UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Oppose The EDL in Liverpool this Wednesday Lunchtime
28-06-2010 16:03

Did 9/11 justify the war in Afghanistan?
28-06-2010 10:57

This question has thus far been considered off-limits, not to be raised in polite company, and certainly not in the mainstream media. It has been permissible, to be sure, to ask whether the war during the past several years has been justified by those attacks so many years ago. But one has not been allowed to ask whether the original invasion was justified by the 9/11 attacks.
EDL Hijack British Armed Forces Week
28-06-2010 10:25

BBC thinks this is acceptable
28-06-2010 09:18
Comments on Concentration campsMuslim Women Told to Remove Veils during Prison Visit
27-06-2010 22:00
Cageprisoners has received disturbing reports from the families of prisoners in the Detainee Unit at HMP Long Lartin that Muslim women visiting relatives - who have been held without charge or trial for years on end - were told to remove their hijaabs (head coverings) and niqaabs (veils) in order to be photographed for security purposes on Saturday, 19th June. This information has been confirmed by the prisoners' legal representatives who have written to the prison authorities asking for an explanation regarding the events of last week.A Bangladeshi Muslim shopkeeper was robbed beaten & hospitalised in Whitechapel
27-06-2010 03:31

Nazis Jailed! by 'Malatesta'
25-06-2010 12:18
The massed ranks of the Aryan Strike Force (ASF) and the British Freedom Force (BFF) have suffered a body blow as ‘Wigan’ Mike Heaton and Trevor ‘Fist’ Hannington have been sent down for racist comments posted on the internet.THE RISE OF ISLAMOPHOBIA IN EUROPE
23-06-2010 21:24
This article is about the rise of Islamophobia in Europe. It discusses the last November referendum in Switzerland that banned building a mosque with a minaret in that country.EDL in Whitechapel on Tuesday 15th June mock Asian youth in video.
23-06-2010 19:05

Israel on Trial
23-06-2010 18:47

Put Israel on Trial for War Crimes!
Defend the Gaza Demonstrators!
Free Palestinian Political Prisoners!
Demand International Inquiry into the Gaza Flotilla Massacre!
Tom Holmes = Islamophobe
22-06-2010 11:01
Recently BNP activist and sad loser Tom Holmes has been in the news after he expressed disgusting views on his Facebook rofile and slagged off his fellow workers. He of course denied the accusations, claiming not to bbe a racist. We all know this is bollocks, as the following shows (caution, contains link to Geert Wilders shitty Fitna video)(Leeds area) For an Antifascist coalition
21-06-2010 12:54
a call-out for an anti-fascis aciton coalition to oppose the EDL and other racist/fascist groups in the regionThe EDL & A ‘Different’ Kind of Racism by ‘Malatesta’
21-06-2010 09:29
Why is the EDL like a hedgehog? Because although they’re small they’re still a pest and full of pricks.Another normal quiet weekend in London town
21-06-2010 02:39
Cor blimey! that was another boring weekend!Street raves in Shoredtich, and looney Socialist Workers in Whitechapel causing more problems than the EDL ever could.
Full article | 1 addition | 18 comments
EDL in whitechapel area today too
20-06-2010 18:41
some EDL went over to whitechapel this afternoon after their racist get together in the edgware roadUrgent! EDL racists are at the London Metropole Hotel 225 Edgeware Rd W2
20-06-2010 10:12

URGENT call out. EDL are meeting at Marble Arch tomorrow [Sun 20th] at 8.30pm
19-06-2010 22:28

Cambridge EDL break a Union Jack and Issue 'Threats'
19-06-2010 18:07

The role of "mental imagery": Giving a "human face" to racism, genocide and war
19-06-2010 11:48

For the corporate elites to continue practicing genocidal predation for power and profit in developing countries, it is necessary that the predation be cast in a false cover of humanitarian aid, democratic development, solidarity, progress, and the like, and that the most overtly murderous practices be cast as necessary in a fight against evil.
If sufficient care is not taken to secure this cover of mental imagery, then the bosses’ actions will appear more to be what they are, murderous and psychopathic, and the bosses’ children may not feel comfortable sitting on the bosses’ laps and the bosses’ partners may not feel comfortable sleeping in the same bed…