UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Jean Charles de Menezes, innocent victim - BBC Panorama 9PM Wed 8 March 2006
08-03-2006 21:16
Watch the programme to see about the British police and UK government cover up in the Jean Menezes case.Brave Sid Williamson - Stalker By Proxy
08-03-2006 11:53

Frank Sinatra...When Old Blue Eyes was a Red- illustrated talk
07-03-2006 21:39
An illustrated talk by author and activist Martin Smith covering the hidden history or Sinatras involvement with the anti racist left.Ali Noori temporarily released
07-03-2006 20:56
Ali Noori - the 20-year-old Afghani detained for deportation last week - has been temporarily released pending judicial review of his case.Support needed for threatened asylum legal advice group
07-03-2006 14:03
A group providing invaluable legal advice to asylum seekers, refugees and those working with them is seeking urgent help to continue its work.Asylum seeking families amnesty: Possible change to terms
07-03-2006 13:40

Asylum seekers who were previously excluded as unaccompanied minors, because they had driving license points or because a child was over 18 should read this document and seek legal advice. They may have a claim for indefinite leave to remain in the country.
Iraqi Sunnis four times more likely to be killed than Shiites
06-03-2006 01:36
Respected Beirut-based journalist Robert Fisk claims that Sunni Arabs in Iraq are being killed at four times the rate of Shiite Arabs in continuing violence in Iraq, contradicting mainstream media reports which portray the Shiites as the main victims of ongoing sectarian violence.Full article | 1 addition | 4 comments
No Borders @ Harmondsworth Detention Centre, Sat 8 April
05-03-2006 16:15
London noborders is calling for a demo in Harmondwworth on April 8, in solidarity with a worldwide call for action from Australian noborder activists. Here is some background:"Oh GOD! Save us from the religious nutters" Tony Blair
05-03-2006 15:56
Making a television appearance on the Parkinson Show on ITV, a British satellite channel, Blair described his decision on the Iraqi war as the most important one since he came to power eight years ago, while referring to his Christian values as quite influential in his past decisions on the Iraqi issue. Warned by his advisor Alastair Campbell to separate politics and religion, the British prime minister told the audience during his television appearance that his interest in politics derives from his faith in Christianity, because the Christian moral values and philosophy guide him in his daily life as well as in his office.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
No Borders Gathering: London 11th/12th March
05-03-2006 13:49
The Square Social Centre, 21 Russell Square, WC1We hope the gathering will include workshops and discussions that encompass our political structure and enable us to move forward to take action, and with the additional aim of welcoming those with an interest in becoming involved in No Borders activity.
Harrwoingly pro-racist Mingy Campbell gives racists a big boost !
05-03-2006 13:23
Mingy Campbell's encouragement to the so-called 'debate' on free speech at the Lib Dems so-called Spring Conference was a definitive pro-racist tactic, only possible in the UK under Tiny Blair where the three main Parties are agreed on the Crusade against the Muslims. It is no longer pretence that the Crusade begun by the USA Neon Cons is aped loyally by all three UK parties. The loss is to what remained of democracy until Saturday 4 March 2006 at HarrogateThe Media, Islamaphobia and the War on Terror
04-03-2006 16:29
The role of the media in the war on Iraq and the "war on terror" will be discussed at a public meeting open to all. Speakers: Mark Steel (The Independent), Jonathan Steele (The Guardian), Sami Ramadani (Iraqi writer), Yvonne Ridley (Islam Channel), Tim Lezard (NUJ President)bnp leafletter hospitalised
04-03-2006 16:01
bnp canvassing team run into troubleAli Noori taken to detention centre, review lodged
04-03-2006 11:31
Ali Noori, the 20-year-old Afghani detained in Nottingham on Wednesday, is today being taken to a detention centre.His solicitor has lodged a judicial review of the case, though, so any deportation would be illegal.
03-03-2006 10:57
FIGHT BRITISH COLLABORATION WITH THE FASCIST REGIME IN TURKEY!Demonstration outside Bow Street Magistrates Court, London WC2
Tuesday 14 March 2006 – 10am onwards
Anti-Deportation Protest at Nottingham Magistrates Court
02-03-2006 20:13

Full article | 2 additions | 15 comments
BNP front groups
02-03-2006 16:08
BNP sets up a civil liberties group and a union 'Solidarity'Drums of Peace video
02-03-2006 15:11

Violation of International Law In Afghanistan, War Vet Tells Troops, PM
02-03-2006 14:24
Press release relevant to all soldiers and citizens of all nations involved in the Afghan war. Four documents: -To Canadian troops in Afghanistan, -Canada Violating International Law In Afghanistan, War Vet Tells Troops, PM -Letter to PM Stephen Harper, Feb. 28, 2006 -Research Brief: “Legal Aspects of Canada’s Actions in Afghanistan Deeply Troubling,”