UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
BNP Apartheid Racist Not Welcome Back in The US
13-11-2009 02:34
Antifa is encouraging all US activists to call their elected representatives, Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the Department of Homeland Security with any information they may have about a racist criminal alien who plans to travel to the United States this month.Arthur Benjamin Kemp, a leader in the fascist British National Party, is reportedly attempting to gain US citizenship after arranging a sham marriage with a fellow neo-Nazi and Stormfront poster, Jeannine Delp Gerace, of Mount Joy, PA.
The Road to a New Movement Begins: Black is Back Coalition
12-11-2009 07:47

Brooklyn Councilman Charles Barron, a former Black Panther, declared: “We don’t want a president to transfer the war from Iraq to Afghanistan. We’ve come to Washington to say to President Obama, end the war in Iraq, end the war in Afghanistan, end the war in Pakistan.”
Lance Corporal Joe Glenton faces prison for not going to war - good on him
12-11-2009 00:17
War Resisters' International learned today that Lance Corporal Joe Glenton, who already faces charges of desertion for refusing to return to Afghanistan, has been arrested and charged with five counts of "disobeying a lawful order" public speaking resisting the war and in London on 24 October 2009, and for expressing his opposition to the war in Afghanistan to the media.Fort Hood: A media orgy of rumors, speculation and falsehoods
11-11-2009 20:49

Perhaps most irresponsible of all is the unverified claim that Hasan had written on the Internet in defense of suicide attacks by Muslims, even though the origins of those writings are entirely unverified. Similarly, certain news organizations -- like NPR -- used anonymous sources to disseminate inflammatory claims about Hasan's prior troubles allegedly grounded in activism on behalf of Islam.
The EDL: The BNP’s Useful Idiots? (Part 1)
11-11-2009 14:34
With the EDL meeting up the road in Leeds a week back, Ragnor Ironpants digs below the surface to find what’s really behind the phenomenon.As survival packs are distributed in Calais, migrants and solidarity groups call
10-11-2009 22:28

Scottish Activist Legal Project launched for weekend of protests
10-11-2009 00:51
The Scottish Activist Legal Project formed in October 2009. It draws on the experience people have of providing legal support for direct action at Faslane, the G8 2005 and many other situations.Scotland Yard riot squad faces calls to end 'culture of impunity'
09-11-2009 21:25
Of more than 5,000 complaints against squad, less than 0.18% were upheldRemember, Remember the 9th of November
09-11-2009 19:45
The night when persecution became extermination.On the 9th of November 1938 Hitler’s willing executioners unleashed a series of brutal riots against Jewish persons. Within a few hours, hundreds were murdered, thousands of synagogues, businesses and homes were attacked, looted and many destroyed.
Speak out Against Racism and Deportations - Brixton 14 November
07-11-2009 21:08
Open-air rally Called by Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! - all welcomePlease bring speeches, music, chants, and literature. Add your voice and help us speak out against racism.
14 November 2009 12-3 pm Next to Brixton tube station
NF marching tomorrow, November 8th
07-11-2009 20:56
NF marching through London for Rememberence day tomorrow, need confirmation of anti-fascist response.Everything About Nidal Malik Hasan Screams Patsy
07-11-2009 15:33

'Movement' #1 - No Borders Newsletter
06-11-2009 20:45

Mass lobby on 'no recourse' rule
06-11-2009 09:56

"Afghan betrayal"
05-11-2009 20:36

If your country has been under a brutal occupation for eight years, would you consider working in the service of the occupation forces?
Wouldn’t that be the ultimate betrayal against your fellow countrymen who have been subjected to genocide?
Well, the colonial mentality of the British press would have us believe this is precisely what we should expect from the people of Afghanistan...
Full article | 2 additions | 10 comments
Racism and the Censorship of "Gay Imperialism"
05-11-2009 15:42
Peter Tatchell Gags the voices of Lesbian MuslimsThe EDL and Mainstream Society
04-11-2009 18:00
With the EDL marching on our streets and the BNP on Question Time, it would be easy to dismiss this resurgence in extreme-right feeling as the product of a minority group on the fringes of our comfortably democratic, free-thinking, liberal society.What is the sound of anti-racism in the UK?
04-11-2009 10:44
At a moment of tightening border controls in the UK, sound art collective Ultra-red and anti-racism organisers from the Rural Racism Project come to Norwich to dispatch the question: what is the sound of anti-racism in the UK?Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Griffin on Question Time: a False Victory for Smug Liberals
02-11-2009 15:23
A week on from his infamous performance on Question Time, MULE columnist Ragnor Ironpants weighs up the impact of the Northwest’s favourite Euro-MP’s TV appearance.Death threats for journalists covering far right demos
02-11-2009 12:13

The call by NUJ General Secretary Jeremy Dear comes in the wake of specific email threats against photojournalist and investigative reporter Marc Vallée, and video journalist Jason N. Parkinson.
The emails follow verbal threats and intimidation aimed at photographers covering a march by the English Defence League in Leeds at the weekend and other EDL protests this year.
Professional journalists covering the events have filed reports with the NUJ detailing physical violence, including one being punched in the head, verbal threats, and attempts to seize cameras and smash equipment. The union is to file complaints to the police.