UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
EDL "National" demo in Westminster / Walthamstow
27-10-2012 17:56

The Benghazi Brigade - Manipulating an Election
27-10-2012 13:54
Joseph Nasrallah Abdelmasih is the guy legally responsible for Media for Christ, the outfit that produced the trailer without a film known as Innocence of Muslims. He is very close to one Morris Sadek (lives near Langley) who is the guy that plugged the incendiary trailer all over the place in the days preceding September 11, 2012. Abdelmasih has done a lot of Islamophobic "activism" like saying, at a Ground Zero Mosque rally, that it would go up over his dead body. So, we have one guy making the film and generating anti-Muslim sentiment here at home and his buddy out there, dutifully, fanning the flames of anti-American and anti-Christian and (scapegoating an Israeli for the film-not-film) anti-Jewish sentiment abroad. Why, then, has the media ignored these two figures? It's just the tip of the iceberg or, if you prefer, rabbit hole.EDL in London on Oct 27 - Latest
25-10-2012 23:21

EDL Misery Continues!
24-10-2012 07:03
It's begging bowl time for the recently incarcerated Mr Tommy of the EDL!Cardiff "punk" is UKBA thug
23-10-2012 11:05

Tommy Nicked!
22-10-2012 17:11
Tommy Robinson of the EDL is not going to be celebrating Christmas at home this year! It's turkey twizzlers behind bars for the career criminal!53 EDL muppets lifted on motorways yesterday
21-10-2012 17:31
53 EDL muppets allegedly on their way to an east end mosque had crammed themselves into the backs of removal lorries but were stung by the MET on motorways who were already waiting for them after a number of EDL supporters and heirarchy blabbed on line about the plans of the 53. Tommeh and KKKev were in the lorries too. All were banged up for over 24hrs and are now on conspiracy charges.Chile: Anarchist action in solidarity with Mapuche Hunger Strike
20-10-2012 10:24

STOP charter flight to Sri Lanka, Tue 23rd October
19-10-2012 18:30
Stop charters to death!Protest @ 10am, Tuesday 23rd October, Harmondsworth & Colnbrook detention centres near Heathrow
dale farm anniversary protest today - report and pics
19-10-2012 17:03

Dale Farm activists take ‘Fight for Sites’ to Pickles’ doorstep
19-10-2012 15:49

Cardiff Family Brutally Arrested and Face Illegal Deportation
19-10-2012 11:16

A UK Border Agency immigration raid, Dont let them spilt up the El-Attar family!
In the early hours of Yesterday morning, Fariman Saleh and her two children we're brutally dragged from their beds, handcuffed and taken to Heathrow Airport to be deported, All infront of the eyes of her eldest daughter, Shrouk El-Attar.
Video of raid:

The Family were due to appear before a Judge in November to decide on their Asylum Seeker application and status.
The incident has sparked outrage and massive response in the community at the actions of the UK Boarder Agency in Cardiff and other areas, and have spoken out against the families right to a fair trial and to stop a potentially illegal deportation.
Hundreds of people have contacted their MP's, Local News Desks, created Viral videos, Signed Petitions and created a facebook page in a bid to hopefully stop the deportation proceedings
It is a Human Right to stand a fair trial. The events of yesterday morning deprived Mrs Saleh and her children of that right, dignity, and worst of all treated brutally and unremorsefully by the state she sought refuge, safety and Sanctuary in.
If deported tomorrow, The Family may face 'honour-killing',
torture, rape and even death. They are in grave danger.
BNP continue to implode
19-10-2012 11:08
With a little effort we can bury Griffin for goodCalais: Manifestation Against Police Harrassment!
18-10-2012 13:28

Starting outside the clothes distribution area we took the roads through town, creating a resounding carnival of drums and shouting through the pouring rain, occupying a main roundabout in town before blaring noise outside the town hall using whatever means – drums, bins, horns, whistles, sirens and bellowing chants. Undocumented kids battled over the megaphone and a make-shift samba band got people bouncing on their feet. Banners in Arabic, Pastu, Farsi, Tigrinya, Polish, Latvian, English, French… decorated amongst the crowd and sprawled across walls and buildings as we passed. The demo ended outside Salam, the food distribution area, with more drumming, shouting and dancing in the street.
News coverage from the day:

Stokes Croft Painted with swastikas
18-10-2012 12:02
Anyone walking down Stokes Croft this morning would have been met with the horrific sight of Nazi graffiti and racist ranting’s!Greece, Patras: Anarchist solidarity demonstration
16-10-2012 11:34

Slogans heard:
“Solidarity is the peoples’ weapon; war on the bosses’ war”
“The passion for freedom is stronger than all prisons!”
Weekend Washout For The Fash!
15-10-2012 11:51
Crivvens! Jings! And Help Ma Boab! The various far right grupuscules were all a wee bit busy this weekend. It’s a pity they all can’t agree with each other cos if they all joined together there would be almost 350 of them and they could take over!