethlehem arrested a militant affiliated with Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat's Fatah movement, Army Radio reported.
Israeli Machsom Watch activists, who monitor border crossings, said large crowds of Palestinians were kept standing for extended periods of time in the sun outside the city due to the military closure.
Meanwhile, security forces at the Hawara roadblock near the West Bank city of Nablus discovered explosives residue in a Palestinian ambulance Monday. Sappers searched the vehicle for explosive material.
Qassam hits Sderot apartment block
Four Qassam missiles fell on Gaza Strip settlements Monday evening. No injuries or damage were reported. On Monday morning, a Qassam rocket hit an apartment block in the Negev town of Sderot, causing no physical injuries, but some damage to the building.
Four people were treated for anxiety after the Sderot incident.
IDF troops killed three armed Palestinians before dawn Monday who tried to infiltrate into the Alei Sinai settlement in the northern Gaza Strip.
The Palestinians apparently planned to carry out an attack involving explosives and automatic weapons. Kalashnikov assault rifles were found on two of the men, and the third man was killed when the explosives he was carrying detonated.
Palestinians reported that two of the dead men were members of the Fatah's military wing and the third was an Islamic Jihad operative, according to Israel Radio.