BNP front groups
fascismsucks | 02.03.2006 16:08 | Anti-racism | Liverpool
"The BNP's top man in Wales, national treasurer John Walker, last night said although Solidarity was not a front for the party, it would have a fundraising role.
'There probably will be a political levy at some stage to the BNP just as other unions raise money for Labour," said Mr Walker from Mancot, Flintshire. "It is quite possible and feasible that when Solidarity becomes fully functional some element of funds raised will be donated to the BNP, but that will have to be decided through consultation with the membership.'"
Latest issue of Private Eye (3 March) adds:
"Solidarity will need to get its own funds in order before raising cash for Griffin's crown. To register as a union it had to send Whitehall's certification officer a cheque for £150. The Eye hears that the first cheque bounced."
More info here...
02.03.2006 22:34
BNP creating new offshoots faster than the average knotweed
The BNP has certainly been busy of late. You'd have thought they had enough on their collective plate with Griffin and Collett in court, Lecomber getting the boot, their entire security team stomping out in a huff and crooked BNP councillors being done for benefit fraud - but no. Not content with all this excitement, they've plunged headfirst into setting up their own fake church, civil liberties organisations and oddly, considering they nurse a long hatred for unions, a union.
Civil Liberty
Civil Liberty purports to look after the liberties of the British people - particularly when it comes to protecting them from the 'tyranny' of political correctness. 'Civil Liberty is [it says here] an independent organisation that has been set up to consider and possibly represent and fund the legal cases of any individuals or organisations that apply to it for assistance. It is independent of political parties, and has been set up solely in order to assist the thousands of British citizens who have been denied justice on the grounds of their race, skin colour, ethnicity or political opinion.'
Curiously, the only two people it appears to be doing anything for are both BNP members who have lost their jobs and are awaiting tribunals. 'Independent of political parties', eh?
The truth is no defense
This bunch claim that their purpose is to bring attention to individuals who are being persecuted or who are serving prison sentences for their speech and writings. Coincidentally, 'the first persecuted individual that we seek to defend is Mr. Nick Griffin, Chairman of the British National Party'. Spooky, huh?
The only links from this site are directly to the BNP and the dreary blog that Griffin is keeping on the trial.
Free Speech on Trial
Nick Griffin's all-round poor attempt at keeping a blog - that pats Mark Collett on the back for being a good boy and getting his bullshit straight twenty times in every article - and tries to give the reader an insight into what a lovely chap Griffin is. 'Bacon and egg bap and orange juice for breakfast...' A riveting read (yawn).
Christian Council of Britain
The Christian Council of Britain, replete with one or two hundred rabid members of the BNP (who also happen to be Christians), was set up by the BNP as a so-called balance to the Muslim Council of Britain. They claim to represent the Christians of Britain, which of course, they don't. They actually represent a racist though supposedly Christian offshoot of the BNP formed solely so that the party could almost-legitimately jump on the back of the anti-'Jerry Springer - The Opera' campaign. The real Christian group who actually are organising the campaign have stated clearly that the BNP is unwelcome.
One insane offshoot of this was the idiot who asked on the Stormfront nazi forum, 'Is Nick Griffin the Messiah?' Er, no.
Solidarity – The Union for British Workers
Rather more seriously, it appears that the BNP are also attempting to set up a fake union. Searchlight reports that Solidarity 'claims that it will be a normal trade union defending the interests of any British worker, but in reality it will be simply a scab union and a front for the BNP'.
The 'President' of the union is Clive Potter, a long-time BNP activist from Leicester, who was expelled from Unison for improper conduct. Other BNP activists involved in the project include Jay Lee, who was recently booted out of Aslef, and John Walker, the BNP's national treasurer, who has had his own troubles with the T&G.
Read more about the BNP's fake union here.
Lancaster UAF
03.03.2006 08:57
Lancaster UAF
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MCB MAB does need opposition
03.03.2006 09:19
Its a shame only the BNP have the guts to do something about this, and its them who feed off it.
03.03.2006 11:17
THE TRADE unions make up eight out of ten of the largest donors to the Labour Party. Last year they donated a total of £9.87 million.
AEEU £1,202,844
ASLEF £78,880
BECTU £18,075
CATU £7,500
Connect £9,000
CWU £1,276,522
FBU £53,600
GMB £1,747,656
GPMU £224,850
ISTC £129,754
KFAT £80,113
MSF £426,343
Musicians union £16,125
NUM £8694
RMT £125,190
TGWU £712,317
TSSA £91,619
UCATT £159,375
UNISON £1,108,847
USDAW £975,392
Hey, Numb nut, thats your money funding the party killing of thousands of iraqis every week!
keep paying your pound, we need more bombs
your pound, your war
lukon 5
Working-Classes like the BNP
03.03.2006 12:48
Angry working-class people are far more anti-immigrants than the middle-classes and that block of people will always support groups like the BNP & Front National today as the Nazis and Fasicsts in the 1920s & 30s.
working class = biggest BNP support base
03.03.2006 19:57
The middle and upper classes can buy their way out of "diversity".
It is poor whites who get undercut by cheaper labour both from immigration and out-sourcing.
People with skills and professions are safer from this.
If the area becomes unpleasent and dangerous, the schools useless, and the new locals hateful towards the old locals, those with money can always escape.
We're seeing this in the US with the black v.s. hispanic hatred, i.e the hispanics taking jobs done traditionally by blacks and resentment from this.
So working class whites will ALWAYS be a fertile recruitment group for the BNP.
The reason is multiculturalism and mass immigration doesn't benefit them! Which is exactly why socialism and anarchism is so laughable. The idea that "the workers" want to support gay Jamaicans and Nicaraguan workers co-operative yoghurt sandal growers, and for there to be totally open borders, is utterly ludicrous!
But then the student gwant types that make up sites like this will never accept that fact!
04.03.2006 07:15
White working-class people support the BNP because they are blaming the wrong people for their problems.
Working-class people are more racist and angry than the middle-classes because they are treated like shit more but they do not blame the real causes for their problems.
Working-class people are not oppressed by multi-culturalism or immigrants, working-class people are oppressed by their boss at work, the cops, the uncaring government and most of all the Rich.
Immigrants are just blamed cos they are an easy target.
basic supply and demand
04.03.2006 10:22
And you have Z number of unqualified people in the pool of potential employees
Then Y is the average wage.
If Z is low, then Y is higher.
If Z gets higher, due to immigration for instance, then Y will get lower.
In other words, working class people suffer the most from mass immigration unless it is restricted to areas where there are skill shortages.
This has been seen in the US where hispanic mass immigration has pushed blacks out of jobs as hispanics will work for less.
Blaming capitalism is nuts, it's like shoving 100 people into a room with space for 10 and then blaming the builders.
Capitalism is a fact of life, it's not perfect but people need to go with it, and increase their net worth by skilling-up. Parties such as the BNP offer a way for those who loose from this system to send a message.
The likes of the BNP will never make much headway beyond a certain point because no government would be stupid enough to allow too many people to be pissed off about immigration enough that they'd consider voting BNP instead.
The likes of the SWP et al need the BNP as a bogeyman in order to scare loads of normal people into joining their front groups "against the Nazis" and then pushing hard left politics at them when they get there.
Anyway I'm off to buy the FT to read in Starbucks before I go for a drive in my SUV (it prefers Esso).
Basic Economics
04.03.2006 12:39
According to basic economics the immigrants will get money and spend money and that will create new jobs anyway.
Plus immigrants tend to go straight to the bottom of the job market which means the natives will (relatively) rise up the job market.
The BNP are anti-working class - that's a fact!
04.03.2006 20:16
The BNP do the work of the capitalist state on its behalf by nurturing division amongst the working class, whether that be English, Irish, Carribean, Asian, African, Eastern European.
Putting the blame upon the blameless and feeding that convenient lie to the politically ignorant is part of the divide and rule methods used against the working class, that's why the BNP get 'name checks' in the media, front page reports.
I've seen how BNP supporters treat working class people, as the working class SLP candidate in Norris Green in 2004 our leafleters (all working class) had BNP supporters in cars (unprovoked) drive at us threateningly at high speed a number of times. I myself narrowly missed being run over and then the same car reversed at high speed confronted by a car full of angry young men shouting ignorant nonsense about 'Labour said it want's to let more Paki's into Britain' , firstly they got the party name wrong, secondly we said no such thing in our single leaflet.
What the single SLP leaflet said was;
"The Socialist Labour Party recognises that the poison of racism runs though the whole of British Society. There is therefore a racial dimension to our policies on all matters where Black and Asian people and all who are from ethnic minorities suffer disproportionately - including education, housing, employment, immigration, and 'law and order'.
It is no accident that the racist upsurge, including hostility against asylum seekers, that we have seen across Europe in recent years coincides with huge attacks on organised labour, as the controllers of the European Union devise policies in order to meet the criteria laid down by the Maastrcht Treaty and the Nice Summit."
What does the BNP offer the working class? A big stick with which to beat us with for the entire benefit of the capitalist state. When the BNP get councillors elected, as they did in the North West a couple of years ago they delivered nothing, because in the end they cannot deliver anything but division, they take the most angry and misdirect that anger against themselves.
Kai Andersen, Liverpool SLP
Kai Andersen
cafe culture
05.03.2006 01:51
Working class people suffer more than higher classes in any given scenario. Working class people suffer most from racist border controls.
>This has been seen in the US where hispanic mass immigration has pushed blacks out of jobs as hispanics will work for less.
The US was built upon mass-immigration and each of its subsequent economic successes disproves your point. Each ghetto competes with the previous one and becomes establishment
>Blaming capitalism is nuts, it's like shoving 100 people into a room with space for 10 and then blaming the builders.
If the Netherlands have space for 15 million then Scotland has space for 50 million, England even more. Not that we should be encouraging over-population but it would liven up the gene pool in the local club in a good way.
>Capitalism is a fact of life,
So is AIDS but you should still wear a condom and try to avoid it.
>it's not perfect but people need to go with it, and increase their net worth by skilling-up.
Skills are admirable in any political system.
>Parties such as the BNP offer a way for those who loose from this system to send a message.
I am an unskilled racist seeking preferential treatment becuase my ancestors used to live here ?
>The likes of the BNP will never make much headway beyond a certain point because no government would be stupid enough to allow too many people to be pissed off about immigration enough that they'd consider voting BNP instead.
Lots of governments have been that stupider in the past.
>The likes of the SWP et al need the BNP as a bogeyman in order to scare loads of normal people into joining their front groups "against the Nazis" and then pushing hard left politics at them when they get there.
And the Labour party and the Conservative party and all ther parties. If the people who tell our parliament what to do lose faith in our parliaments ability to hoodwink us then they will back the Nazis as thier last line of defence, as they have done in the past.
If you don't like the left-wing but can see through fascist and government PR then you should read up on anarchy. It is 90 degrees to all other political theory, not left wing.
>Anyway I'm off to buy the FT to read in Starbucks before I go for a drive in my SUV (it prefers Esso).
Reading the FT is admirable, it is relatively honest compared to most newspapers. And all oil companies are shits so why not Esso ?
Starbucks and SUVs though - tsk, tsk. Full english breakfast and a british landrover not good enough for you wannabe Yank ? Racist ! Seriously, there is nothing wrong with you if you just question more and decide more things for yourself. Try to travel a wee bit and see what is like to work abroad.
06.03.2006 09:58
Not really. It's blaming the erosion of the power of the workers in preference for the interests of investors... analogies are at best limited, so why not cut to the chase.
"Capitalism is a fact of life, it's not perfect but people need to go with it, and increase their net worth by skilling-up."
Marital rape used to be "a fact of life" until people got pissed off enough to change it. Slavery. Child labour. TB. Witch trials. The IRA... etc etc etc.
Skills: Hmm, except that there has been a steady erosion of skilled employment, because it leads to collective bargaining which leads to paying a fair wage. Capitalists don't like sharing the wealth earned by its workers fairly. That's what globalisation is all about. Capitalism as it stands is about battery farming proles and keeping them in their place- throw them of few trinkets to keep them at bay.
"Parties such as the BNP offer a way for those who loose from this system to send a message."
By blaming it all on pakis? LMAO!
"The likes of the BNP will never make much headway beyond a certain point because no government would be stupid enough to allow too many people to be pissed off about immigration enough that they'd consider voting BNP instead."
No but they'll try to act as a buffer by at the very least manipulating the media (a lesson learned from 1990s Germany) into paying lip service to far-right rhetoric which in turn demonstrably leads to an upswing in racially motived crime.
"The likes of the SWP et al need the BNP as a bogeyman in order to scare loads of normal people into joining their front groups "against the Nazis" and then pushing hard left politics at them when they get there."
The SWP are just an MI5 plant organisation. I don't doubt they'll have their fingers in the BNP too. The SWP doesn't need anything but its own shadow to have a ruck with... and it usually ends alienating even that.
Do I think that the aysulm system needs to be reformed? Without a doubt. But not because I fear a mass influx of "pakis" but because I fear that a government will cut off the escape line to people who need it the most.
'racism is all the working classes' fault' - sod off
06.03.2006 16:45
Anyway.. The BNP are Fascist idiots. Resist them.
Unite Against Fascism:
Stop the BNP (Searchlight):
Mr Spoon
Working-Classes are racist
06.03.2006 20:07
Im sorry but it is generally true that on the issue of race the middle-class are far more tolerant
07.03.2006 00:10
Sorry Gary that's nonsense
07.03.2006 11:38
Apart from anything else a lot of working class people are Black or Asian (or Irish or Jewish).
And as to the supposed superior anti-racism of the middle classes, come off it. They might be cleverer at using long words to conceal it, but they have their racist minority too.
Unite Against Fascism:
Mr Spoon
lol @ far right
08.03.2007 23:15
Papa Lorenz