UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
From Hiroshima to Syria .....
16-10-2013 10:16
Von Hiroshima bis Syrien: Der Feind, dessen Namen wir nicht auszusprechen wagen An meiner Wand hängt das Titelblatt des Daily Express vom 5. September 1945, dazu die Worte: „Ich schreibe dies als eine Warnung an die Welt.“ Das war die Einleitung von Wilfred Burchetts Bericht über Hiroshima. Es war die Nachricht des Jahrhunderts. Für seine einsame und gefährliche Reise, die sich der US-Besatzungsbehörde widersetzte, wurde Burchett von seinen in das Militär eingebetteten Kollegen an den Pranger gestellt. Er warnte davor, dass mit einem geplanten Massenmord von gigantischen Ausmaßen eine neue Ära des Terrors begonnen hatte.Black power, anti-fascist struggle & anarchism in the US - 3 talks in Bristol
14-10-2013 10:31

Did you hear the one about the Casuals United in Bristol?
13-10-2013 20:31
Casuals United disco disappointment in Bristol - Embarassing without even getting on the dancefloor!When the captain refuses to go down with his ship: Yaxley-Lennon quits the EDL
09-10-2013 19:06

Tommy Robinson quits EDL - an Anti-Fascist response
08-10-2013 11:46

URGENT: activists to support/ spend the night with the Syrians at Calais port
03-10-2013 18:47
Call out for direct supportAfghan refugee resistance in Belgium
03-10-2013 12:47

65 Syrians protesting at the port of Calais
03-10-2013 09:45
65 Syrian exiles have blocked the foot passengers entrance at the Calais port and some of them have gone on hungerstrike. They are asking to meet a Home Office representative as they want to be allowed to seek safety in UK. They are also complaining at their inhuman treatement at the hads of the French authorities and police.EDL in Bradford- Public Meeting today at 6 in Girlington Centre
02-10-2013 15:28
We Are Bradford is organizing an open public meeting today (wed. 2/10/13) at 18.00 in the Girlington Centre discussing organizing the response to the EDL coming to Bradford on the 12th of October. The participation of as many activists as possible is welcome and necessary.Girlington Community Centre- Girlington Road, Girlington, BD8 9NN
Fascist sympathiser Anna Von Hausswolff to play Cube, Bristol
28-09-2013 17:30

Questions Plague UN Report on Syria
24-09-2013 19:57
A senior United Nations official who deals directly with Syrian affairs has told Al-Akhbar that the Syrian government had no involvement in the alleged Ghouta chemical weapons attack: "Of course not, he (President Bashar al-Assad) would be committing suicide.” When asked who he believed was responsible for the use of chemical munitions in Ghouta, the UN official, who would not permit disclosure of his identity, said: “Saudi intelligence was behind the attacks and unfortunately nobody will dare say that.” The official claims that this information was provided by rebels in Ghouta.Palestine Today 23 09 2013
23-09-2013 18:15

Rules of Engagement: Anti-Fascism After Tower Hamlets
22-09-2013 02:37

In memoriam Pavlos Fyssas
21-09-2013 21:56

This Week in Palestine Week 38 2013
20-09-2013 17:05

Stop the EDL in Sheffield tomorrow!
20-09-2013 14:14
The English Defence League are planning on marching through Sheffield on 21st September. We want to make sure that the EDL don't get to intimidate people and parade their hatred through the streets unopposed. Anti-fascists will be meeting by the First Start Building at the north end of Firth Park at 1pm.Palestine Today 19 09 2013
19-09-2013 17:47

London Banner Drop in Rememberance of Killah P
19-09-2013 15:55

No Pasaran Uncut - new anti-fascist animation
19-09-2013 08:03
Watch the new anti-fascist animation about the anti-fascist movement from Magdeburg, Germany!