UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Exposing racism and intolerance online
24-09-2010 06:17
Exposing raciosm and intolerance online.The BNP have been beaten but still racists are mobilising.
Urgent call out! English Defence League heading to US Embassy for Muslims vigil
22-09-2010 16:55

BNP members finding favour with sonic rock sympathisers
21-09-2010 17:21

Why Animal Rights Must Remain 100% Anti-Racist
21-09-2010 17:08
"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." - Martin Luther KingWho really benefits from 9/11 and the ‘War on Terror’?
21-09-2010 16:26

English Defence League leaders accused of stealing money by EDL members
21-09-2010 11:36
The English Defence League leadership have been accused of stealing money by the rank and file members of the English Defence League [EDL]. At a meeting held by EDL members the leadership were accused of stealing money. The leadershipe are now saying that they will stop selling the EDL merchandise, clothing and so on following the accusations of theft and misusing EDL monies.English Defence League pull EDL clothing following complaints over profits
21-09-2010 04:02
The English Defence League have stated that they they have pulled the merchandise ie clothing range following accusations from some EDL that Tommy Robinson and Kev Carrol were keeping the money. English Defence League insiders however know that the truth is rather different. The real reason for the clothing line being withdrawn by Tommy Robinson is as follows in the video.Leicester council email line against English Defence League October 9th march.
21-09-2010 00:42

London Frestival Presents Diverse Rainbow Line-Up To Highlight Future Gay Trends
20-09-2010 16:36

The full festival programme can be found on GFEST website:

"United Against Nuclear Iran": America's war propaganda mouthpiece
20-09-2010 11:30

UANI has compiled an elaborate list of the foreign companies and firms which do business with Iran and calls on its readers and visitors to send condemnatory letters and complaints to these companies so as to persuade them to withdraw their capitals and resources from Iran and stop doing business with a country which the United States and its European allies consider to be an emerging nuclear threat in the Middle East.
In a nutshell, UANI's objective is to impair the Iranian nation. They already know that Iran does not seek nuclear weapons. UANI's seeks a weak, demoralized and unstable Iran without an active role in the international community. UANI is not United Against Nuclear Iran, it is United Against the Nation of Iran.
(Cartoon #3) Deportation of gypsies: The Sarkozy's Holocaust (by Latuff)
19-09-2010 16:18

Liverpool - edl in Baltic fleet
19-09-2010 14:24
About 20 edl reported in Baltic fleet pub(New cartoon) Deportation of gypsies: The Sarkozy's Holocaust (by Latuff)
18-09-2010 18:16

The West failed in Zimbabwe
18-09-2010 10:24
EU forced to admit Zimbabwe has a free press.Russian embassy picket defends antifascist Khimki hostages
18-09-2010 01:51
A picket of the Russian Embassy in London is to be held on Monday September 20th. The protest is part of a series of international actions in defence of the Khimki hostages. These are two grassroots antifascist activists (Alexei Gaskarov and Maxim Solopov) who are currently in custody in Moscow on fabricated charges facing the prospect of very heavy prison sentences.EDL V Muslims Against Crusaders tomorrow 5pm London, Hyde Park [Marble Arch]
17-09-2010 17:09

Deportation of gypsies: The Sarkozy's Holocaust (by Latuff)
17-09-2010 15:23

xenophobia: a vote winner
16-09-2010 21:10
The news was terrifying: In France police frog marched entire gypsy families out of a nation that once upon a time gave us the intoxicating motto: “Liberty, fraternity, equality!”English Defence League sing "Aint no black in the union jack" at EDL protest
16-09-2010 03:04

15-09-2010 20:02
The English Defence League are holding a flash demo in Gateshead. NOW.One of them has been arrested for burning a Qur'an and they have put a call out for help at the Gateshead police station where they are holding a "flash demo".