UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
The neo-Nazi BNP Plot The Murder of Black People
05-05-2005 09:45
The latest undercover tape (shot by a BNP member himself, and not a reporter), shows BNP politicians talking about murdering black people, and singing sonds about the Holocaust.It's high time to make the BNP illegal, as this is pure incitement to genocide and racist murder.
Meeting about proposed new jail for asylum seekers
05-05-2005 09:32
Find out more about repression of innocent people on your doorstep.Injustice Screening in support of the Mikey Powell Campaign for Justice May 27
04-05-2005 11:45

(Mikey Powell died on September 7, 2003, in police custody in Handsworth, Birmingham)
03-05-2005 22:56

Darfur “die-in” at Downing Street
03-05-2005 18:09
400,000 murdered, three million refugees and rising. Call for UK, EU & UN action to stop the genocide in Darfur.Palestine Film Festival: 1st - 4th May @ the mac
03-05-2005 09:55

1st May Sun Arna's Children+short 8.00pm (1h 20m+9m)
2nd May Mon Hopefully for the Best 8.00pm (42m)
3rd May Tue In the 9th Month 8.00pm (1h 46m)
4th May Wed Ford Transit 8.45pm (1h 20m)
All the films will be screened at the Midlands Art Centre (mac)
The mac is in Cannon Hill Park, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B12 9QH. Tel: 0121 440 3838
Directions: From the city centre take one of the buses 45,45A,47,47A get off at Pershore Road / Edgbaston Road walk left through Edgbaston rd then turn right
Traveller forum audio from the 27th April 2005, Cambridge
02-05-2005 18:11

9 mins edited audio and short report from the traveller forum on the 27th April 2005, Cambridge.
Downing street and Whitehall blockaded by refugees holding a 'Die In'.
02-05-2005 15:17

The Police were taken completely by surprise by the action and had no choice but to let it go ahead. They were outnumbered by about 20-1. There were no arrests.
The international community could easily act to stop what is a totally preventable trajedy of biblical proportions. This would cost a fraction of the money spent murdering 100,000 civilians in Iraq. But there is no oil in Darfur is there?
Dutch ambassador: be a militarist, vote Blair
02-05-2005 15:09

It would also be better for chances of forming an European army (for wars like in Iraq?).
Israeli terrorist organization behind harassment of IndyMedia
02-05-2005 01:53
Article about Andrew Aaron Weisburd of Internet Haganah: Cyber Terrorist
UKIP freefone number
01-05-2005 21:31
The rabidly-anti-immigration party UKIP have a freefone number - 0800 587 6587. Ring them free and tell them what you think of their racist scapegoating!Management and union all cosy together
30-04-2005 21:27
When I had problems and lost my job at Brookes, I thought the union might help me, but no. I started complaining about the way the union behaved, but got ignored till I told them I would put all the emails from them up on the web. Then they got MANAGEMENT’s solicitor to write a letter trying to gag me! Does anyone smell a rat?Slain Activist Theo Van Gogh saluted by friend Kola Boof
30-04-2005 17:14

anti-G8 graffiti on A9 (near Stirling)
29-04-2005 11:14

29-04-2005 10:30
The campaign is geared towards establishing an independent free phone helpline to combat race crime in Northern Ireland and to ensure qualitative and consistent ‘cultural sensitive’ support are given to victims, especially to those suffering in silence.Tell Australia to Stop Stealing from East Timor
29-04-2005 05:13
Fax Australia's Prime Minister Howard - Tell the Australian Government to Stop Stealing East Timor's Resources and East Timor's Future:
Timor Society Demands Fair Median Line
29-04-2005 05:11
" ... the Australian government is anxious about discussions regarding the Maritime Boundary and prefers to discuss the distribution of natural resources, of which we are all aware that according to international UNCLOS law, 100% of the natural resources in the Timor Sea belong to Timor-Leste." 11 East Timorese NGOsTV Nazi (in Hoawrdland)complains of abuse....
28-04-2005 15:53
TV Nazi R. Hylton Potts complain of being called a fascist in local rag (I wonder why?). The front page of paper has story about an attack on a Czech Rep man by racists!!LONDON BEHIND CLOSED DOORS: Must read for disabled
27-04-2005 20:09
Greetings from England. This is not about Queensland or children but I’ve been asked to put it here by an Aussie friend, a good friend and just about the only one I’ve got right now. Yes, it’s how to be a non-person! You only have to upset very, very, very important people. Prime Ministers, for instance. Of course I have no proof. You think Mr Blair is stupid or something?