UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
M&S Picket: Oppose Zionist/Police Aggression
20-09-2004 11:09
This Saturday, 18th September, the Marks & Spencer picket was again attacked by Zionist thugs waving Israeli and British flags. On the 22nd anniversary of Sabra and Shatilla where 3,500 Palestinians and Lebanese were massacred, the Israeli and British fascists came out, with full police cooperation, to show their support for these brutal actions and again attempt to get the pro-Palestinian protest kicked "off the streets of Manchester". This time we were well prepared and we outnumbered the racists, but as last week showed this might not always be the case.Today, 19th Sept 2004, villagers of Beit Awwa and Sikka (of the Dura region), me
19-09-2004 17:45

M&S pickets remember Sabra and Shatilla
19-09-2004 11:42
The national campaign to boycott Marks and Spencer because of their continuing and extensive support for Israel both financially and ideologically stands firm in the face of threats from the state and fascists. Victory to the Intifada’s solidarity with the Palestinian people will not be weakened by Zionist attack; in fact the campaign goes from strength to strength with more pickets starting in new areas. Join this movement to isolate Britain’s biggest corporate sponsor of Israel; contact the address below to find out what you can do in your area.The Daily Poetry Movement
19-09-2004 09:22
The fine was levied. But such a fine can not undo the actions taken, can not end the misery, can not prevent the US having paid over $1.5 million dollars a day for the massacres. I worked hard, I barely paid my bills, everywhere I went they took extra, a percentage for their corporations to kill, and my water turned off. upRising!Traveller Site Raided...
19-09-2004 00:02
More than 150 police from four different forces, a police helicopter and 35 vehicles were used to raid a Traveller site in York on Thursday. In the early morning all residents were removed from their homes and all dwellings were searched.BNP wins first London seat since 1993
17-09-2004 12:10
BNP scum take seat on barking & Dagenham CouncilUrgent Action: Buju Banton Concert
16-09-2004 16:04
7 – 9 PM Sunday 19 September 2004Outside Coronet Cinema
10 New Kent Road, London SE1
Nearest tube: Elephant & Castle
Antagonistic identifications in the Middle East conflict
14-09-2004 15:08

anti racist vigil in Swansea
14-09-2004 06:57
A large vigil was held in Swansea to protest at the killing odf Kalan kawaKarim a disabled Iraqi refugee
Black September
13-09-2004 07:01
September brings back memories of atrocities ranging from 9/11/01, to the CIA's involvement in the coup that installed General Pinochet in Chile (9/11/73), and to the massacre of Sabra and Shatila on 9/15/82. These tragedies are demonstrably intertwined beyond the coincidences of date and that they claimed similar numbers of civilian victims.M&S Picket Attacked By Fascists
12-09-2004 15:44
The weekly picket of Marks and Spencer in solidarity with Palestine has again been attacked by organised fascists. British and Israeli Zionists opportunistically used the anniversary of the 11th September tragedy to assault the democratic rights of anti-apartheid activists by "kicking" our peaceful protest "off the streets of Manchester". The racists, that include members of Israel's ruling Likud party as well as known British right-wing thugs, numbered more than seventy.Boycott M&S
10-09-2004 14:54
Another excellent demonstration outside of Markes and Spencers, Britain's biggest corporate sponsor of Israel.Los Trabajadores Petroleros, las Bases y el Referéndum Histórico
10-09-2004 14:43
Observadores Internacionales ElectoralesSelma James y Nina López
(con vídeo clips)
Estreno del documental:
La Revolución Bolivariana: Trabajadores petroleros ¡Presentes!
Contribución de Identidad Bolivariana, Países Bajos
Sábado 18 de septiembre 15:00-18:00
Trinity United Reform Church, Buck St, Londres NW1
Metro Camden Town Entrada a pie de calle, servicios disponibles en las cercanías
Entrada: £3 asalariados; £1.50 sin sueldo
Se celebrará la victoria del referéndum con música y refrigerio.
The Bolivarian Revolution: ENTER THE OIL WORKERS!
10-09-2004 14:32
July 2004, 34minutes, Spanish with English subtitles, VHS PAL/NTSCProduced by the Bolivarian Circle of the Global Women’s Strike
Venezuela is the world’s 5th largest oil exporter, yet 80% of its population lives in poverty. In 1998 President Hugo Chávez was elected to use the oil revenue to tackle poverty. In April 2002 a coup against him was defeated by the millions who took to the streets. A few months later the élite and the CIA paralyzed Venezuela’s oil company PDVSA to bring Chávez down. Oil workers took over and worked round the clock to recover production.
In this documentary José Bodas, Luís Felix Marín, Jesús Montilla and Tania Suárez tell how they saved PDVSA and how they are organizing to “put the oil industry at the service of humanity”.
La Revolución Bolivariana:
10-09-2004 14:28
Julio 2004, 34 min., Español subtítulos en inglés, VHS PAL/NTSCProducción Círculo Bolivariano de la Huelga Mundial de Mujeres
Venezuela es el 5o exportador de petróleo del mundo, sin embargo el 80% de su población vive en condiciones de pobreza. En 1998 Presidente Hugo Chávez fue electo para que se utilice el ingreso petrolero para eliminar la pobreza. En abril del 2002 se dio un golpe contra Chavez pero fue derrotado por los millones que salieron a la calle. Pocos meses después la elite y la CIA paralizaron a Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) para derrocar a Chávez. Los trabajadores petroleros tomaron la industria y trabajaron 24 horas diarias para recuperar su producción.
En este documental José Bodas, Luís Felix Marín, Jesús Montilla y Tania Suárez cuentan como salvaron a PDVSA y como se están organizando para “poner la industria petrolera al servicio de la humanidad”.
10-09-2004 14:21
International Election Observers Selma James and Nina Lopez (with video clips)and
Documentary Premiere: The Bolivarian Revolution:
Contribution from Identidad Bolivariana, The Netherlands
Saturday 18 September 3-6 pm
Trinity United Reform Church,
Buck St, London NW1
Camden Town Tube
Level entrance, accessible toilet nearby
Entrance: £3 waged; £1.50 unwaged
Followed by celebration of the referendum victory with music and refreshments.
08-09-2004 15:33
Human rights advocates on a recent fact finding mission found major problems in the southern West Bank city of Hebron.Bicester Refugee Support Open Meeting
08-09-2004 09:12
Open meeting of Bicester Refugee Support - Tuesday, 21 September 2004 at 7.30 pmin Bicester Methodist Church, Sheep Street, Bicester
Greek Nationalistic Violence
07-09-2004 09:56
I think it is important to inform you about Greek violence against Albanian people after the football match on Saturday. The rising of greek fascism and racism is obvious the last days and I believe that you do not get any information about these unacceptable violent incidents. In greece there was 1 dead and more than 50 people in the hospital