UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Weekly Vigil to Save the Jarawa - Reminder
23-10-2006 09:26

*PRESS RELEASE*:- Greek Government sentences Mt. Athos monks to 2 years in jail
22-10-2006 18:41
Dear all5 disabled monks have already died as a result of this blockade. See
They are being sentenced for "heresy" (as a result of their beliefs). They
are not actually "heretical" in True Orthodox Christian terms. It is their
accusers, the Ecumenical Patriarchate and the Greek Government who are.
Support the monks in maintaining their peaceful existence in the face of
state sponsored violence.
Adrian Whyatt (

Upon Red Rivers of Genocide
22-10-2006 11:39
For what can you call what is happening in Iraq in the first decade of the twenty-first century anything but genocide, the complete and systematic decimation – the annihilation – of an entire culture, of an entire society, of an entire nation?Genocide, What Genocide?
21-10-2006 23:08
Genocide, what does it mean exactly and does it matter that inncoent people are radiated in a catastrophic rate? According to the cyber dictionary it is defined as the following: the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group.Another one bites the dust (hooray)
21-10-2006 19:27
Leeds is now a nicer place with the news that the BNP's Peter Taylor has popped his clogs and gone of to Valhalla.Who supports Iranian women?
21-10-2006 18:12
The struggle for equality and the emancipation of women, and the working class as a whole, of which women are a critical and integral part, is an on-going task under global capitalism, in all countries both advanced imperialist nations like the U.S. and in the held-back, developing nations like Venezuela and Iran. In today’s situation, U.S. imperialism is threatening not only the national sovereignty of Iran, but also the relative security of its working and middle class, including women from both classes. Individuals, groups or some ill-informed organizations who stand on the slippery slope with the neo-cons and old monarchists, repeating their charges and accusations that dominate the media regarding life in Iran, creates confusion as to the political identity of the Iranian women protagonists in the U.S., not to mention among the American progressive community.References required to visit Hebrew University
20-10-2006 08:49
Hebrew University Demands Police Character Reference from Visitors Whoare Palestinian Citizens of Israel as Condition for Entrance to its Campuses
UK Police Chief hints at Internment for Muslims Following New "Act of Terror"
19-10-2006 13:49
Last July, Ian Blair, the Metropolitan Police Commissioner, said that another terrorist attack in London was inevitable. "I think there will be further attacks" he explained, "in fact I know there will be further attacks". (1)DEMOSTRATE! Dallas Court, Monday, 23 October 2006
19-10-2006 01:20

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Reports of police beating on two Asian youths in Shoreditch
18-10-2006 23:55
I have just recieved a phone call from an eyewitness outside Old Street police station that some 40 people have massed in protest against the beating and possible arrest of two Asian youths in Shoreditch.Israel’s Plan for a Military Strike on Iran
18-10-2006 18:18
Is the Israeli government using Shalev, wittingly or not, and is he in turn using the BBC, to spread Israeli propaganda? Propaganda that may soon propel us towards the “clash of civilizations” so longed for by Israel’s leadershipPalestine Today
18-10-2006 18:16

The death toll in the Gaza strip reaches four since Tuesday night, while in the West Bank the army attacks cities and takes prisoners. These stories and more coming up, stay tuned.
Major public meeting on African asylum situation in Leeds
17-10-2006 23:40
Leeds No Borders has announced a major public meeting for Friday 27th October on the critical situation facing African migrants living in Leeds. The meeting aims to uncover what life is like in Africa, why and how its people are fleeing to the UK to claim asylum or work, and how they are treated when here.Palestine Today
17-10-2006 17:16

Three youth are killed by Israeli troops in Qabatia near the West Bank city of Jenin and in Hebron city, south of the West Bank, Israeli soldiers take four residents prisoner. These stories and more coming up, stay tuned.
England Does not Want Gitmo Detainees
17-10-2006 16:30
Europeans don't want these islamic killers any more than the Arabs.Australian State Govt moves to ban 'riot' game
17-10-2006 00:03

Anti-racist/anti-deportation protest - 21 October
16-10-2006 23:50