UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Photos of the Anti-War march in London, March 20th 2004. (set 2)
21-03-2004 00:17

Photos of the Anti-War march in London, March 20th 2004. (set 1)
21-03-2004 00:15

Buy Israeli Products
19-03-2004 14:42
Israel is the biggest UK market in the Middle East and Israeli customers are supporting thousands of jobs in the UK. We have to maintain this by buying Israeli products too.Course on What is Race?
19-03-2004 13:26
WHAT IS RACE? Beginning April 20, 2004. Tuesday evenings for 10 weeks.A course lookig at 'race' from the birth of racism to the contemporary racism of immigration policy in an era of globalization to be held at the Oxford University Department of Education.
BNP candidates - information for action.
19-03-2004 11:34

Boycott M&S! Boycott Israeli Apartheid!
19-03-2004 10:49
More police repression leads to better demonstration.Stop BNP scum in Glasgow
19-03-2004 10:32
BNP scum look to stir up trouble in Pollokshields following murder of local youth- Don't let them. Black and white unite and fight - Nazi scum off our streets!
BBC forced to eat humble pie and admit to bias against Israel
18-03-2004 20:43
A campaigning couple have won their battle to have several complaints of anti-Israel bias upheld by the BBC – the first such successful complaint in more than a year.International Conference 'Media and Xenophobia'
17-03-2004 18:24
EYFA (European Youth for Action, the Czechorganisation "Information and Publishing Centre- Alarm!!!" and the Belarussian magazine "Antyfashyk", are organising the International Conference 'Media and Xenophobia' (Tabor, Czech Republich 18th - 23rd May 2004).
17-03-2004 11:22

Clearly Racist And Bigoted Skits On Clear Channel
16-03-2004 22:03
In the March 10 Bill Handel show on KFI AM 640, a pretend "Muslim" allegedly reading from the new Iraqi constitution refers to "hairy Iraqi women," "lovely Japanese schoolgirls," the "infidel custom of bathing on a regular basis," and "civil unions" between Iraqis and "loving camels and goats."Nazi Scum meeting in Exeter on 28th March - Anti WNP posse required
16-03-2004 17:37
The White Nationalist Party scumbags are organising to meet at Exeter Railway Station on March 27th, meeting on Platform 1. From there they intend to go onto council estates to peddle their racist filth in the hope of recruiting new members.Caterpillar plant shut down in Shrewsbury
16-03-2004 15:26
Shrewsbury, Northwest of Birmingham, 3:12 pm12-14 protesters have shut down the Caterpillar plant in Shrewsbury on the first anniversary of Rachel Corrie's death. Plant management have closed the plant completely by triggering the fire alarm. Police, fire engines and a helicopter are on the scene. The protesters walked in calmly through the front gate, and occupied parts of the plant. At least 2 locked themselves onto factory fixtures using bicycle locks, one to the central power controls for the factory.
Palestine film Route 181 Censored by French Culture Ministry
15-03-2004 18:34

documentary film festival, Le Festival du Cinיma du Rיel (4 to 14
March 2004), held annually at the Centre Pompidou in Paris, have
cancelled one of the screenings of the film Route 181 –
Fragments of a Journey to Palestine-Israel, which is co-directed
by the Palestinian Michel Khleifi and the Israeli Eyal Sivan.
Parallel Universe
15-03-2004 16:35
How interesting that terminology changes (vis a vis "terrorists," rather than "militants,") when the victims of a terrorist atrocity are neither Americans nor JewsSTOP THE WALL: Destruction for the Wall Accelerates Throughout the West Bank
15-03-2004 01:17 in a Weekfrom the Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign
Campaign for Drug Company Openness and End to Racism within NHS
13-03-2004 18:02

Below is the suggested letter from Mind ( to send to your MP.
You can do this by post, email or
Boycott Marks and Spencer!
12-03-2004 10:11
Boycott of Zionist Marks and Spencer continues on the Streets of London.THE WALL
10-03-2004 23:05

No Arabic at McDonald's Israel
10-03-2004 19:10
Discrimination against Israel's Palestinian citizens has been expanding to include a total ban of the use of Arabic language by workers, reports Jonathan Cook