UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
EDL Thugs Attack Hebden Bridge
10-06-2012 12:42
Anti fascists attacked in Hebden BridgeBrighton vs Casuals
10-06-2012 10:17
As somebody who was in Brighton on June 2nd when the Casuals materialised for their revenge trip I found the following to be a more realistic depiction of events than some of the wild exaggeration doing the rounds. It won't pay in the end to make up a load of macho bollocks - it makes the EDL look stupid and it won't do us any favours.EDL/Casuals in relationship breakdown
09-06-2012 19:38
The deepening rift between the arseholes of the EDL and the cunts of the Casuals looks set to widen after key figures on both sides line up to dish the dirt on each other as Yaxley gets billed for Marsh gas' second fuck up in BrightonWelcome to Britain: a young Afghan's experience
08-06-2012 17:47

No Bounds magazine launch party!
08-06-2012 13:34

Israel: “this country belongs to us, to the white man”
07-06-2012 19:00
Recent anti-immigrant racist extemism in Israel only serves to demonstrate that a strictly jewish state will never exist in peace.Sickened by Muslim Council of Britain's Letter to the Queen
07-06-2012 07:16

Video Highlights: Frank Barat, International Law and Palestine
07-06-2012 01:56
Highlights from the 6th June meeting at Palestine Place, a reclaimed building in central London hosting 2 weeks of events for Palestine.These highlights are taken from the Palestine and International Law talk given by Israeli-born solicitor and founder of Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights Daniel Machover and Frank Barat of the Russell Tribunal
playing redwatch at their own game
06-06-2012 10:24

Living in Sweden, Thinking of the Holocaust - CounterPunch
04-06-2012 14:56
The Sweden that Julian Assange might be sent to is not the country many believe it to be. In 2010 The Guardian had an article titled "The new Swedish xenophobia", the piece ominously warning of xenophobia's finding new strength, strongholds and legitimacy. Notably, on 25 April, a seminar at Sweden's Parliament addressed justice system prejudice against minorities and foreigners.Anti fascists attacked in Newcastle
04-06-2012 13:26
Fascist mob attacks the stuff the jubilee assemblyIsrael: Racist Country !
03-06-2012 09:54

Brighton anti fascist actions prove a valuable lesson
02-06-2012 19:35

Epic fail for the 'casuals day out' in Brighton
02-06-2012 19:27
Far-Right fail in the city by the seaDemo to support hungerstrikers in Oxford town centre
01-06-2012 19:47

The Black Power Mixtape 1967-1975 - free film at the Cowley Club
01-06-2012 07:46

Campsfield hunger strikers refused visitors
30-05-2012 22:14
13 men from Darfur region of Sudan have been on hunger strike for 6 days at Campsfield Immigration Removal Centre in Kidlington, near Oxford.Home Ofice In Glasgow Has Been Dawn Raided!
29-05-2012 08:59

The protest and lock-ons have survived 4 hours so far but cutting teams have just begun work.