UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
08-11-2004 06:02
Gypsies are facing eviction from their own land this week,despite an all-party commission's recommendation today
(8 Nov) that a duty be placed on local authorities to provide
spaces for caravan parks.
Families at Twin Oaks, Ridge, near South Mimms are now
dug in waiting for Blair to act: will they get a place to go
or see their caravan site bulldozed, as happened at
Chelmsford earlier this year.
Boycott Marks and Spencers campaign. Brighton.
07-11-2004 18:12
Marks and Spencers fund the state of Israel this has been one of their main objectives from its start.They sell illegal goods off of the Israeli illegal settlements and make statements such as Palestinians should be expelled to countries like Iraq.
Boycott M&S. Support the Palestinians!
05-11-2004 20:59
Last night saw another good demo against Marks and Spencer - Britain's biggest corporate sponsor of Israel.Support Iranian student movment
05-11-2004 11:49
On November 12th the Iranian regime is holding its international propaganda day "Al-Quds Day" with antisemitic hate rallies all around the world shamefully instrumentalizing the israeli-Palestinian conflict for securing its own islamist rule. The Iranian student movement reacted to this propaganda with the slogan "Leave Palestine be - think about us". Antiracist and Iranian activists from Berlin issued this international call.Polish Solidarity Night In Bradford
05-11-2004 00:08

africa week at the rampART
04-11-2004 13:42
africa weekat the rampART creative centre, 9.-13.11.'04
-films, exhibitions, talk, discussion, food, music-
Close Campsfield 11th Anniversary Demo Planned
03-11-2004 13:19
A demonstration is planned for Saturday the 27th of November to call for the closure of Campsfield House in Oxfordshire, one of the centres where refugees are imprisoned while their claims are being read. It commiserates 11 years of the centre's existence and pledges contnued support for the people held inside.Ethnic Cleansing Drive in Britain
02-11-2004 22:12
Borehamwood Borough Council, whose domain includes the world-famous Elstree film studious, is about to spend 250,000 Euro in an ethnic-cleansing operation against nomadic families living on their own land in the district.
But they won't be doing the dirty work themselves. Hired for the job is a company called Constant & Co., which boasts that it carries out a hundred such "move-ons" every month.
Racist film director assassinated
02-11-2004 11:57
Director of anti-Islam film, supporter of Pim Fortuyn, shot in AmsterdamZionist attempt to prevent Manchester M&S Picket
01-11-2004 00:29
This Saturday, 30 October, Zionists once again organised to attempt to prevent the weekly Picket of M&S in Manchester taking place.ARN rally in belfast
31-10-2004 23:19
With up to 3 racist attacks carried out a day in northern ireland, the ARN had organised a rally to highlight the probelm. The south belfast area which has the highest number of racist attacks, the anti racism contigent set off from shaftsbury sq at 1.00pm, with about 25 marchers, the police said we could not march unless under Parade commission rules we had stewards to protect the marchers and maintain order.Writers needed for political section of zine
30-10-2004 21:02
I'm looking for writers to write a few pages in my a5 zine to cover UK political hapennings. I am interested in anti-racism, anti-capitalist and anti-authoritarian writers mainly.Forumdiscussion during anti-racist summit from 9-11 November in Groningen, Holla
29-10-2004 17:47
From 9th till 11th November the EU ministers responsible for migration and integration will convene in Groningen, Holland. They will discuss how to manage migration better and how to force people to integrate in a way the EU can benefit from those they can employ and discard of or even destroy the lives of those who are unemployable. This calls for an anti-racist, anti-classist and anti-patriarchate answer. This is why an anti-racist summit is organized during those days. This posting calls on everybody to come over and fight together for equal rights, the right for an existence and for radical changes. Underneath you can find a call to take part in the big demonstration on 10th November and a call to participate in a forumdiscussion on 10th November in Groningen, HollandIman: Executing another child in Rafah
29-10-2004 15:58
According to testimonies given by soldiers in the same company to the mass Israeli daily Yedioth Ahronoth, a soldier in the watchtower identified Iman and cautioned his commander shouting, "Don't shoot. It's a little girl.""Don't Blame the Victims!"
29-10-2004 15:13
Bicester group urges community to welcome refugeesBicester Refugee Support today urged local residents not to let the appalling way they have been treated by the Home Office affect their attitude towards future residents of the Accommodation Centre which is to be built near the north Oxfordshire town.
Apartheid Palestine in the post Arrafat era
29-10-2004 06:53
The situation in Palestinian areas is similar to apartheid South AfricaSupport at Asylum Hearing, Wednesday 3rd
28-10-2004 23:37
In December 2002 with much fanfare, several Algerian men were arrested on terrorism charges in Edinburgh, allegedly for plotting an attack on the Hogmanay celebrations. All the men were innocent, the evidence amounted to a scribbled on tourist map, and now they face deportation.March for Justice
28-10-2004 16:55
Demonstrate for Kebba Jobe, killed by Kentish Town police at Camden Lock.NPD-Aufmarsch in Hannover [Neonazi Rally in Hannover, Germany]
28-10-2004 16:13

The right wing party NPD has hold a rally on saturday 23th october in Hannover, Germany. 100 to 150 neonazis participated. Over 2000 people hit the streets for an antifascist protest rally and more action. 2500 policemen take care of the nazi-scum.
Die rechtsextreme Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands (NPD) hatte am Samstag (23.10.04) zu einem Aufmarsch in der niedersächsischen Landeshauptstadt Hannover aufgerufen. Nur 100 bis 150 Nazis folgten dem Aufruf. An den Protesten gegen die Nazis nahmen über 2000 Leute teil und 2500 Polizisten sorgten dafür, dass der NPD-Aufmarsch nur akustisch gestört wurde.
ATTENTION! Pro-Palestinian picket due to be attacked!
27-10-2004 22:25
News has recently come to light that the Victory To The Intifada picket of Marks and Spencer (Britain's biggest corporate supporter of Zionism) is to be attacked again this Saturday, 30th September, by organised fascists.