UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
State of the Prison System
27-04-2005 01:32

Blair in Liverpool tonight! (Tuesday 26 April)
26-04-2005 14:03
We've just had word that Tony Blair will be in Liverpool tonight(Tuesday 26th April) at St George's Hall at 5.30pm.
FUCK THE BNP Benefit Gig
26-04-2005 13:30

Israel Shamir exposed! A fake or a plant?
26-04-2005 11:21

BBC's reply to BNP broadcast protest
24-04-2005 09:55
Just for info- this is what the Beeb sent out as a reply
to those protesting the screening of the BNP election
Open invitation to post-April 2nd meeting on Tuesday 26th April at Halkevi, Stok
24-04-2005 08:34
Following the European day of action for migrant rights a meeting has been organised by the April 2nd Organising meeting at Halkevi, Stoke Newington to discuss future campaigns and the formation of an open network of activistsAlternative votes in Liverpool
23-04-2005 20:11
Alternative votes in Liverpool might increase turnoutBeware The Neo-Nazi Infiltration Of Indymedia
20-04-2005 22:25
BNP media nuts are going undercover, using forums like Indymedia to discredit anti-racists, pretending their for free speech, when in fact, they are really regulars of "Stormponce", Redwatch, and other neo-Nazi websites.Your cover is blown, creeps.
Urgent Anti-Racism
20-04-2005 21:43
Broadcasters have a responsibility not to incite racial attacks. Please ensure they act responsibility and pull the plug on the BNP's hatred and lies.Adolf Hitler used the freedom of the press in his attempt to destroy mankind. The BBC and commercial broadcasters must be reminded to act accordingly.
Protest Against Racism
20-04-2005 15:09
Broadcasters have a responsibility not to incite racial attacks. Please ensure they act responsibility and pull the plug on the BNP's hatred and lies.Adolf Hitler used the freedom of the press in his attempt to destroy mankind. The BBC and commercial broadcasters must be reminded to act accordingly.
Sheffield reacts to the BNP's bid for power
19-04-2005 12:47

Traveller interveiws from 9th April Demo
18-04-2005 21:06

Audio report: Traveller's voices: 9th April 2005
18-04-2005 20:08

Unite Against Fascism Event...Colne, Lancs
18-04-2005 18:35
Join the Unite Against Fascism rally in Colne.BNP talking in Knowsley- protest called!
18-04-2005 15:51
There will be a meeting of the various candidates for the general election held in Knowsley, one of which being the BNP. We call everyone to come and protest the event!Accedemic Boycott of Zionists Univerisities
16-04-2005 13:46
Anti-Semitic studies