UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Palestine Today
27-09-2006 17:24

One child was killed and at least fourteen residents were injured in an Israeli air strike and 20 residents were taken prisoner by the Israeli army during an invasion to areas east of Khan Younis, while the army continue to attack West Bank cities and taking prisoners. These stories and more coming up stay tuned.
Rally for asylum seekers - Glasgow 07.10.06
27-09-2006 14:50

BNP Meeting In Luton Tonight
27-09-2006 06:31
Nazis are to meet in Luton's vibrant multi-ethnic community in High Town tonight.Please be there to stop them.
W.Mids Anti-Racist Conference
26-09-2006 15:42
Birmingham Council House, 10AM -1.30PM.To secure a place contact 07837 244 518 or

They are organising a conference inviting all union/ student unions/ anti-racist groups, faith groups, Community and Ethnic Mionority Organisations, anti-fascists to discuss a co-ordinated response to the BNP who have 49 council seats and
will be standing in next years elections.
BNP trouble makers get it wrong again.
26-09-2006 15:31
BNP try to blaim murder on Asians... AgainUKLGIG AGM - 30th September
25-09-2006 18:47
This is the Annual General Meeting of members of UKLGIG. Our loyal members have supported us through the 12 years of patient work which resulted in the unmarried partners rule and now equality in immigration treatment for same sex partners though the Civil Partnership Act. Our members can be justifiably proud of the part they have played in this revolution.Israel’s 'new anti-Semitism'
24-09-2006 21:40
The trajectory of a long-running campaign that gave birth this month to the preposterous all-party British parliamentary report into anti-Semitism in the UK can be traced back to intensive lobbying by the Israeli government that began more than four years ago, in early 2002."Voluntary Removal Notices": The New Dawn Raids?
24-09-2006 21:03
Forced removal of "failed" asylum seekers was in the headlines again last week when a couple sought sanctuary in a Glasgow church. It comes as a wave of "Voluntary Removal Notices" where people, mostly vulnerable families, are asked to report to Glasgow airport and deport themselves.October 7 - Transnational Day of Action for Migrants & Refugees
24-09-2006 10:42
Presstatement/ statement To all social movements!From Warsaw in Poland to Nouakchott in Mauretania
7th of October 06: Transnational Actionday against migration-control
Get rid of Warmonger, patsy of capitalist corruption Dictator Tony Blair
23-09-2006 08:07
The war in Iraq, Afghanistan and other countries, and Tony Blair's political policies are only to line his pockets and the pockets of the rich. Protest in Manchester this Saturday and against Labour at their Labour Party conference this week.The Labour dictators want to stop protests and want to stop democracy. The British Labour Party has thugs and paid police mercenaries to stop the media from seeing protests against the Labour Government. Remember the old Jewish man they bullied at one of their conferences.
New Labour and the Labour Party of Tony Blair are creating a dictatorship.
22-09-2006 08:22
Blind Samurai Films and Publishing in Malvern, Worcestershire, has long been committed to using new technology for democratizing cultural production in the face of corporate control of media. Now, together with Roger Cottrell's edgy Birmingham based crime thrillers available through the Company website they are working on a graphic novel and film set in Baghdad in 2048No political dissent please - We're British!
21-09-2006 11:32
Final draft of parts 1-4... part 5 is in the writing!Lots of added tidbits of truth to make them squirm!
World Leaders, Reading the Same Script
21-09-2006 09:17
Wake up and smell the sulphur....British Peoples Party - Skint Or Just Totally Incompetent
20-09-2006 23:16
Too thick to even know they're dead.Free Palestine! End Zionist Attacks! Defend the Right to Protest!
20-09-2006 21:43
Despite Zionist intimidation, Victory to the Intifada continues to hold its weekly protest in support of the liberation of Palestine and against Marks and Spencer (M&S), Israel’s biggest British corporate sponsor, every Thursday from 6-8pm, as it has for the last 6 years since the Al-Aqsa Intifada started.President’s Incitements to Commit Genocide
19-09-2006 14:59
On the fifth anniversary of 9/11, President George Walker Bush delivered an illegal speech and may have committed an international crime, that is, the crime of direct and public incitement to commit genocide of a religious group. Determined to rally disbelieving Americans behind a failed Iraqi war, the President drifted into calling for open-ended violence against Muslims... The 9/11speech is one among many through which the President has engaged, and continues to do so, in direct and public incitements to commit violence and other crimes against Muslims as a religious group.National Identity Crisis
19-09-2006 03:48
Australia takes the idiot news of the week award once again. ‘Onya Oz for not laughing the Prime Minister, John Howard, and the imbecile leader of the opposition, Kim Beazley, out of Parliament and office for their ridiculous and illogical attempts to gain political advantage by exploiting the underlying racism and cringe mentality in the local ‘culture’.More on the Pope's statement
18-09-2006 13:05
More on the Pope's statement deemed offensive to IslamSupport asylum seekers in London – demonstrate at Communications House !
18-09-2006 11:03