UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
The Nuclear Menace: Iran? Are You Serious? Or Delirious?
08-12-2013 11:36

International demonstration - Rote Flora Hamburg
05-12-2013 17:37

9/11 in the Academic Community: How Professors Analyze 9/11 & "War on Terrorism"
02-12-2013 07:40

Through a powerful reflection on intellectual courage and the purpose of academia, the film aims at changing intellectual discourse on 9/11 and the War on Terror.
Isa Muazu, hunger striker, removed by the Home Office
29-11-2013 15:46

Don't let Isa die in detention
22-11-2013 17:23

Isa has been on hunger strike for almost three months. He is now dangerously ill. Last week a judge refused to release him from detention because the Home Office had issued him removal directions even though Isa is too sick to move from his mattress on the floor in the detention centre’s medical centre.
Home Office preparing to let hungerstriker die
20-11-2013 21:15
A man being held in Harmondsworth migration prison has been on hungerstrike for nearly 3 months. He has been deemed medically unfit to be detained but rather than release him the government are getting ready for his death.EDL and anti-fascists demonstrate in Shotton colliery 09.11.2013
10-11-2013 14:14

On the 12th of November we organize a press conference in Germany/Berlin.
07-11-2013 00:51
On this day we want to publish the results of the fire investigations which will show that the allegation Oury Jalloh set fire to himself is not sustainable.This means, that Oury Jalloh was murdered by police!
195 Mare Street, No Borders on migrant crackdown in Calais and more...
04-11-2013 10:48
Have a listen to episode 129 of Dissident Island Radio - broadcast on 1 November 2013:Neocolonial dementia, psy-warfare and media complicity
02-11-2013 12:23

2 shot dead (fasists?), 1 wounded (fasist?) outside Goilden dawn office Athens
01-11-2013 18:24
Media reports gunning with kalshnikov outside fasist Golden dawn offices in Athens. Motorbike riders shot at a group of 10, describes as fasists by some, and killd 2 hurt 1. This is stones throw from big police base in N. Iraklio, athensJoNina and Lorenzo Ervin on Dissident Island Radio
01-11-2013 14:55
Episode 128 on 18 October 2013, the night before the annual London Anarchist Bookfair, featured two seasoned activists from the USA.Drying up Ideological Wellsprings of Arab – Israeli Conflict
30-10-2013 10:07
The “wellsprings” of “perpetual wars” and “extremism” in the Middle East during most of the past twentieth century until now could easily be detected in the unholy combination of real politics and the “radical ideology” of the secular - turned - religious Zionism.Calais latests and call out for help
23-10-2013 15:18
The Eritrean squat in rue Neuve has been evicted, 70 + people newly in the street. Tents, sleeping bags, blankets are very much needed. Most of all we need activists to go to Calais and support!Anti Fascist Action for Greece
22-10-2013 13:57

Sunday 27 Octomber 2013 at 02:00 p.m
Join AAfG - discuss the rise of fascism in Greece and what actions we should take as a collective.
Meeting point: Behine Queen Anne's statue, towards the shops and roads, and away from the Cathedral steps, to ensure we are not trespassing on Cathedral property.
Anti-Fascist Football zine
22-10-2013 10:39
Call out for submissons for a new anti-fascist football zineReminder: Two demos against the UKBA in London
21-10-2013 12:58
Join us to demonstrate against immigration raids and the UKBA poster campaignAnti-Fascist sent "Go home" text by Home Office
18-10-2013 17:49
UKBA left red-faced after anti-racism campaigner and anti-fascist Suresh Grover and immigration caseworker Bobby Chan were sent text messages telling them to leave the countryRefugee Strike Berlin: Call for Solidarity
17-10-2013 21:15