UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Today! Urgent! Help stop racist evictions in Epping Forest!
16-06-2004 06:31
A young mother with triplets and an elderly couple, who have lived on their own land at Paynes Lane, Lower Nazeing, Essex, for l4 years, along with other families face eviction today. (Wednesday 16th June).This ethnic cleansing comes just days after the fascist BNP won three seats on Epping Forest District Council, with their neo-nazi pledge to drive out the local Gypsy people. Further info taken from
Refugee Week Sheffield Events
15-06-2004 20:01

European Election Results - Manchester
15-06-2004 07:17
Facts and figures from Manchester on Euro Election Breakdownget clued up bout immigration and refugees, fri 18th june
14-06-2004 20:22
Do summat present the fourth of the monthly get clued up events:'get clued up bout immigration and refugees'
Euro Election Results - Merseyside
14-06-2004 11:37
Fact figures and comment on Euro election results and the dangers of the far rightBarcelona Sin Papeles: art/activism
13-06-2004 21:09

The picture shows people scribbling their demands on a 25 meter roll of paper cellotaped on the marble stones of Placa Catalunya. The following text describes how this simple action developed.
The Nazification of Israel
13-06-2004 09:45

Stop the BNP rally in Sunderland
12-06-2004 10:36

Irish Activist Begins 14-Day Hunger Strike for Palestine
11-06-2004 12:22

Our Islamic Fifth Column
11-06-2004 09:56
Most recently, in response to a column I write for an Indian paper, in which I confessed to having met a few terrorists in my time and attempted to analyze their limited grasp of the world, I received a lot of hate mail.Activist Shot by Israeli Army Fasts Against Irish Apartheid Wall Company
10-06-2004 17:34
Caoimhe Butterly, a dedicated peace activist who became an integral almost heroic figure and sister and daughter to many in Jenin camp was shot and nearly killed by Israeli soldiers during an incursion into Jenin camp in November 2002. Now active in Ireland against the companies aiding and abetting crimes against humanity in Palestine, she begins a two week fast against Irish company Cement Roadstone which is supplying Israel with cement to build the illegal apartheid wall.NAIL BOMB hits turkish community in Cologne
10-06-2004 10:18

Let’s Come Together Against NATO in Istanbul
09-06-2004 17:17
We are calling on all those who are fighting for “Another World” to come to Turkey against this gathering of global killers. Let’s meet in Istanbul against war, occupation, neo-liberalism, capitalist globalization and the ensuing increasing poverty and injustice. Let’s merge our struggles for a world without war.Man wins damages over al-Qaida claim
09-06-2004 16:36
Tuesday, June 8, 2004 · Last updated 5:22 a.m. PTMan wins damages over al-Qaida claim
New Start for Caribbean Carnival of Manchester
09-06-2004 15:53
Manchester’s legendary Caribbean carnival has a new name, a freshly elected committee and is to be supported by a local cutting-edge events company.CWU Hosts Anti-Racism Conference
09-06-2004 00:05
More than 50 trade union delegates from across Europe descended on CWU headquarters in Wimbledon today (June 7) to discuss the best ways to tackle a rising tide of racism and xenophobia across the continent.BBC -BNP fodder
08-06-2004 19:49
BBc is going to broadcast a programme about the rise in violent crime amongst Asians.Neo-Nazi Propaganda distributed door to door in Cambridge.
07-06-2004 23:31

Queeruption 6 against fascism
07-06-2004 19:27
Nearly 300 anti-facist protestors where arrested on Saturday in The Hauge. for "illegal protest" against a nazi parade. Amongst them was a contingent of around 70 international queer activists visiting for the Queeruption 6 gathering, which was taking place in Amsterdam. Here is part of the story.Barcelona Forum 2004: "sans-papiers" in cathedral forced to evacuate it
06-06-2004 14:28
Barcelona Forum 2004: "sans-papiers" in cathedral forced to evacuate it with violence by the policeAfter the demostration of this sameday afternoon, 2 occupations, the church "Esglesia del Pi" and the Barcelona Cathedral. Cathedral has been disloged, the other resist. We don't know if all the arrested people is free now.