UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
A case of rape in Rome is exploited by politicians to approve racial laws
28-02-2009 10:38
A case of rape in Rome is exploited by politicians and racist patrols to approve racial laws and carry out acts of violence and camp clearances of the last Roma settlements."Erik and Sons" Hacked!
27-02-2009 22:36
Nazi webstore hacked! Data of customers accessed and available to download!Translation from German Indymedia

Migrant Support Volunteer Arrested in NW France
27-02-2009 17:19
In recent months a number of volunteers for French migrant support groups have been arrested. This appears to be a deliberate policy on the part of the French judiciary and police as the Sarkozy governement increases repressive measures against the hundreds of migrants in the area.Fascist farmer targetted again
26-02-2009 20:53

Leafleting against BNP in Witham on Saturday 28th February
25-02-2009 15:52
Come and join usEmergency Protest Tomorrow!: Stop the deportation of Gasperd to the DRC
25-02-2009 15:33
Emergency demonstration, tomorrow Thursday 26th February, 10am, Government Offices North East, Newcastle (near St James Park).Mobilization in Italy against Forza Nuova and the neo (and old) fascism
25-02-2009 14:28

there is a call for mobilization against it for Saturday 28 february and Roberto Fiore
is planning to attend.

Close Communications House - dem o Tuesday 3 March
25-02-2009 12:05
DEMONSTRATE AGAINST BRITAIN ’S RACIST IMMIGRATION LAWSShow solidarity with asylum seekers and immigrants
TUESDAY 3 March 1-2pm
Outside the UK Immigration Service Communications House
210 Old Street, London , EC1V 9BR
(nearest tube – Old Street )
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Bnp in manchester
25-02-2009 00:22
The BNP will be holding a meeting in the Manchester town hall at 12 noon.Since they chickened out of Liverpool lets give them a good send off in Manchester.
Defend Yahya al-Faifi
25-02-2009 00:18

Lampedusa's prison for migrants burns: Picket of Italian Embassy
24-02-2009 12:38

PHILIPPINES: Scrap the Visiting Forces Agreement now!
23-02-2009 12:08

Boycott and Disinvest in Israel, in Solidarity and Self-Defense
22-02-2009 21:15

Election Results: Towards Fascist Rule in Israel
22-02-2009 11:00

Obama compared to a chimp (by Latuff)
22-02-2009 06:03

Australian Sovereignty: Who wants to be King and Queen of Australia?
22-02-2009 05:52

You will note that the British Empire and High Court Australia declared the continent terra nullis, meaning that white settlers settled and NOT invaded a continent. The problem now is that they didnt set up the Constitution properly, and anyone can come invade and declare sovereignty, since its still terra nullis ;)
For historical buffs and legal afficiandos ;)

NB. Its a banana republic though
Academic politics and overcoming zioism
22-02-2009 02:26
Professor Joel Kovel—an outspoken critic of Israel and author of the book Overcoming Zionism—has been dismissed from his position as the Alger Hiss Chair in Social Studies at Bard College in New York state.Fascist Jewish Rule Enshrined In Israeli Law
22-02-2009 02:09
On February 10, Israel held parliamentary elections for 120 seats in its 18th Knesset. The process repeats every four years unless the body calls an earlier election by majority vote. The prime minister may also ask the president to request one early that will proceed unless the Knesset blocks it. Parliamentary terms may be extended beyond four years by special majority vote. Israel has no constitution. Under Article 4 of its Basic Law: The Knesset:
"The Knesset shall be elected by general, national, direct, equal, secret and proportional elections, in accordance with the Knesset Elections Law." Every Israeli citizen 18 or older may vote, including Arabs who are nominally enfranchised, may serve in the parliament, but can't govern or in any way influence policy.
Knesset seats are assigned proportionally to each party's percentage of the total vote. A minimum total is required to win any seats. Jewish parties alone are empowered. Arab parliamentarians have no decision-making authority. They're also constrained by the 1992 Law of Political Parties and section 7A(1) of the Basic Law that prohibits candidates from denying "the existence of the State of Israel as the state of the Jewish people."
University anti-Zionist twinning with Palestine
21-02-2009 15:55
Last week, at a relatively well-attended meeting, my branch Executive seconded a motion to support a twinning with a Palestinian university, building on existing Student Union work. A few of us decided to propose an additional note about “the increase in antisemitic atmosphere on British campuses associated with Israel’s conflicts”. We are all broadly supportive of the twinning but conscious that in our institution it has been a vehicle for intensifying calls for the ostracisation and dissolution of Israel. Our intervention was fairly puny and didn’t say what needed to be said about this twinning - in retrospect since it was almost certain to fall we should have made more amendments.Finkelstein talks: The misuse of anti-Semitism and abuse of history - Mon 23 Feb
21-02-2009 12:40

Norman Finkelstein explores the corruption and bias of scholarship surrounding the Palestine-Israel conflict. The talk will examine the growing tendency of pro-Israel commentators to use spurious charges of anti-Semitism to deflect and discredit legitimate criticism of Israel.