BNP front groups
fascismsucks | 02.03.2006 16:08 | Anti-racism | Liverpool

"The BNP's top man in Wales, national treasurer John Walker, last night said although Solidarity was not a front for the party, it would have a fundraising role.
'There probably will be a political levy at some stage to the BNP just as other unions raise money for Labour," said Mr Walker from Mancot, Flintshire. "It is quite possible and feasible that when Solidarity becomes fully functional some element of funds raised will be donated to the BNP, but that will have to be decided through consultation with the membership.'"

Latest issue of Private Eye (3 March) adds:
"Solidarity will need to get its own funds in order before raising cash for Griffin's crown. To register as a union it had to send Whitehall's certification officer a cheque for £150. The Eye hears that the first cheque bounced."
More info here...
02.03.2006 22:34
BNP creating new offshoots faster than the average knotweed
The BNP has certainly been busy of late. You'd have thought they had enough on their collective plate with Griffin and Collett in court, Lecomber getting the boot, their entire security team stomping out in a huff and crooked BNP councillors being done for benefit fraud - but no. Not content with all this excitement, they've plunged headfirst into setting up their own fake church, civil liberties organisations and oddly, considering they nurse a long hatred for unions, a union.
Civil Liberty
Civil Liberty purports to look after the liberties of the British people - particularly when it comes to protecting them from the 'tyranny' of political correctness. 'Civil Liberty is [it says here] an independent organisation that has been set up to consider and possibly represent and fund the legal cases of any individuals or organisations that apply to it for assistance. It is independent of political parties, and has been set up solely in order to assist the thousands of British citizens who have been denied justice on the grounds of their race, skin colour, ethnicity or political opinion.'
Curiously, the only two people it appears to be doing anything for are both BNP members who have lost their jobs and are awaiting tribunals. 'Independent of political parties', eh?
The truth is no defense
This bunch claim that their purpose is to bring attention to individuals who are being persecuted or who are serving prison sentences for their speech and writings. Coincidentally, 'the first persecuted individual that we seek to defend is Mr. Nick Griffin, Chairman of the British National Party'. Spooky, huh?
The only links from this site are directly to the BNP and the dreary blog that Griffin is keeping on the trial.
Free Speech on Trial
Nick Griffin's all-round poor attempt at keeping a blog - that pats Mark Collett on the back for being a good boy and getting his bullshit straight twenty times in every article - and tries to give the reader an insight into what a lovely chap Griffin is. 'Bacon and egg bap and orange juice for breakfast...' A riveting read (yawn).
Christian Council of Britain
The Christian Council of Britain, replete with one or two hundred rabid members of the BNP (who also happen to be Christians), was set up by the BNP as a so-called balance to the Muslim Council of Britain. They claim to represent the Christians of Britain, which of course, they don't. They actually represent a racist though supposedly Christian offshoot of the BNP formed solely so that the party could almost-legitimately jump on the back of the anti-'Jerry Springer - The Opera' campaign. The real Christian group who actually are organising the campaign have stated clearly that the BNP is unwelcome.
One insane offshoot of this was the idiot who asked on the Stormfront nazi forum, 'Is Nick Griffin the Messiah?' Er, no.
Solidarity – The Union for British Workers
Rather more seriously, it appears that the BNP are also attempting to set up a fake union. Searchlight reports that Solidarity 'claims that it will be a normal trade union defending the interests of any British worker, but in reality it will be simply a scab union and a front for the BNP'.
The 'President' of the union is Clive Potter, a long-time BNP activist from Leicester, who was expelled from Unison for improper conduct. Other BNP activists involved in the project include Jay Lee, who was recently booted out of Aslef, and John Walker, the BNP's national treasurer, who has had his own troubles with the T&G.
Read more about the BNP's fake union here.
Lancaster UAF
03.03.2006 08:57

Lancaster UAF
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