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UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive

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Cambridge Premiere of Rock Against Racism Film

19-10-2005 15:27

Film Poster
Cambridge Unite Against Fascism and Cambridge Amicus
are proud to announce
the Cambridge Premiere of
Alan Miles’ Rock Against Racism documentary
Who Shot The Sheriff?

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callout: european day of action for migrant rights 29th october.

19-10-2005 14:37

no more deaths on borders! no more walls!

a call for a europe-wide day of actions against the deaths and brutality occuring as a result of the fortress europe border regime. adapted from a call put out by the a migrants collective in malaga.

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Demand justice for Burundi's forgotten victims

19-10-2005 10:17

Burundi's Palipehutu-FNL are described as "Hutu extremist" because of their exclusively Hutu membership, and the ideology they use to justify killing Tutsi civilians. But they have shown no more concern for the lives of innocent Hutus. Hundreds of Hutu civilians accused of "disloyalty" have been killed in a campaign of terror stretching back years.

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Sedition Laws Target Peaceful Civil Disobedience

18-10-2005 23:40

Drastic attack on free speech
But wait you say - the government says that it is offering an "acting in good faith" defence against sedition charges. Read on:

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Antifa Newsletter - winter edition now out

18-10-2005 16:03

A winter edition of the Antifa Newsletter 'Not One Step Back' is now out. It has 8 jam-packed pages of anti-fascist news, interviews, humour and sudoku. You can download it here ( - 2 Mb PDF format).

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Protest against the fascist BNP in Leeds - 2nd November

18-10-2005 09:15

Peace and Unity in our communities -
Don't Let the BNP divide us

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Sheffield no Borders - More pics

16-10-2005 23:28

More photos of the Sheffield No Borders Magical Mystry Tour

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In the Name of Counter-Terrorism: Human Rights Abuses Worldwide

16-10-2005 22:08

Babar Ahmad victim
Counter terrorism has been used as an excuse for governments to commit human rights abuses, and increase their fascist state powers.

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Sheffield No Borders Tour (part 2)

15-10-2005 20:59

Magical Mystery Tour
Some more photos from the No Borders action in Sheffield today.

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Sheffield No Borders Tour (part 1)

15-10-2005 20:54

No Borders
Some photos from the Magical Mystery Tour - a tourist jaunt through the city centre of Sheffield, taking in various places and buildings where magical mystery policies of exclusion are implemented through state agents or private corporations.

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Mass solidarity with Gate Gourmet strikers - this Sunday!

14-10-2005 20:59

Gate Gourmet workers: 'It's not over yet!'

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This is Not Xenophobia, This is "National Security"

14-10-2005 20:09

Dubbed "Enforcement First" by the bill's author, Arizona Representative and former sportscaster J.D. Hayworth, the bill is a dream come true for the anti-immigration movement because of its harsh penalities and open hostility towards Mexican immigrants.

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Charles Clarke loses Zimbabwe deportation case

14-10-2005 17:13

Refugees have won a test case means that hundreds of refugees from the former British colony of Zimbabwe will be allowed to remain in the UK as asylum seekers. President Robert Mugabe has committed thousands of human rights abuses. Anyone Zimbabwean who has claimed asylum in the UK would be targeted as opponents of Mugabe's government, and if they returned could face torture or death..

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Gate Gourmet MASS SOLIDARITY 16 Oct

13-10-2005 21:05

SUNDAY 16 OCTOBER, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.


The dispute at Gate Gourmet is NOT OVER. The workers are still on the picket line. The following facts need to be publicised:

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Romani Media Channel Launched

13-10-2005 12:08

Romani Radio initiative announced and maiden programme now available as archive

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Anti-terrorism laws draw rights watchdog's ire

12-10-2005 23:19

Detention without charge
"This is a shocking departure from Australia's proud tradition of protecting individuals from an overly powerful state."

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Student Anti-Racist Campaign

10-10-2005 16:22

non-racists are handy people to have around
As the new semester starts and the fresh blood arrives in Liverpool, the Guild of Students anti racist campaign kickstarts in preparation for the October 22nd demonstation....

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small WORLD: Music Monday! Stephen Kent

10-10-2005 08:14

Interview with Stephen Kent.

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Launch of Jean Charles de Menezes Family Campaign

07-10-2005 18:22

The family and friends of Jean Charles de Menezes will be officially launching their campaign for justice at a public meeting on Monday 10th October, please see details below.

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06-10-2005 20:29

This is a 2,700 word article with 16 photos on my views as Hollywood as propaganda.