UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Support The Harmondsworth 4! Demonstrate Monday 14th January 2008
07-01-2008 14:30
9:30am onwardsSouthwark Crown Court
1 English Grounds
(off Battlebridge Lane)
London SE1 2HU
(nearest tube London Bridge)
Dutch Universities Rejecting Iranian Students due to "Nuclear Threat"
07-01-2008 09:47
The universities of Enschede and Eindhoven are no longer admitting any students from Iran. They say they are forced to do so by the government, according to newspaper Trouw.Racist attack in Rome. 250 Rroms risk being burnt to death
06-01-2008 10:21

A Second Complaint Against Sussex Police Upheld Over Lebanon Demonstration 2006
05-01-2008 18:12

Olmert Admits Israel Not Sticcking to its Commitments
05-01-2008 00:27
Arab States Brand Annapolis Futile Media Event
Charlie Wilson’s War, the Culture of Imperialism and the Distortion of History
04-01-2008 22:12

Around the Campaigns Friday 4th January 2008
04-01-2008 20:24
There was no let up by the Home Office over the 'Festive Season and New Year' to dispense misery to those 'Sans Papiers' in the UK; families were cruelly torn apart and families/individuals uprooted from their communities.Liberty City 7 Trial: A Foretaste of Things to Come
04-01-2008 09:54

Israel Seeks US Okay for Free Hand in W. Bank
04-01-2008 03:19
Just as Israel's critics charged, Annapolis was a cover for Israel's planned military program against the Palestinians, and a coordination of this program with its American sponsors and facilitators. The Palestinians should counter that any actions excused as "security" will be fully investigated by the United Nations, who will station observers throughout the region.Note these are demands, not requests. Israel cannot engage in talks that it does not control, because the Extremists ruling the country know that any true "Just Peace" will require them to give back a portion of what they've stolen.
Chavez Warns Against Possible Invasion of Venezuela
04-01-2008 00:01
The demonization of Chavez, the work of his Government, and the effects of their policies on the country has been going on since before the failed CIA/European Coup attempt in 2002.Mosque near Bethlehem Burned Down by Israeli Settlers
03-01-2008 23:59
As Israeli policies towards the Palestinians become increasingly brutal and destructive, attacks by illegal settler-terrorists have increased exponentially.How is this any different from white supremacists firebombing black churches in the American south?
Ken Livingstone's morality-free parade of 'Muslim leaders' stinks of desperation
03-01-2008 22:40
Two items of pro Ken Livingstone propaganda as published today carry the evidence of Ken Livingstone's desperation. This is bad news fur any democratic say by the people of and in LondonDefend asylum seekers - demonstrate next Tuesday 8 January 1-2pm
03-01-2008 10:36
No detentions, no deportations, for the right to work.Fight back against the racist Labour government's immigration and asylum laws.
Solidarity with the Harmondsworth 4!
Called by London FRFI. All individuals and organisations invited to participate.
France: Revolt in foreigners camps
03-01-2008 08:58
In France, in 2 "centres de rétention" (one of the types of detention centers for migrants, where they are held before deportation) in Paris region, a strong protest movement has been going since Dec 20, 2007. Migrants went on hunger strike to try to alert public opinion on detention, which they characterize as "shameful and arbitrary".Global Call-in Continues Jan 2-4: Hands off the Uhuru Movement
03-01-2008 05:23
Boley Center is attacking the Uhuru Movement through illegal firings, a false arrest, and taking away people's housing vouchers – effectively throwing them out on the street. The only connection to all these incidents is that all these people are supporters of the Uhuru Movement. Boley is violating freedom of speech, freedom of association, federal housing and worker's rights! Now the Uhuru Movement is uncovering and exposing Boley Center's culture of larceny!Israel’s Lobby debunked in a new book by two American professor
02-01-2008 11:30
Bungled wars, like the current debacle in Iraq, leave disastrous fallouts and kindle soul-searching for causes and culprits. Suddenly alliances are challenged, accepted truisms disputed and victims metamorphose into villains, villains into victims.In this atmosphere of escalating introspection in the U.S. two American professors have managed to publish a meticulous investigation into the negative effects of the Israeli lobby over the last 45 years on the foreign policy of the United States.
In the process they exposed the intimidating power ‘The Lobby’ wields in suppressing academic and media criticism of the Jewish state.
As Predicted: Gaza Reoccupation Planned
01-01-2008 00:01
ALERT: Annapolis a Charade: Olmert Plotting Massive AggressionIn Germany, according to historian Richard Evans, in 1931-1932, if enough Germans of conscience had begun to say No -- history would have had an entirely diferent outcome.
If we go any further down this road the tears will be those of conservatives as well as progressives. They will be (Israeli) tears.
The time for weeping has to stop; the time for confronting must begin.
Adapted from "American Tears"
The timing is interesting, given the upcoming "Annapolis Conference", which serves to be about PR alone, as Olmert has already ruled out any Negotiations or Compromise in the name of peace.
If you follow the events surrounding Israel's "Disengagement" from Gaza, you will quickly understand that this was the plan all along. While Israel was making a public spectacle of "forcing Jews to leave their homes", it was quietly surrounding the Strip with artillery emplacements, in an operation ominously named "First Rain".
Under this operation, Gaza basically became a "Free-Fire Zone", and several artillery and gunship strikes killed a high number of civilians. Finally, when one of these batteries fired upon and murdered a Palestinian family - picnicking on a beach that had been Segregated "Jews Only" only weeks before, Hamas finally decided to call an end to its unilateral, two-year cease-fire.
(In essence, they took Israel's bait. After all, you can't excuse your Aggression and label it "defense" if you're not being intermittently attacked. Never mind the hypocrisy underlying the entire media's framing of that whole debate ...)
When the Palestinians responded by electing Hamas to power (yes, elected), Israeli Extremists and their Ideological, bought foreign co-conspirators imposed unilateral sanctions on Gaza, a bit of Collective Punishment which increased the hardship of those stuck in the world's largest Concentration Camp.
When they felt Gaza had been substantially weakened, the US and Israel undertook a Coup attempt, using corrupt elements within the Fatah Party, provoking a violent response by Hamas, which expelled the group. Most of the world's media ignored the events leading to this "crisis", and instead only repeated the Propaganda emanating from the US and Israel, which used this to further increase sanctions against Gaza.
Most recently, Israel stepped up its Collective Punishment, except that human rights groups and legal advisors to the Government halted some of its approved measures, because they run contrary to International Humanitarian Law.
This was sold as another "response to rocket attacks" (again highlighting the hypocrisy of the debate's Framing - are the Palestinians allowed to defend themselves from strikes which actually KILL people ... ?), even though high-ranking officials said that this was NOT, in fact, a response to these attacks, but a way to "distance Israel from Gaza's infrastructure".
The real reason for this whole episode, of course, has been to "soften up" the Gaza Strip for a long-planned military attack, a way to undermine the resolve, and hopefully rid this territory of Palestinians altogether.
Olmert signalled long ago that he would not entertain any serious discussions at this summit, essentially selling out the Israeli public's desire for peace.